Long time keto, thinking about ZC for IBS


I have IBS and have eaten keto for years but still have some gut issues. They are much better than they’ve ever been but I still have more than enough days of bloating, gas and pain. When my symptoms are at their worst I naturally eat zero carb to get back to a clean slate but then add back in veggies and the cycle seems to repeat itself.

I had a really bad flare last year and things have been in control for a few months. Most of my non zero carb foods are fermented dairy but I also regularly eat avocados, lettuce, salsa, pizza sauce (meatza) and cauliflower when I’m ok with just being bloated. I thought avocados were ok for me but last night I finally correlated them to bloating. It was severe last night and probably the only likely trigger. I’ve debated full ZC/carnivore for a while but just very hesitant to pull the trigger. The usual-I’ll miss xyz food, cravings, etc.

Is there anyone here with GI issues that found ZC to be the ultimate solution? Does anyone else react to avocados? Do you think a 30-90 day trial would be worth a try? It’s amazing after years of keto that ZC still gives me so many reservations even though I gravitate to it and recently have been eating beef and eggs on repeat without issue. Tips, suggestions, all is welcome. I probably shouldn’t be living on daily peppermint and charcoal to feel normalish.

(mole person) #2

I’m in the same boat as you. I’m so much better since keto but not 100% and I keep toying with trying zero carb. I do love my avocados though. Do you drink any alcohol? I think this is affecting me also, I may try dropping my frequent glass of wine with dinner first.

(Robert C) #3

Have you thought of fasting?

Includes the quote “Among the many alternative therapies prevalent for IBS, fasting has been known to be one of the most effective therapies.”

If you Google “ibs and fasting” there seem to be a lot of positive hits.

Intermittent fasting may help but may just be as effective as Carnivore.

One-time full water fast for 5+ days might be the hammer you are looking for?

My reason for pointing this out (I do not have IBS) is that when I do fasts of 5 days or longer, there is no doubt in my mind that my gut undergoes a major change (reset?).

(Shayne) #4

I don’t have a diagnosed IBS, but I have noticed more consistency by going ZC. It’s only been a couple weeks but I was experiencing both ends of the poop chart in the same day and now it’s the same kind every time somewhere in the middle.

(Sondra Rose) #5

I am FODMAPS-intolerant and eat a “Dirty Carnivore” version of keto, with plants as condiments. No IBS symptoms, once I figured out about my intolerance.

Avocadoes are the worst for me, in terms of FODMAPS. I do fine with small amounts of salsa, pickles and spices.


The entire reason I decided to try ZC was because i had a rather nasty (insert your own vile memories of stomach upsets here) tummy bug. Which recurred 3 x in a month and left me reeling.

That was throughout December.
By 26th December I had worked out that ANY veg was passing through ‘unprocessed’and that meat was digesting perfectly.

No brainer, really. ZC it was.

6 months later, I can now digest starchy veg, dairy, choc and (bizarrely) nuts. But non starchy veg, salad and fruit either causes cramps, constipation or the runs. Or a fun combo.

So I stay about 98% ZC and feel good on it.

Helpful suggestions on here led me to try digestive enzymes to deal with the increased protein intake, and that is helping tremendously, too.


I don’t drink anymore but I have in the past and it definitely wasn’t good for my gut at all


I do daily 23 hr fasts and a 40 hour fast weekly. I’ve done longer fasts which are ok for my gut but not the rest of me - super active and my body burns out really fast in terms of performance and I get pretty bad water retention when feeding so I try to avoid long fasts.


I’ve been thinking of trying this approach. I was actually going to do animal foods and avocados until last night. For some reason I never thought to check if avocados have FODMAPs and they have polyols similar to my other sensitivities so it makes sense why they affected me but things like lettuce and salsa seem fine which is why I’m hesitant to just cut it all out.

(Sondra Rose) #10

Yeah, one of my fave foods is a taco bowl with grass fed ground beef cooked in lard, sour cream and salsa.

(Elizabeth ) #11

Remember when you fast from a normal diet of course it’s going to help your gut, but if you’re already eating a zero carb carnivore diet fasting is irrelevant and not necessary. http://www.zerocarbhealth.com/index.php/2016/06/11/fasting-and-zero-carb/

(Genevieve Biggs) #12

Do it!! I also react to avocados and felt much better once cutting them out on zero carb

ZC 17 months

Edit to add: I have celiac and IBS.


I have colitis so I’m eating keto without any dairy. I also can’t eat avocados… which sucks.

(Susan) #14

Hi Turbeville, I definitely have a bad reaction to eating avocados, which have an
emetic effect on me :nauseated_face: That’s without suffering from IBS. I’ve also been
allergic to Kiwi fruit since 1992 when pregnant with my son!

Although I’m fairly new to the Keto WOE (this is my 6th week), I have been reading a lot
of stuff over the weekend and watching YT videos regarding zero carb/carnivorous diet, and
am thinking of trying it for a few weeks to see how I get on. If nothing else, it saves having to count
carbs for a while!

One thing I have noticed since giving up wheat-based carbs and also eating less dairy (which I have also become sensitive to), is my hay fever symptoms have almost disappeared this summer. I normally suffer terribly all year round, but I didn’t think to link it to diet. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but my daughter who follows a ‘normal’ diet is having a bad time of it.

So maybe give zero-carbs a try for a month or so and see how you get on.


I really need to just try it. I’m a very out of sight out of mind person so I assume I’ll be just fine without the non ZC foods I’m eating now and there’s hope for feeling better!


It’s really amazing the benefits you notice when you weren’t even expecting them. My allergies and asthma are so much better eating this way and I wish the GI issues would finally be resolved. I’m going to give it 60 days and see how I feel. Thanks!

(Elizabeth ) #17

A month or two…:grin:

(Omar) #18

This exactly where I am

I searched the forum for IBS + carnivore and that is how I found this thread.

I react to avocado and to all vigitables. I was not so sensitive to vigitables before keto however my IBS improved with keto only the sensitivity towards vigitables increased.

Not sure where to go from here that is why I am searching.

(Nathan Toben) #19

I’m experiencing extreme bloating and cravings so much so that’s i am considering a food sensitivity test and beginning to peruse the ZC/Carnivore sub. Just want to feel settled and satiated. I’m fed up.

(Running from stupidity) #20

Or not :slight_smile: