Lost 54 pounds and only one dress size?!

(Ashley) #81

Also no worries on the debit card issue! I appreciate everything!

(Mame) #82

lol, my dogs ‘hand’ me things but they want me to throw it not pocket it.
border collies -enough said.

(Ashley) #83

Border collie springer spaniel mix here! I know how the throwing goes! I should add we thought he was blue heeler but mix but the vet thinks he’s border collie springer spaniel

(Justin Jordan) #84

I’m a dude, so it’s different, but…

I’ve lost a hundredish pounds from my peak. So 320 to 220. I’m a little over six feet tall, for some context.

I DO look different, although not super radically, but my clothes sizes haven’t really changed a whole lot, which is mostly down to how I carry weight. I’ve got very big shoulders (the muscle and bone bits) and a big rib cage. So my shirt size hasn’t really changed, because the shoulders were always what determined that, and they haven’t got any smaller.

My pants size hasn’t really changed because I wear my pants fairly low, and my weight is carried higher. And to contribute to all that, I gain weight fairly all over - my chest and legs and waist all get bigger or smaller at more or less the same weight.

So the net effect is not as much clothes size as you;d expect. There’s also that, I think, there are kind of weight loss tipping points. I essentially looked identical at 320 and 270. No one ever noticed if I gained or lost weight in that range. There’s a bigger difference between 270 and 220, and people do comment. If I dropped to 170 (unlikely, given my frame and decades of lifting) it would be a vastly bigger change than any of the previous 50 pound increments.

(Karim Wassef) #85

I hear you. I went from 255 and 225 and no one said anything… then 225 to 195 was a big deal… then 195 to 165 was not as big again.

Neck size DID change and that made my shirts so much more comfortable.

I have been building to 185 now but muscle. I used to lift so my body was very willing to regain. I think carrying the weight for so long gave my body the ability to rebuild faster - like newbie gains. The interesting result is that my clothes that fit at 165 still fit at 185… same belt size 32 (down from 46).

So the composition really matters since muscle is ~15% heavier and denser than fat. I would like to be back in the 200s just with a different composition and less diseased body.

(Ashley) #86

I went from 255 to 220 which wasn’t much said to me. 220 to 210 people started to notice and said to me. 210 to 195 and people are all noticing now. It’s like all of a sudden they noticed I lost a lot of weight in the last few weeks! Lol and I have been like where ya been? My clothes are just starting to change. My shirts have been getting bigger but it’s way more noticeable now. My pants I lost one size then stopped and have now lost like 6inches off my waist seemed like it just all of a sudden happened. So luckily I wear a lot of sweats and track pants for work so I haven’t had to buy clothes just yet! But im really pushing it.


How tall are you? Good job on the loss!!

I’ve been patiently waiting for a whoosh to get me into the 180’s but it hasn’t happened yet. In fact, I just gained 6 lbs back due to binging after a fast. Sigh.

(Ashley) #88

I am 5’2 I was stuck at 195 due to indulging a few times for birthdays of mine and my dads! I’m back on track now and losing 1lb every few days. I mostly eat meat! I cut out dairy, and most veggies. Been a bit stricter with my diet and it’s working. I mostly eat eggs, bacon, ground beef!


I’m 5’4”, stuck in the 190’s. I’m going to try alternate day fasting instead of weekly. Supposed to be good benefits to that. I also won’t have to worry so much about electrolytes that way. I suck at supplementing (hate salt!), so I had several dizzy spells during the week, which was not fun.

I wish I could cut out dairy because I’ve suspected for years that it wasn’t doing me any favors, but as a vegetarian most of my protein comes from dairy. Besides, I don’t think I could actually give up cheese :scream: I get some protein from eggs but I’m so sick of eggs. So sick of them that I gave away my 7 chickens. The eggs were just piling up!

Anyway, sounds like you’re leaning towards zero carb?

(Ashley) #90

Yeah sort of. I over indulge on cheese. And I am one of them people who total carbs work better than net carbs. The lower I keep carbs the better I’m doing. I’m basically transitioning to carnivore!

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #91

Have you seen this recipe: KetoAide

It can help with electrolytes without seeming too salty (at least in my view). I use 32oz of water, so it dilutes it a bit more. Maybe consider supplementing with a protein powder that is low-carb, if you are having trouble getting your protein in? BTW, what is your target for protein? I’m 5’2" and I am for between 45-55g of protein a day.

(Ashley) #92

I’m 5’2 and I probably eat way more protein lol (I don’t track it since I’m mostly meat) but it’s been working for me!

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #93

In my case I don’t want to lose weight, but need to keep my glucose low and ketones high for other reasons. I’ve found that keeping my protein in that range works for me. Everyone is different, so find what works for you!


I might have to switch to total carbs. I think the broccoli is sneaking in more than I realize.


I’ve seen it…and cringed. I can’t imagine drinking salty water. The best I can manage is to sprinkle like 1/8 tsp on my hand, lick it up, gag, and wash it down with water. I might do that twice a day, at best. I’m using the Lite salt that has potassium and I already take a mag supplement, so there’s that at least.

I do have a low carb protein powder. I keep forgetting I have it. I’m trying for about 60g of protein. I never, well hardly ever, get enough.

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #96

It’s actually not that bad, considering the ¼ teaspoon of salt is mixed with 24-32oz of water. It’s best to mix it and then let it sit for 10 minutes or so to fully dissolve


Bleecccchhhh, LOL

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #98

Give it a try. I’ve found the magnesium citrate makes it not seem salty at all. I like the lemon-lime flavor. Just use like ½ a teaspoon of it. You don’t want to use too much (the liquid stuff will cleanse your bowel of you drink too much)

(Karim Wassef) #99

Most weight lost or gained is just water and food… the scale is meaningless. Here’s mine over the last few months of extended and cyclic fasting:

Gained 11lb in one day and lost 10lb another day… meaningless

Here’s my DEXA and RMR that actually has some useful info:


I’ve got a bottle of magnesium malate capsules. I take it separately at night, so no lemon-lime for me.