Hi I am a mum from the UK 43 with ( unfortunately) multiple health condition. Also currently obese I am 380 ish lbs. I have ME//chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple MH I also suffer from BED…once I START with sugar THATS it.
I have been on this site before but lost my log in details I did find it helpful.
My main goal is to loose weight for health and to STICK to it. As I know it’s not something I can dip in/out of. THIS I am going to struggle with.
I LOVE coffee
My go i think is going to br eggs and avocado, obviously this may change.
Helps my son and OH love meat
I do like veg I believe sprouts, brocoli and cabbage are OK ish but need to double check this.
THIS is going to be a learning journey. I’ve also read a bit about anti inflammatory diet. Not sure how this fits in with keto. Again I need to look.
I will add hymalyian pink salt. I am already full of cold/flu but I am starting NOW.
I use neutracheck which is a UK site to track food, as it has a scan bar which I find helps… in time maybe I won’t need this. But for now I do.
I NEED to drink more water.
Off on my journey xxxx
Lot to learn
Glad you are back!
There are many here who have learned from their own experiences, just like yours.
Sounds like you know what you’re doing. I look forward to hearing from you along the way.
You’ve got this!
My best piece of advice is to plan ahead. Every.single.day! Make a plan of your food and be sure you are set up for success.
Wishing you the best of luck.
There is a lot you CAN learn … but you don’t have to. Start simple.
From what you’ve posted here’s my take. (Remember it’s only my view)
Sugar is very addictive so don’t start.
Go as low carb as you can (meat, eggs and water are very healthy)
Once you are low carb you can trust the bodies signals (only drink when thirsty etc)
Coffee is fine IMO (I drink it am with good effect)
I find most veg like sprouts etc inflammatory. (you may or may not)
This way of living is easy because the results are incredible.
Results happen quickly for most people. Full effects can take a lot longer.
Report back here with questions. It’s worth it. Have no doubt.
Don’t listen to most friends and most doctors. They know very little about Keto/Carni.
Enjoy this. It’s really exciting
Good luck! You need to find what works for you. Some people can’t seem to function without some vegs on keto, some are indifferent and some should stay away… It may even change with time.
Loving meat helps I loved vegs (except most of the green ones) and didn’t eat meat, it wasn’t hard or bad to do keto that way but there were some difficulties, it turned out one of them was that I ate too much plant carbs…
Still, I needed my initial style as it was the best I could do at that point. So be open to change your ways but don’t worry about the perfect style yet, just do keto and try to feel what is best! I find it important not to overcomplicate things, that isn’t mentally healthy… It may be needed for some people with special needs and sensitivities but not for most of us.
Oh and it’s a n ice goal to stick to keto if keto is for you but don’t be super down if you happen to go off here and there. Just come back quickly. For most of us, it doesn’t do much harm. Do your best but we aren’t perfect beings and our body can handle a little wrong eating. It’s not permission to go off willy-nilly, just don’t make things worse if you fall off the wagon.
Welcome and good luck to you!
My suggestion is to get your protein and fat macros. Available for free on ketokarma.com. Try to keep your carb macro around 20, if you can. This will put you in ketosis where your metabolism burns fat instead of carb. There is so much science to this, but these are the most important principles, IMO. The rest you can pick up as you go. No need to eat any “special” foods or make complex recipes. One ingredient foods are a great guideline (meat, chicken, pork, fish, organ meat (if you like it), bacon, sausage, eggs, some mayo, heavy cream, butter, cheese. You can combine these to make a meal, but the point is, they are “clean” foods in their natural state - no bad oils, chemicals, additives, etc. Bring your questions here and post frequently and as often as you like. People here want to see you succeed and are more than willing to share their experience and tips.
Best to you!
Thank you all for your comments I do appreciate them. I just know I can’t live how I am. My health condition are getting longer and my energy less. I guess it’s choose your hard kind of thing. I know I can’t have ’ any sugar’ NOW… I will just want MORE… BED has taught me that. I’ve had to cancel a trip to London, which was for my sons birthday. He’s understand, and we booked self catering glsmping about an hour away. This is mainly due to my bulging disc.
I like most meat… not to keen on venison or duck… but to be fair honestly I think I was scared of the fat in duck… to many years of ’ diet industry’ I LOVE fish, sea food ( again I do need to check it’s all ok- 1 thing I HAVE learnt from cal counting is how to read packaging… so that helped this afternoon on my trip round Sainsbury’s)
I also love cheese and eggs
I think I know more about keto than anti inflammatory… just read mushrooms aren’t good ( for some people) to begin with I am going to stick to keto and the low carb veg i know …reading I can understand we can all have a diffrent tolerance to how many carbs our body copes with my aim is to stick with under 20g. Over time this may change.
Right now I can’t give up my coffee…I bought double cream to have in it today.
Is there a place for Daily Diarys? I am sure I had one last time there was a really lovely mum on there but I can’t seem to find it. I just wondered how she was doing, and I think a daily place might help me be held accountable. I maybe don’t have enough posts yet.
