Liver cirrhosis reversed

(Jeanette Villanueva) #41

That’s awesome! It takes time but if you stay Keto it will reverse. Have fun on your journey!

(Donna) #42

LdyJnet, Thank you so much for your testimonial on turning your autoimmune Hepatitis around. Keep up the great work! I have also been diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis, and have been a little scared as i have refused the drugs that the Gastroenterologist wanted to put me on. I also refused the biopsy, did it hurt? I was afraid of permanent damage and long-lasting pain.
I just joined yesterday, and so am back on Keto as of today… yaaiii i made it! Your story is so inspirational, I will be sticking with keto, knowing it will turn things around for me. Thank you so much! :smile:

(Jeanette Villanueva) #43

Nomedsforme, biopsies should not hurt. My first one I didnt have any pain at all. Tired from the anesthesia of course. However like any medical procedure there are risks. Talk to your doctor and make sure they answer all your questions. I did have some issues with the second one but was pain free after two weeks. Wish it hadnt hurt but I have clinical proof that Keto heals! I get labs monthly and everything is so much better. I will do it again in a year and I so hope all the cirrhosis is gone by then. Message me anytime!




(Donna) #45

Hi Jeanette :slight_smile: I was wondering if you would mind answering a few questions for me. I want to make sure that i am doing keto correctly to stop the inflammation and autoimmune hepatitis. I thank you profusely from the bottom of my heart, with the hopes that if i do exactly as you have done that i too will see this disease end or go into remission. xo

1.) How extreme are you doing Keto are you most always in ketosis? what do you use if anything to measure ketosis?
2.) What might you have for breakfast?
3.) Approximately how many grams of fat per day/per meal and what kinds.?
4.) What kinds of protien are you eating mostly and how many grams or ounces?
5.) How much liquid do you drink per day and what would they be?
6.) Are you taking any supplements, vitamins, herbs etc.?
7.) What kinds of veggies do you eat? I think you mentioned 20grms of carbs per day?
8.) Are you eating grocery store veggies and meats, or organic / grass fed

Thank you, and i apologize if i am asking too much, i will understand.
Best wishes, you are in my prayers, keep up the good work!
Donna / NoMedsForMe

(Jeanette Villanueva) #46

Hi Donna. I am no expert by any means. But here is what I did:

  1. I listened to 2ketodudes podcast where I learned a lot and was so encouragesd
  2. I went cold turkey - no grains or sugars
  3. Started reading labels
  4. Breakfast is normally BPC to help me get my fat in
  5. I’ve done OMAD probably 90% of the time. Usually a late lunch and varied some examples
  • grilled chicken w large salad and always tried to add avocados
  • steak, sauteed mushrooms, avocados
  • shredded pork, zuchinni risotto, salad
  • just what ever i felt like cooking
    -I’ve also been roaming finding new recipes that I could adapt.
  1. I Started buying water and always had some on hand
  2. Yes I take supplements - magnesium and potassium and i drink pickle juice. (I’m under a doctor’s care and had labs regularly so he suggested how much to take)

I would suggest you look for another doctor, one who will work with you and do all the tests that you need to monitor your health.
That’s a lot, I hope this helps. This is My lifestyle now, I will always be keto!

(Donna) #47

LdyJnet Jeanette Villanueva

Thank you so very much, for your your detailed information. It has assured me that i am on the right track as i am implementing all except OMAD which i will read up on.
I also take a tbls of Apple cider Vinegar in a 16oz glass of purified water every day. At some point, i may implement OMAD as well.

Re. BPC, how many tbls of fat do you put in your coffee, (Coconut, MCT/XCT, Brain Octane, heavy cream) might you use? and how many coffees do you have per day?

I use to start every day with Bullet Proof Coffee, but find it to be nauseatingly rich on some days, and then i will replace it with Warmed up Bone broth w 2 tbls of XCT/MCT oil in a blender.

My Coffee usually would have 1 tbls of xct/mct oil, 1 tbls of Brain Octane, 1 tbls of heavy cream… with stevia, perhaps it is the heavy cream that puts it over the top and makes it tast a little too rich.

Do you buy regular groceries or only Organic and grass fed?

I am asking because i have been reading a book called ‘The autoimmune Solution’ by Amy Myers and many who have followed her protocol have healed their Autoimmune conditions but Dr. Amy Myers insists on Organic and grass fed/free range.
And though i am impressed w her Autoimmune protocol, at this point i find it very difficult to impossible to do.

I am actually hoping you are achieving these results with grocery store items, as organic and grass fed all the time does get expensive.

I have been researching Keto and Autoimmune Hepatitis/Liver disease for 5 months and have not been able to find any information that it would be beneficial.
In fact most info. was negative, but, i believed most of that info. to be outdated and too traditional in its thinking.
That is why I am so excited to hear of your wonderful progress because i know i can do Keto, and if it can also reduce inflammation as well as AI Hepatitis, that would be wonderful.

Do you have any other autoimmune conditions? I also have Sjogren’s disease and Lupus and in the last 5 months or so, seem to have also come down with pancreatitis.
The Autoimmune Solution, says it can reverse most AI conditions, but i am hoping that Keto might do that for me and give me the great results you are having.

