Keto women over 50

(Janelle) #403

Welcome! I just “qualified” for this thread 2 weeks ago (birthday end of November). This WOE isn’t solving my heartburn or other things yet (3 months) but I’m hopeful. Like many our age, weight loss is slow but steady.

Others may have ideas on how they’ve handled electrolytes. I’ve been lucky so far.

(Anjum) #404

Ketocal i forgot to say in my rush yesterday that the hair is coming back in glorious tufts. It is not all back but my crown is definitely more filled out. I gained about 50% back. Jagger tune works so well. I will take what I got though, it is s much better than ever before. :hugs:

(Jane) #405

When my hair started coming back in it wasn’t gray. Amazing keto!!!

(Empress of the Unexpected) #406

are you serious? Lucky you. I started going gray at 26 and spent the next 34 years coloring my hair. I’ve finally gotten sick of dye jobs and am now the silver fox. Which I actually like better than my original mousey brown. But I guess if one is graying at 26, keto 34 years later won’t fix that.

(Janelle) #407

Yeah, yet another keto NSV that I’ve never seen hide nor hair of - no pun intended.

(Jane) #408

I don’t dye my hair and I will be 60 in a couple of weeks. My avatar says it all. Keto rocks!!!

(Jane) #409

Give it time. My hair grows at a snails pace so it took a while to realize the new hair wasn’t coming in strands of white or silver.


Many years ago I nursed a gentleman who had a head of silver hair. After his heart transplant his hair came back his original black colour because of improved blood flow due to a much healthier (new) heart.
I wonder if generally healthier blood vessels that are not subjected to chronic inflammation from elevated insulin could result in a similar situation???

(Jane) #411

That’s possible. I know this hasn’t happened to everyone on keto but there are a few examples of this on this board. One woman posted a picture of her silver hair with dark roots coming in.

Mine isn’t as dramatic since I just had silver threads but still there.

(Anjum) #412

On closer inspection, I concur. The hair coming is my original color. I thought my hair wasn’t growing longer between root color, I am ecstatic to realize its actually coming back not silver. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

(Janelle) #413

My hair and nails grow like wildfire - always have. I dyed imy hair on Thanksgiving. Silver sprouts all over my head just like normal. Keto at the 3 month mark. When did you see a change?

(Jane) #414

At least 6 months. One day my husband commented on how much darker my hair was. Then he got to looking at it closer in the light and said I didn’t have as many silver strands and that was why it looked darker. And as the silver ones have fallen out I think they are being replaced with my brownish auburn color the rest of my hair is.

(Jane) #415

I hear a lot of folks here talking about their heartburn and ulcer issues clearing up. I developed an ulcer 3 years ago during a very stressful time and it has never healed up totally. It is much better - down to one Nexium every other day instead of twice a day.

It probably would help if I gave up coffee and my weekend red wine but it doesn’t hurt bad enough for that yet! :laughing:

(Janelle) #416

Yeah - no luck on that yet either (no ulcer but terrible acid). I was taking a PPI every day. I went off them slowly and man, still burning. Started drinking ACV (diluted, of course), taking enzymes and ordered HCL which will be here on Wednesday. Sometimes I wonder if it’s the keto or all the supplements - I’m willing to try most anything to get my gut flora back in order. I’m not a “pill person” though and that’s what I’m turning into! A pill popping old lady - lol.

(Jane) #417

Let me know if the HCL helps. I add ACV when I think about it.


Have you tried deglycerinated licorice (DGL)? It really helped me with the acid reflux. Chew the tablets up before you eat and it helps your stomach secrete the lining that protects it from the acid.

I did give up caffeine for a few weeks, then slowly introduced it back into my life…I am a better person with caffeine on board than I am without it.

(Jane) #419

Have not heard of this but would be willing to give it a try. I only get that burning sensation when I haven’t eaten for a while and stomach is empty. I can try this instead of reaching for a Nexium.

(Lynn Chodur) #420

Hello there. I had a similar start to my keto journey. I have always thought that I would have a hard time losing on any diet because I think my metabolism is challenged after yoyoing for so many years. I also lost a little at first and then stalled. Not being a very patient person, I decided to “force” my weight to come off by fasting. At first I stopped eating breakfast because I wasn’t hungry, so I almost always do a 18/6 or 16/8. However, I also will do 24, 36, 48 and 72 hour fasts sporadically so my body doesn’t get used to a schedule. I also take supplements - Vitamin D3, A multivitamin, and magnesium, which I find helps me with leg cramps at night. I also make sure to eat a lot when not fasting-Ketogenic of course. Keep trying different things until you find a method that works for you. Remember knowledge is power so keep listening to podcasts and reading books, Best of luck!

(Jane) #421

Been leaving my butter on the counter for YEARS and not dead yet.

My great-grandparents left their butter out, bacon grease in a metal can near the stove… breakfast was bacon and eggs and biscuits and gravy to fuel the body for lots of labor on the farm.

Lunch was HUGE. Beans, cornbread, garden veggies if in season, meat, etc.

Lunch was set back on the stove and NOT refrigerated and Supper was a light version of Lunch leftovers. No heavy meal in the evenings.

My great-grandparents had it right.

(Anjum) #422

Yes. I find monk fruit to be the best. No cooling effect and I do not taste an aftertaste either. Acts and looks like sugar as well. Smaller crystals and I always use less than recipe asks for.