I haven’t done great with food or water. I mean I’ve had 2 pork chops. 500 mls water and 300 mls black coffee. I did seem to naturally fall into a fasting peroid. Not intended just happened…I am NOT a breakfast person. Never have been. Also I used my proper coffee machine today rather than instant…not that there is ANYTHING wrong with instant…but I alway save the machine for a treat… why? It’s there I have multiple packs of beans…let’s use them. Anyway going to make another coffee…mainly because I am freezing. This is probably an indication I HAVEN’T eaten enough xxxx
Welcome back! Be kind to yourself. This is a long haul health fix. It’s gonna take a little time to figure it out. I agree with @Pjam on two counts - coffee’s ok (and quitting caffeine and sugar at the same time may be a recipe for failure, one thing at a time), and yeah, once you’re on a roll, it gets exciting!
Most people put their diary in the Accountability category. You may be right that it’s not open to you yet.
Welcome on board! I´m new here but old in keto life.
I am the same. No hunger. I need to watch that I´m getting enough calories and especially fat,I also feel the best in very low carbs, under 10, often close to zero. No sugar cravings then. Good energy, yet relaxed!
But we are all different. You will find your way,good luck!
Hi, I found that Richard and Carls podcast to be the reason I managed to understand and stick to the keto way. I thank them for being responsible for helping me and thousands of others.
Just in case you haven’t listened to the podcasts here is the link to their first episode. The podcasts may be a few years old - the information remains relevant though. I wish they were still recording today. I just re-listen to a few whenever I need help getting back on track.
This link is what Richard and Carl have provided for those just starting out.
You will find a wealth of information in those podcasts and in these forums of course!
My quick summary is that it is essential to stay clear of processed carbohydrates (breads, pastas, anything grain based) and minimise the number of times you eat per day. Maximum 3 times. Eating more fat at the start will help keep the hunger at bay. Also be aware that eating too much protein will result in your body converting it to glucose. It’s not a high protein diet. Nor is it a high fat diet once your body is fat adapted, plenty of good vegetables - above ground brassica’s especially, as a general rule stay clear of root vegetables. It may take some will power at the start. But once your body is burning ketones, hardly any willpower is needed. It’s more about your body getting healthy and the hormones balanced and then weight loss is a result of that. No hard exercise routines until your body is healthy enough to do it. Even then most people find that their success comes down to being 80% related to diet and just 20% exercise. When it is time to start exercise - resistance training is key.
Not a very short summary, sorry. You are definitely in the right place. Good luck.
Morning @Julesforhealth, I’m newish too and agree, listen to the podcasts, they explain the science very well. I’m just on episode 70 or so now but find them great motivation.
I too was looking at the anti-inflammatory diet and a lot of it does align with keto choices but not all of it. Will be back later with the info I have on it, well done for getting started.
Daily diary type of posts are in Accountability and it’s good to follow a few for motivation and help each other along.
I’m back, so book I read was The Inflammation Spectrum by Dr Will Cole. He has a list of 8 food groups that cause inflammation. Four that most should avoid and four more if you have super inflammation.
First four
All grains, aligns perfectly with keto
Dairy, doesn’t suit me to ditch and my main source of fat
All sugars,same as keto
Inflammatory oils,same as keto
Second four
Legumes, same as keto and I have to remember that peanuts are legumes
Nuts and seeds,doesn’t suit me to give up
Eggs, again a main part of my diet so staying in
Nightshades, so potatoes, tomatoes,chillis, pepper. No potatoes on keto and I limit the others so still in.
He goes through the different foods and different body systems they affect, hope this helps.
I wish the best on your health journey.
Have no idea to help people lose weight, Keto is a good step worked wonders for me we are all so different. I use exercise and fasting (14hrs) during Chemo weight lose was on the cards losing muscle memory (just my opinion) keeping strength on a diet helped me tremendously. All the best moving forward.
Lots of great keto advice. If you’re particularly concerned about antiinflammatory diet, i can recommend the autoimmune paleo protocol (AIP) as a starting point for an elimination diet. It has tiers of strictness for gradually reintroducing foods. It sounds pretty much identical to what @Tipperary has mentioned above, and if you search AIP keto or autoimmune protocol keto recipes then you should find good resources.
Carnivore can be considered the ulimate elimination diet, if you are only eating meat. (Eggs and dairy and coffee are not AIP). I would only recommend it over AIP if you have real problems with autoimmune disorders though. Most people get a lot of mileage out of keto, and one way to dip your toes into an antinflammatory protocol would be to one by one cut out each group of inflammatory food types, either by desire to keep them or by severity.
As an example, in order of severity, i would one by one cut out the following groups until your inflammatory or autoimmune symptoms (i.e. your ME symptoms) improve: alcohol, grains, sugars, nightshades, eggs, legumes (including coffee), seed oils, nuts and seeds, dairy.
Here is a chart of the reintroductions from the autoimmune paleo website https://www.thepaleomom.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Re-introducing-foods-on-the-autoimmune-protocol-03.jpg
An elimination diet is a lot to think about though, so even just a paleo ketogenic diet (cut out grains, refined sugars, seed oils and processed foods) should have great results for you. But if you’re still struggling with ME symptoms a lot despite weight loss, something to consider.
