Ketoers that HATE cooking

(I want abs... olutely all the bacon) #1

I have a friend thinking about launching the keto WOE, but she stated 3 times in one sentence how much she HATES to cook. Please share your experiences, short-cuts, & ideas on how to follow the keto WOE while not cooking too much. I found a Diet Doctor link below, and I’m still finding it difficult to relate because I LOVE cooking :blush:

(Karen Parrott) #2

Brown ground beef, lamb , or chicken in a cast-iron skillet with salt and spices like chili powder or garlic salt and add to lettuce cups or lettuce leaves. EZ

Freeze the meat in portions and add on top of greens as needed.

Sauté some cabbage in a pan and then add the pre-cooked ground meat to it. Add salt or seasoning

Buy a roast chicken and add it to premade boxed broth from Costco organic Add some of the sautéed cabbage in place of noodles. Sprinkle in some spices
Freeze mugs of that stuff down so you can microwave it quickly

Dice up some of that chicken breast from the roasted chicken and add lots of avocado olive oil garlic salt and eat it like a chicken salad.

Buy some brisket at the market and put it on top of A small amount of salad greens. Drizzle with olive oil and some pink salt

Sautéed kale in a pan with some coconut oil and salt

Scramble eggs in a pan with coconut oil

That’s my food template right there in a nutshell👍🏼

(Guardian of the bacon) #3

Depends on definitions…Is heat and serve cooking?

Frozen veggies in the microwave with butter and cheese
Bacon is easy, precooked bacon is even easier.
Deli meats and cheeses
Eggs in 1000 different ways are super quick and easy
90 second breads in the Micro are super easy
Crock pots are the “anti-cook’s” best friend.Drop a hunk of meat in the morning and you have food when you get home.

(Guardian of the bacon) #4

BeckyI want abs… olutely all the bacon
I like what you did there…(tagline)


I like to cook…but I prefer meat raw…or lightly warmed up. Sorry, I’m no help, but crock pot and instant pot is easy and foolproof!

(I want abs... olutely all the bacon) #6

:joy::joy: I believe “heat and serve” is the extent of her definition of acceptable cooking.

(I want abs... olutely all the bacon) #7

Thank you Guardian! I like that the Dude’s gave us a slot to play with words.

(jketoscribe) #8

Grocery store hot bars and salad bars. Our Whole Foods has a Paleo bar, and the hot bars and deli sections at WF and other local healthy chains have meats, cheeses, nuts, hard boiled eggs, lots of prepared veggies. It’s not cheap, but a good variety.


Two words…Crack Slaw

Recipe that’s very forgiving if you cut the pieces too big, omit an ingredient, over cook, or whatever. Ingredients are cheap, too. Think of it as the recipe with training wheels.

And it’s called Crack Slaw because it is fucking delicious.

If you hate cooking because of inexperience, past trauma screwing something up or afraid to fail, this is a recipe for you.

(Chris Bair) #10

You also have the nutritionally complete ketogenic engineered staples:

  • Keto Chow
  • Keto Fuel
  • Ketolent
  • KetoOne

They’re all meal replacement shakes that can actually replace a real meal - like do 3x a day and you’re getting all the vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and other stuff you need for the day - though most people only do 1-2 a day (replace the boring, stupid meals like lunch at work - have an awesome keto dinner).


The WF Paleo bar “saved” my daughter while spending 3 days in NICU with my granddaughter…she was able to leave long enough to finally get some real food.

(Guardian of the bacon) #12

Too bad she bowed to the PC police and changed the name.


@jfricke, oh really? I didn’t know that.

FYI, I’m no fan of the PC police. They need to eat more bacon and chill.

(Guardian of the bacon) #14

in the article she stated that she changed the name from “Crack Slaw” to Asian Skillet slaw because people didn’t think it was appropriate.


Good grief! Bull :poop: Why cave in to PC pushers?

(William Andrew Rux III) #16

I also hate to cook but have found some easy ways to minimize preparing food since I’m on the run a lot.

Here are some handy items from Costco

  • Tableside Chunky Guacamole in 12 2.5 oz containers
  • Spirella Mini Hand Rolled Prosciutto with Mozzarella 50%/50% Rolls
  • Cello Whisps 100% parmesan cheese crisps (no carbs)
  • Norpaco Mediterranean Olive Blend
  • Kirkland Precooked Microwavable Bacon

Also, I’ve also started to buy the Albacore Tuna in the vacuum sealed bags that I can quickly add Avocado Mayo to along with Cheese Crisps for a quick lunch.

Additionally, buying a Rotisserie Chicken from Costco or your local grocer is another great way to get good tasting protein and then supplement it with cooking some vegatable of your choice in bacon fat. I put some pine nuts it there as well and saute the it all up in less than 10 minutes. I also get the Green Giant broccoli and cheese microwave vegetables that let’s me have a quick dinner.

Moreover, a Rotisserie chicken will last a couple of days for a single person and it tastes good cold. Once picked over, I now just put it into a Dutch oven with water and a couple of onions, carrots, and so forth and slow boil it over a couple of hours to get the rest of the meat and fat off the chicken. I remove the chicken and it makes a great soup once I add a little more pink salt to it.

(I want abs... olutely all the bacon) #17

Quick ideas @seisenhauer5

(I want abs... olutely all the bacon) #18

I posted this under Keto On a Budget, the techniques in these budget videos/recipes are simple and perfect for new cooks and anyone that hates to cook!

(Will Madams) #19

I’m a bachelor living alone and I despise cooking. I’ve found keto easier because I can have a few simple recipes up my sleeve that i just rotate and cook in bulk for the week.

although i must admit after 2 months I am getting more adventurous with my cooking and started enjoying it. a little… still not a fan but i’m learning to love it.


My guess is that you are enjoying it because cooking protein or vegetables in fat (lard, butter, bacon grease…etc) is pretty straight forward and the combinations are endless. It’s very freeing (do not have to buy the low fat packaged food with mystery ingredients) while desperately trying to make low fat food taste good.