Again, thank you very much for your encouraging information and for addressing my lengthy questions.

Your testimony may be the one thing that will help so many of us with autoimmune conditions get back into great health! I will ask my GP if she can help me find a Heptologist or GI doctor that can help me even if i refuse treatment in order to follow my progress with blood work and other tests…

(Jeanette Villanueva) #48

Please keep in mind this is what works for me - we are all different and some people do things differently. I naturally just like eating once a day - thus the OMAD - :rofl: I go to Walmart to buy my groceries so i’m sure you can too :smile: I don’t buy “organic”. Except I do go to either Trader Joes or Sproutz to get my avocados - mainly beause they almost always have them and they are good to eat. I eat at least 4-5 a week. For my BPC i put butter and coconut oil - usually 2 tbs each. It helps me get my fat in. OH and I do take supplements - keep that in mind.

I see a GI doctor. He is a specialist with the Liver and really good. I wish you luck in finding a great doctor who believes in alternative methods. Interview them, ask them questions - remember he is working for you! All my doctors “talk” to me and each other. Especially with my liver i am still being very cautious and taking anything that might effect it adversely.

Unfortunately I do have other autoimmune issues - one very rare, others more common. ALL symptoms are gone. I have no inflammation any more. IN fact a knee that was injured while skiing many many years ago used to cause alot of pain when it would rain. And now it doesn’t even hurt any more when it rains. Weird but awesome.

But the most important fact - I have a life now, I enjoy going places, I can walk all day and not be in severe pain, I can RUN with my granddaughter (she is 19 months old) and keep up with her energy. I can make plans and keep them, for years i couldn’t. AMAZING!!! I can work the extra hours during tax season and not be a zombie! basically I CAN … do pretty much anything. LOVE my KETO LIFE!!!


With regard to organic. I am not advocating one way or the other but if you want to try organic I would be selective. There are some things that I always buy organic (sweet potatoes for my kids, I do not eat them) and there are others that I do not bother. Most things with a skin I buy conventional and wash the skin before peeling. I believe onions and garlic are naturally pest resistant so I do not buy organic. There is something called the dirty dozen and the clean 15 I think. It is put out yearly by the Center for Science in the public interest (note they are not in favor of keto so that is my only use of their site). They list the most and least contaminated by pesticide vegetables

(Donna) #50

Wow! :slight_smile: thank you Jeanette! You may not realize how impt. your story is! I am so happy to hear your good news and how well you are doing! I am 65 and i have always looked and felt 15 yrs. younger than people in my age group, but a few years ago, I was taking care of an elderly gentleman and his wife, and he died but did so by hitting the carpet and ripping his lip as he fell.
His wife was very upset at looking at the blood every day, so i said i would clean it up for her.

I did not know that blood was dangerous, and though i cleaned it up, i had done so with a few small cuts on my hands from trimming my cedar hedges, and within a week i thought i was dying! My body pain was 20 out of 10, and i had become so crippled that i could not use my arms or hands and it was beginning to attack my spine and i could feel it moving to my legs. I was terrified so i asked a family member to come and stay with me for a few days until i could see a doctor as i could not even pick up a brush to fix my hair, let alone a coffee mug. I was terrified.

My Gp put me on a very strong steroid that shut down my immune system, and that totally stopped all the pain within hours of taking the first pill and function returned to my bones and joints. But because it was a dangerous drug to take long term, she only gave me a prescription for 5 days, 2 of which i was to wean off the drug at half a dose. I was terrified that the terrible bone-crushing pain would return after the 5 days… strangely enough and thankfully it did not. The Rheumatologist said that the drug does not usually stop an attack and that i was one ‘lucky’ girl!

All this to say that until this had happened to me, I was very healthy and strong. My Gp did not think the blood that i had cleaned up had anything to do with my condition.

Though 85% of the pain was gone, she was continuing to do blood work looking for what was going on. After over a year and about 50 blood tests and Ct scans and Mri, I went to see a Gastroenterologist and she was the one who said i had Autoimmune Hep. Sojgrens, and lupus.
Since the beginning of these conditions, a few years ago, i have aged significantly, do not have the stamina i used to have and am behaving like an ‘old’ person.
I am even getting extremely forgetful, which is very disconcerting, making me worry that i might be coming down with Altzhimers as well.
But everything i have read says that liver disease releases a lot of ammonia in the brain and this can cause forgetfulness.

I surely hope that if i continue with Keto (on my 3rd day no slip-ups) already in ketosis! :smiley: that my mind will start working better again as well. You are right I may have to try to find a doctor that believes in alternative medicine as well. Thank you, I will be sharing your amazing story! May you continue to heal until you are back to great health!! :smiley: xo

(Donna) #51

Hey Saphire, you are right! I also believe in the dirty dozen and the clean 15! And i usually spread the news esp. about the dirty dozen! I am about 85% organic and was feeling guilty that i have not achieved 100%, but after reading LdyJnet’s posts, I will not feel guilty and will just continue to eat well on Keto and do my best in food choices as my budget will allow.