Low carb/ lazy keto for around a year…
No more achy feet and hands. I don’t have to hobble to the loo in the morning!
Love coffee… well funny story… OH has sort of joined me on the journey - just not as strict. He doesn’t like full cream milk so silly me thought he wouldn’t like anything creamy. So I thought I would try him on almond milk. He thought that was ok, I thought great but I don’t like it so found I love cream. He, of course, tries it eventually and now I have to almost hide a little for myself!
OH was also a 3 meals a day with snacks now down to 2 meals. So you don’t have to be too strict.
Hope you are going well… hang in there. You only have to “white knuckle” it for a short while and it will become easier. Planning and only having the best things in the house is the way to go (hopefully the others in your house can do that with you at least while you get started).
Glad you found us, welcome!
I especially like your advice to only have the right food in your house.
My husband and I shop and eat separately. His “food” takes up 90 % of our fridge and cabinets… but it’s all junk. Mine is in one fridge drawer.
Thankfully, I’m not tempted.
Meanwhile our fridge is at least half full with meat and dairy since I first tried carnivore The tiny freezer contains almost no plant matter all years long, we just don’t have space for that since we eat meat again.
But my SO is a very health-conscious high-carber, he only buys simple, okay for him ingredients. Those are usually not in the fridge. No space, sorry We do 1-2 big shoppings per month and we like to keep a lot of various things at hand anyway and that is a strain on the otherwise not small fridge, I have learned to pack really well.
I can’t even imagine seeing weird stuff at home. We just have carbs. Like grains, legumes, fruit, vegs… We make our own treats.
One may desensitize after a while but some items are worse than others. I still have my big weaknesses after very many years (I usually can avoid having them here). But rice isn’t exotic and tempting to me since ages. (I never really liked rice - or bread unless super crunchy and tasty - but after a few years on low-carb, even such simple common cheap items got some special charm. Especially my ever evolving bread.)
I found this relatively easy to do with keto. I do our grocery shopping so I just stopped buying sweets, potato chips, other chips and crackers. This gave me a very good health result, and brought my blood pressure down to high school levels. However, I still used some processed deserts, and noted my blood pressure would be higher the next morning. So, I have basically cut those out too, except for the very occasional pie. Now, my usual desert after dinner is a whole fruit of some kind - or nothing. Last week my BP at my blood donation was 98/72!! I am actually gaining a bit of weight as I am trying to gain muscle, but I am still down almost 40 pounds from my highest. The reason sugar is in virtually all processed foods is because it gives us a dopamine hit, which addicts us to it, and makes us want more. Literally, the best way to get off that dopamine rollercoaster is to quit sugar. I just don’t buy it. However, don’t deprive yourself of food. That will eventually backfire, as your body will try to stop the weight loss by producing reverse thyroid, which will slow your metabolism. This is why the calorie reduction diets fail. I literally tried NOT to cut my calories, although I don’t count them. Anymore, I don’t really count carbs either. Personally, I like some sweet things. Today I am going to have a fat bomb I made with cocoa powder, pb powder, coconut oil, soaked chia seeds, erythritol/monk fruit sweetener and about 3 gr of GABA powder per serving. It is a lot like chocolate fudge. A desert I enjoy is chocolate covered strawberries, we sweeten with a little erythritol/monk fruit sweetener. I also use a good bit of stevia… and generally have some every day. I make a lemonade I often drink for breakfast which I sweeten with stevia. Eat a lot of protein, and whatever fat it comes with, and that will curb your appetite, while allowing fat burning and weight loss.
I don’t like black coffee, so don’t drink it. Right now on MWF I am doing IMF of OMAD, but the other days I have a big breakfast of goat yogurt from Trader Joe’s I sweeten with erythritol/monk fruit sweetener and xylitol to which I add some organic berries. I usually also have a red grapefruit. I am having about 3 eggs with either sun dried tomatoes or about 3 pieces of uncured bacon. Then at lunch I have a protein smoothie with hemp milk, an avocado, about 50 gr of protein, etc. Today, for dinner I am going to have pan roasted wild salmon with lemon juice and capers. Those cruciferous vegetables you mentioned are fine on keto, and I always have one or a salad of some kind with my own MCT/balsamic vinegar dressing. MCTs have been shown to stimulate fat burning because the body turns them into ketones. Another vegetable I often have on keto is asparagus. I usually cook my vegetables with grass fed butter and season with Herbamare salt. This is all after I have my cocoa fat bomb and a protein smoothie… I won’t go to bed hungry tonight!!! Once I did count up the calories for my fat bomb, and my one serving was about 1000 calories. So, I don’t try to cut calories at all. If I want to lose fat, I will cut out the red grapefruit tomorrow morning. I have found when I do this over the winter, and then walk a lot come spring/April, the fat just melts off me, so I don’t worry about fat loss too much anymore. My main goal is to improve all health markers while enjoying my food! I can still get a dopamine hit with a piece of whole fruit or something like my fat bomb… Anyway, don’t feel like losing weight has to be “hard.” I found it surprisingly easy, and enjoy myself … my eating while doing it. That is my secret. (And you can’t have it!!!.. or can you?)