KetoFest 2017 - New London, Ct USA

(Sheri Knauer) #42

This sounds like such an awesome weekend! I’d love to go but don’t think I’ll be able to swing it. Its cool too that I was born in New London (lived on Nob Hill Rd, or so my parents told me) but moved away when I was less than 2 so I don’t remember it. Will you be able to just go and purchase a ticket at the door? Or do you have to have a pre purchased ticket? Thanks!

(Sheri Knauer) #43

Also my cousin who lives in NY, is selling her mobile wood burning pizza oven. I’m sure it would make scads of fabulous Carl head pizza!

(Richard Morris) #44

@carl may be interested in that, although I think we have a brick oven in a food truck for ketofest :slight_smile:

(carl) #45

Yes, assuming we don’t sell out

(Rein) #46

Congrats guys! It’s kind of a long drive from the Netherlands, so I just pledged ten bucks as a gesture. Hope everyone enjoys the fest!

(Richard Morris) #47

Thanks for helping


Here’s hoping you do! What an exciting prospect…

(Francois Picanza) #49

I am very happy for you guys. New London is too far for me but I hope your event will be such as success that someone from Quebec (Canada) will eventually wish to mimic your event. :slight_smile:

(Tina) #50

Will our non-Keto family members be able to purchase a ticket to the movies only? Mine aren’t interested in the rest of the Fest, but would like to meet for dinner and maybe the movies.

(Richard Morris) #51

Good idea … @carl and I will try to work something out to arrange for that.

(Francis Lessard) #52

+1 for tmcart8791 context :slight_smile:

(carl) #53

We will let everyone in to see the movies. The theater is already paid for.

(Joe) #54

I have been out of country and missed the Kickstarter - can I still buy a ticket? Also is there any type of cancel list for the VIP party? Thanks!

(Richard Morris) #55

We will shortly be selling tickets at regular prices (about 25% higher than the Kickstart price)

(Richard Morris) #56

We are at capacity on the VIP party sorry.

We are working on a site right now for taking orders for post-kickstarter
tickets. Should be up in a few days, and you can buy tickets.

(Joe) #57

I understand that it filled up fast, just was wondering if there was a cancel list as people’s plans can change. Thanks, looking forward to coming!

(Tina) #58

Thank you! I have family in CT, while I’m traveling from another state.

(Stephen Price (Lythix)) #59

Anyone else excited? :slight_smile:

My wife and I will be flying (from Perth, Australia) into New York (I think that’s what we ended up choosing), 5th July, check out the sites, drive up to New London in time for the Friday events. Then back to New York to fly home. Three nights booked in the town to east of New London. That’s it. We’ll be making the rest up as we go along!

(Mary Ann) #60

I just heard of this event! It sounds great!

I would be coming from San Diego, CA. Is this a good event for someone that doesn’t know anyone else there or doesn’t have a buddy to go with?


(David) #61

I would say that this is exactly the event to come if you don’t know anyone else. I would be the last person to attend somewhere alone but from reading this forum, I think, almost without exception, that you would be made welcome and find friends wherever you go.