Keto seed/nut crackers anyone?


Just wanted to share since these easy-to-make crackers fill a previously-empty niche in my keto WOE that even a bit of celery doesn’t quite fill – i.e. something crunchy to top with a keto-friendly dip for a bit of a snack.

I played fairly fast and loose with the recipes kicking around out there but ended up putting pretty much equal amounts of several seeds as a base (sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, and linseed), plus some dehydrated onion, some grated parmesan, a bit of coconut oil, salt, and boiling water. As well, to hold things together I used both psyllium and chia, and for flavor I pressed into the top once rolled and ready to bake either nigella, caraway, or fennel seeds.

Very straightforward and utterly delicious!

Have since learned that while the pumpkin seeds provide the biggest magnesium punch (which is how
I started on these, my cardiologist having prescribed a magnesium supplement for palpitations and me wishing to up what I could from my diet) they are also very high in carbs. So next time I’ll probably bring the proportion of those down a bit (and/or do the math to see what I’m actually eating per cracker as it may be a non-issue).

Cream cheese is perfect. Ripe avocado wouldn’t be at all painful. And guessing a nice feta/roast red pepper spread would be very, very nice :-).


I made such things in the past, just simpler. Like, flax, walnut and water, nothing else… Well this thing is best with honey BY FAR so I rarely did this :smiley: I went to the savory route with pumpkins and sesame but still only a few seeds and water, I think a little salt too. And whole poppy seeds sometimes…
But of course the possibilities are endless.

Oh and I just put them into the microwave oven in a silicone mold, I got thin, fragile sheets :slight_smile:
I am horrible with real crackers, all my cookies and biscuits and crackers ends up kind of soft and I want them crunchy… But no way I don’t include a lot of yolks :smiley: But maybe I should try something like yours? Only for the days when I break carnivore anyway as I want crunchy things and cheese whisps aren’t good enough (I rarely want cheese. a little in my crackers is fine but not too much. I do like cheese whisps here and there but if I want crackers, they don’t cut it).
I would use tasty farm lard instead of coconut oil :slight_smile: If they need it.

Why boiling water? Does it do something useful that way?


Oh, and I forgot the sliced/slivered almonds!

Mine are VERY crunchy, but that’s clearly dependant on long enough in the oven, and rolled out thin enough.

As for the boiling water, some recipes suggested it. Perhaps it speeds up the gelling of the psyllium/chia? Either way, in this weather, melts the coconut oil which is desirable ;-).


Similar to the ones in this post from Keto Woman podcast on chips and dips by Taffiny Elrod:

I always skip the flax seed, it does me no favors.