Ladies with Keto Purses ๐Ÿ‘›๐Ÿ‘œ๐Ÿ‘

(Zu) #21

Wowโ€ฆ I think that would make people want to be ketoโ€ฆ People from all sorts of woes would convert just seeing that.
I like it very much! Absolutely gorgeous, and very organised!
The thought of HOT fattening drinks anywhere in my car is pure libration.


Ikr! I love it! Coffee anywhere. For pennies. Win-win :smiley:

(Zu) #23

A very valuable example of The importance of a purse stash.

I think we ladies need to pay heed to this example in this situation and protect our precious keto states and healthy woe by banning together and upping the anti on our purse keto goodies, and stand together untitled against succumbing to these LFHC devianciesโ€ฆ

On a side note; Iโ€™m totally shocked NYC didnโ€™t have itโ€™s own keto fathead pizza outletโ€ฆ If notโ€ฆ Possible business debenture someone!!!


I have little 1/2 teaspoons of pink salt in individual wraps that I keep in my car. My handbag only has my tea bags which I canโ€™t be without! Marrakech mint and green tea.

(Sophie) #25

Now that is Fancy Pants! Love!!! :heart_eyes:

(Sheri Knauer) #26

It was actually Albany. Thank goodness I had supplies in my car. But then again, skipping dinner would have been fine with me too, lol. I could imagine the look on their faces if I said," No thank you. Iโ€™ll just dine on my own body fat".


(Zu) #27

Such a practical women @daisyโ€ฆ When I go out with hub he seems to think my purse stashes are somewhat excessiveโ€ฆ But he always helps me out by reducing them the journey! Nom nom nom!
Iโ€™m not as practical and a bit cumbersome!

(Zu) #28

Btw props for first Pics on this thread! To all those who added pics Iโ€™m extremely grateful for the visuals

(Becky) #29

Hellmans individual mayo packs, trader joes shelf stable 8 oz of hwc, 85 % dark chocolate, sweet drops liquid stevia, mini before and after pics and basic Keto info. My โ€˜ketobagโ€™ has gotten me through many restaurant meals especially with that one person at the table who is trying to lure me back into old habits by ordering my former favorites. I can easily adapt a meal anywhere into a healthy, satisfying, enviable (thus the Keto plan written up) meal.


Oh my gosh, yes! I have a small basket I made with a friend, and it has leather handles. In it I have, my sweeteners, coconut oil, olive oil, sea salt, magnesium supplements, tea and a spoon. I hall that thing into restaurants with me all the time (itโ€™s small, but loaded with my keto needs)!

(jketoscribe) #31

I donโ€™t normally carry snacks because I donโ€™t need them, but when we travel I have a ziplock bag in my backpack that has:

  1. Coconut oil packets from trader Joeโ€™s
  2. So Delicious culinary coconut milkโ€“I use it in my coffee in the mornings and I love the small re-sealable steri-paks (but cannot carry this on a plane because itโ€™s more than 3 oz)
  3. A bag of mixed nuts
  4. a few packets of nut butter
  5. Usually something for breakfast like homemade sugar and grain free granola, homemade โ€œnot oatmealโ€ cereal (grain and sugar free), or Paleo โ€œbreakfast cookiesโ€ made of nuts and seeds.

Iโ€™ve also carried around an old Quest bar I donโ€™t really like but it will eat it in a pinch.

And I carry a set of bamboo utensils in a little canvas bagโ€“this allows me to turn prepared foods like sandwiches into a meal by discarding the bread wrapper.

Since we were traveling a week ago to Nevada where it was very hot, I had my daughter who was already there buy me a bar of dark chocolate and the culinary coconut milk and bring it to the hotel room for me.

(Jessika Nilsson) #32

I usually have a small jar with pink himalayan salt with me and sometimes I bring some cacao butter as well :wink: The cacao butter work as both a treat and as a way to fatten up any meal I eat out at either friends or at a restaurant.
But then again, I usually donโ€™t need it when friends are serving dinner, they know to give me a lot of butter :joy:


I am in awe of the preparation in this thread! I donโ€™t go anywhere without my sucralose but thatโ€™s about it!

(Hillary ) #34

I take pork rinds in my purse when I go to a Mexican restaurant. Goes great with the salsa and cheese dip. If I go to a birthday party or somewhere where sweets will be served then I will carry a few sugar free Russell Stover candies with me as well to keep me from being tempted. Iโ€™ve lost about 40lbs in seven months and Iโ€™m strong enough to resist the temptation but Iโ€™m still terrified of having a slip up.

(Zu) #35

Grrrr thats the whispers of the evil keto devil! Lol those Corruptors!

(Zu) #36

This is excellent preparation, very well thought out and organised. I particularly like the coconut/chocolate combo. My daughter is only 10, but I shall train her to fetch me keto goodies tooโ€ฆ Excellent mothering!!! A child that brings chocolate is a brilliant one!

(Zu) #37

My family usually know, that butter is the meal, I just garnish with other foods! Lol

(Nancy ) #38

When my family orders pizza, I always order a pepperoni and cheese, just peel the peperoni and cheese off of 3 or 4 pieces, there isnโ€™t too much tomato sauce so I donโ€™t think the carbs are too high. Just the toppings usually fill me enough, but could get salad to go with. The crusts, I stick in the fridge and the next day grate mozzarella cheese over and grill for an after school snack for my high school son who isnโ€™t ketoโ€ฆ yet!


When my family orders pizza, I want to cry because I canโ€™t eat a piece. I have to go to another part of the house to avoid this smelling. By the way, I really like the smart organization of space, when everything is in its place in its boxes and containers. So I really liked the keto bags with different compartments and small bottles. And my sister is obsessed with fashion, so she would rather carry it all in a Chanel handbag. However, she has a replica that I gave her. If there are more fashionistas like my sister here, then you can read this to learn about fake Chanel designer bags. But I really like special bags for keto, which are convenient to carry your lunch.

(Susan) #40

You can just make a yummy Keto Pizza --our recipe section has a lot of delicious recipes =).