One of the reasons, I started to go Organic and free-range, is because of my research into curing all autoimmune disease, by cleaning up the diet of pesticides and GMO’s that alternative doctors seem to feel may be the cause of the epidemic of autoimmune disease.

Their consensus is that if you can get rid of all the foods that are gmo’d and pesticide-laden that the body will then be able to heal itself as it gives the body a break from having to continue to deal with a body that is on overload and put it into a state where healing comes naturally.
Thanks for reminding me :slight_smile: I got most of that info from the online autimmune summits, called ‘Betrayal’ and ‘Autoimmune secrets’ and Amy Myers book, ‘The autoimmune solution’
Yaaiiii for keto, I will get healthy and i will loose my winter weight!! :smiley:

(Candy Lind) #52

I hope your first week has been easy on you! Please ask questions if you can’t find the answers you need in the Newbie section or by using the search engine. You’ve landed in the best place to learn “how to keto” - it’s always an exercise in self-experimentation (we call it finding your own N=1), but at the same time the experiences of others can be a great guide.

(Candy Lind) #53

I love it when I come across a new thread with such a great message! Congratulations on finding keto in time to heal! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :muscle:

(Jeanette Villanueva) #54

Donna, just curious did you find a doctor that will work with you? I so hope so.

(Donna) #55

LdyJnet, Jeanette Villanueva

Hi Jeanette, No I have not found a Doctor that can work with me to help to heal this AutoImmune Hepatitis condition.
I have been feeling fairly overwhelmed with what to do, as I am reading all the time doing research to heal my liver condition.

I did strict ‘keto’ for 6 wks, thinking it will help my liver and that I might lose some weight in the process as I have 28 pounds or so to lose and do not want to get diabetes. But I did not lose one pound and I seemed to have more body pain. All i have been eating is a lot of good fats, moderate protein, and a cup of broccoli, or 2 cups of spinach/kale, 4 brussel sprouts, or asparagus daily or at each meal.

In my research, I read that if the Liver is too impaired, I may not be able to lose any body fat until i heal my liver more, so though I am still doing keto, and urine sticks show ‘ketosis’ I am mostly focused on healing my liver.

I am doing LiverDTX2 right now, and am taking Ultra thistle, and have purchased some high-quality oils from ActivationProducts Canada including their ‘Oceans Alive’.

And recently I purchased Tudca, as it has been healing those with liver disease and putting them into remission or healing them completely.

Problem is the ‘Tudca’ I ordered from Olympus Labs does not seem to actually be ‘Tudca’ so I am hoping to return this product and get my $100. back.

Have you heard of TUDCA? Do you know of a reputable brand that has stats to back it up?

I will get my blood work done tomorrow, and at least have a ‘before’ and hopefully a positive 'after snapshot of my liver condition after continuing to do ‘Keto’ and these supplements and hopefully the miracle supplement Tudca to turn my prognosis of 3 to 5 yrs. to live, to having normal enzyme readings on my liver.

Thanks for thinking of me… I have been feeling very alone with this disease lately.
Donna slight_smile:

(Jeanette Villanueva) #56

Donna, feel free to reach out to me anytime.

I can’t remember why but I was told not to use milk thistle.

As for Keto it does heal the liver but it takes time. I was on Keto a year before we did the second biopsy. I also lost weight very slowly. Like only 1/2 - 1 pound most weeks. Sometimes 2 but rarely. And my doctor was hapoy with that. Of course i wasnt, but it was about healing my body not necessarily loosing the weight. Although that was secondary.

I haven’t lost anything for months but the energy level and clarity make up for that. I still hope to lose more weight and continue to heal my liver. I want ZERO cirrhosis.

Keep strong and Keto on!

(Donna) #57

Hi Jeanette, I will do some research and look into why milk thistle might not be a good idea. It does seem to take away the pain in my liver. Yes at this point it is all about healing my liver and if keto has me lose a few pounds even better. I understand those with liver disease are more prone to diabetes that is why I felt it was very impt. to lose the extra weight, but liver and health first and hopefully the rest will follow! How does your body handle fats, even good ones? I do get some pain and indigestion eating good fats at times like I am unable to digest it. I will be ordering ox bile this week to help with the digestion of fats as many have claimed. And who knows maybe I will even lose weight too!
I wish you the best of luck in healing your cirrhosis, many have healed before us using natural protocols and diet, so your chances are good even if slow, but it is very scary to get a prognosis of liver disease and a 5 to 8 yr. mortality window. My window is now 3 to 5 yrs… so something has to work, I have too much living to do and way too much to learn before I head for the other side!
Wishing you the very best. Lets stay in touch, I love hearing from you. :smile:


Congratulations @LdyJnet - this is powerful confirmation that the body has the capacity to heal and recompose so much.

And we can all take heart that there is much going on under the skin, regardless of the scale, clocks, calendars, etc.

Here’s to Low Carb Lifesaving!!!

(Jeanette Villanueva) #59

Thank you! Makes it all worth sharing when I get such positive responses.


Hi Jeanette. I am looking for a Dr. Would you mind sharing him? I dont know if you are near but Im in Florida. Having a tough time finding a Doc.
