Lectins - The Plant Paradox


I have been looking for a way to take my keto diet to the next level for awhile now. I found the Plant Paradox concept to be very interesting and have decided to try it out. Since I am fairly strict keto already there really aren’t many more changes I need to make anyway so I figured give it a few months and see what happens.

My question is: who else has researched/experimented with limiting dietary lectins? Thoughts? What other resources can you point me towards.

I understand that some people think of Dr. Gundry as a quack but I don’t happen to be one of those people. He makes enough compelling points that I think it’s worth at least considering some of what he has to say.

For those who aren’t familiar, here is a link to the book in question. If anyone wants to read the PDF of approved foods, etc. shoot me a message and I can send it your way.

VEG Question
(Andrew) #2

I’ve just seen it for more Leptin sensitivity. No dairy, tomatoes, and eggplants (niteshades). Sounds terrible :slight_smile:

(Norma Laming) #3

Is the list much different from the one below?

I can see the sense of what he says, though these days I wouldn’t eat sorghum or millet


It’s similar for sure. He does have a keto version of the list which leaves out carby stuff.

You can get the PDF here:

Under protected content use the password “gut”.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #5

Why not simply go zero carb?


I found that one interesting but disagreed with a lot of that book. Seemed he wasn’t too fond of keto in it and kinda skated by just enough to not totally push us off. By my standards it seems he wants people to ALMOST be vegetarians (3-4oz of meat doesn’t cut it) and then barely eat half the vegetables out there.


He advocates moderate animal protein intake based on several of the longest lived societies on Earth, that makes sense to me on some level. Also, off the top of my head I can’t think of one vegetable he suggests limiting. What do you mean?

(Bunny) #8

Some links I thought were interesting:

  1. 10 Signs You Have A Lectin Sensitivity

  2. The Lectin Connection


  4. New sensitive detection method for lectin hemagglutination using microscopy “…Lectins are proteins that are able to REVERSIBLY bind saccharide (i.e. a combination of different types of sugars)* structures. …” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/25060388/

  5. Are You Lectin Sensitive? Using Genes, Symptoms and Blood Tests to Assess Lectin Sensitivity https://selfhacked.com/blog/are-you-lectin-sensitive-using-genes-symptoms-and-blood-tests/

*Emphasis added (i.e. which leads right back to sugar\glucose paradox?) See also amylase (amyloid binding) research on Alzheimer’s https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=glucose+amyloid+binding+alzheimer's&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwimr9m1_tXYAhUP3mMKHSQqBh0QgQMIIjAA)


Wouldn’t that entail massive amounts of protein though? Far in excess of what is required? I guess I’ve never really given zero carb much thought.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #10

Massive amounts of protein? No. Just continue eating the same moderate protein you’re already eating and add 9 more grams of fat to compensate for the calories of the 20 grams of carbohydrate you’re deleting from your diet. (Nine grams of fat = 81 calories, 20 grams of carbs = 80 calories.)

If you can’t fit another pat of butter on your steak, just drink the juice from your morning bacon. :bacon:

(David Seri) #11

I too feel like this plant Paradox book is like taking the ketogenic diet to the next level so I just bought the book today and I’m going to try it. Many of the things dr. Grundy says make a lot of sense to me. I had noticed in my diet that certain veggies like tomatoes and peppers we’re giving me diarrhea and I was having diarrhea about three times a week. What he talks about lectins, gut bacteria and the gut wall damage sounds really interesting and perhaps it’s part of my problem that I get lots of body and muscular pains and my spine also is painful. I have been doing ketogenic for about 6 months and the pain is a lot less but not completely healed. I am not doing ketogenic for the weight loss because I am already very fit since I am an athlete. I am doing it for the pains that I been having for the past few years that have been getting worse and worst. I am going to start doing it now and I will keep you posted how it works for me please let me know how it works out for you. Thanks and be healthy happy and strong :grinning:


I agree 100%. I have been following Gundry’s advice for the last 4 weeks and I can feel a huge difference. The important thing to remember is that once you go keto you’ve already eliminated about 90% of the problematic foods Gundry writes about (grains, beans, etc) so the last 10% for most of us keto folks will just be tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, certain types of dairy, and maybe certain seeds. That’s pretty easy considering things like tomatoes and dairy can be a significant source of carbs for some people anyway.

I have also noticed that I feel much better when I eat less protein, especially in the evening. If I keep it to 6-ounces of meat or less at dinner I feel way better the next day. Everyone will be different here but I get the impression of a lot keto folks and people in general are way overdoing it on the protein.

Let us know how limiting lectins works out for you, I really think this could be a missing link for a lot of people.

(Daniel) #13

So I’ve been taking the prebiothrive, and it’s made a huge difference with craving and carb control. I also took his advice on limiting meat to a single 4oz serving at a time, and it’s been super easy. No struggle, for the first time in a long time. Dropped 20 lbs without thinking too hard on it, and when I mess up with too many carbs, its no longer a 5 day craving fest, its’ more “oh, hey lets do better next meal” and I dont think about it. So far I’m happy.

(Donna) #14

I found the whole ‘Leptin’ idea very compelling, so I bought Dr. Gundry’s Leptin blocker, but it is way to early to tell if it is helping yet or not. He says leptins are in all veggies, but some have more, such as the nightshade family of veggies. I have also started taking pancreatic and other full spectrum enzymes with my meals. I do seem to have less pain in my liver, but am experiencing more low key pain in my pancreas?? I have autoimmune liver disease so will be starting keto again tomorrow morning. But tonight i am throwing out my chocolate treats, pretzels, and gummie bears!! :frowning: I was on keto over a year ago for 6 months or so and felt fantastic, lost 20lbs, felt kinda euphoric, but did not always have high energy, but went walking every day for an hour or two. After watching some of the videos, I am feeling more confident that keto and good fats, will not harm my liver but help to heal it.
Thanks for the post Keto using leptin blocker.


Hi Donna, it sounds to me like you are confusing “Leptin” (the hormone) with “Lectins” (the harmful plant substances Gundry advocates against). I’m glad to hear of your plans to get back on track I just wanted to let you know about the mix-up in case you are attempting to do more research and get confusing results. Gundry has a nice list of “say yes” and “say no” foods included in the audiobook PDF, I can send it your way if you want to message me with your email address.

(What The Fast?!) #16

Hi @Rian - how has it been going with the Plant Paradox protocol?


Feeling great so far. I’ve started introducing small amounts of some lectin foods just to see if I feel a difference. So far the main food I can really tell causes me inflammation is dairy, especially A1 containing dairy. I’m still experimenting but so far I’ve learned a lot about my body and I feel like overall my gut health is the best it’s been maybe ever.

(What The Fast?!) #18

Oh that’s amazing!!!

(Donna) #19

Hi Rian, thank you for pointing out my error! :slight_smile: You are right i was thinking Lectins not Leptin. I have Gundry’s book ‘the plant paradox’, just have not read it yet.

I too must reduce lectins, as i have way to much inflammation, and now have autoimmune liver disease, so I am doing everything i can do to reduce inflammation.

Today is day 1 back on keto… its a little tough as I am craving some serious carbs, so i am compensating by eating more fat. I know it will get easier within 3 days to a week, so I will definitely be hanging in! :slight_smile:

(KCKO, KCFO) #20

I haven’t read the book but he was interviewed in Skinny on Fats, and he mentions that the highest concentration of is found in the seeds and skins of the nightshades. I am going to start peeling those and removing the seeds to see if I can detect a difference. Think I will need to get his book.

Also thanks for the update about A1 dairy effect on you. Please keep us posted, I think this is very interesting information.