Liver cirrhosis reversed

(Jeanette Villanueva) #21

Thank you. I thank God every day for my doctor leading me down this path. to be honest I haven’t worked out one day yet. I had an ankle injury, but starting monday so i can tone, i finally have a real life that i can enjoy,

(Jeanette Villanueva) #22

Fatty liver is the start. But our WOE can reverse it!


(Rob) #24

Your story has certainly moved my mother towards thinking of a harder push at a Keto WoE. I’ve already made her carb conscious. This has led to progress on cutting back on a few things she would eat more of but also to guilt when she eats things she thinks I would judge her on.

Mum had cancer surgery last year which was almost denied due to her liver condition. Until we requested a second opinion on viability was it determined that her function was sufficient to allow a major surgery.

A couple more questions (if you don’t mind).

  1. Did you keep strict keto (20g net) or ZC or more carbs to get to where you are?
  2. How does your cirrhosis stage get assessed - blood test/liver enzymes etc., ultrasound, other scan, etc. - so we can make sure her hepatologist can order the right tests and review her past records. She has an appointment next month and we want to set a pre-keto baseline and also see if we can review progress from her prior tests though there are so many variables that have changed in the last year or 2 (40lb weight loss, lower immunosuppressant dosage, surgery recovery, more active, etc.) I’m not sure what conclusions we’ll be able to draw.

Thanks again.

(Rob) #25

Thanks for this but it seems to be obsessed with varices and ascites. I’ve always considered it in terms of scarring % and liver enzyme scores.
Mum’s liver seemed to be failing without her hepatologist once raising either of these complications (though she had many of the other symptoms described).


May not have chosen the best article @Capnbob, but wanted to point out that stages of cancer are different than stages of cirrhosis. Wish your mom all the best, it’s great you are trying to help her do what she can to combat this!

(Rob) #27

No need to apologize. I learned from that article and was happy that internal bleeding and fluid sacs were not part of my mum’s problems :grin:

I don’t know what the right article is either…

(Jeanette Villanueva) #28

I stay at 20 or less. :grin:

Test results were a beginning biopsy and various scans. Labs every month thruout the year with scans at 6 months. At 1 year another biopsy, scans and of course more labs.

Hope this helpd

(Penelope) #29

That is FABULOUS! Good for you, making the change to Keto. In my line of work, I see the damage of cirrhosis on a daily basis. To see someone fight back makes my heart glad!

(Penelope) #30

I LIKE your doctor! We need more like her/him!

(Alan Williamson) #31

I would think the liver can function better if it loses some of the fat deposits. Things like keto and fasting can do this. This is extreme, but perhaps it isn’t really…I have seen photos of a person who did a 30 day fast. It the photos, I can see that his liver was much smaller. Because of autophagy since the liver was not being used, the body recycled protein from it to make glucose. Neat thing is that after fasting, the stem cells were turned on, and his body rebuilt the liver that it used. In 30 days, he was back to his previous condition. He had about 50% new liver. Amazing!!!

(Jeannie Oliver) #32

The liver has amazing power to regenerate itself. That is why in desperate cases a healthy person can donate part of his or her liver, and both the donor and the recipient can return to good health. For the donor, recovery takes just a couple of months.

(Darlene Horsley) #33

I so appreciate this thread. I lost a dear friend to NA Cirrhosis five years ago… had we only known. Kudos to your amazing recovery!

(Jeannie Oliver) #34

Sorry about your friend, Darlene. Your loss illustrates just how important it is that we value the new research and keep an open mind to new information.

(Darlene Horsley) #35

Thank you Jeannie. You are soooo right. Thankfully you had a very well informed Dr.!

(Jeanette Villanueva) #36

Yes, I love my doctor too. They do exist we just have to look. :rofl:

(Stephanie) #37

I am SO HAPPY for you! Thank you for sharing - encouraging for us all :):grin:

(Lauren B) #38

Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I also have a bad liver. After 10+ years with hepatitis my biopsy showed stage 3. I’ve been curious about how keto has worked for others with liver problems. This is very reassuring and inspiring!


Congrats that is great news

(Mary B) #40

My doctor said my fatty liver will become cirossis if I continue eating what I ate right now…anyway you inspired me…I will start tomorrow