Keto haters - what to say to them?

(karen) #61

I’ve been mining the web for some good answers. …

Why do I eat keto?

“I can get drunk for half the money.”

“If a vegetarian diet is good for losing weight, how come they fatten cows and pigs with grain?”

“Broccoli might get stuck on my teeth, but french fries will get stuck on my ass.”

“Life is too short for fake butter, cheese or people.”

“If Eve had been keto, this would have all turned out so much better!”


(Beth) #62

I make a joke (the wine diet! Skip dessert so I can drink more! or I’m on the too-busy-to-eat-diet!) and then turn the conversation back to them. That distraction always works. People LOVE to talk about themselves.

(Robert C) #63

Say whatever you want but - at the same time - let it reinforce the idea that you will show them their fallacy by example. BE the only one you know that successfully made a real change.


@Ernest – thanks, and one of the reasons why I have the patience is Keto is one of my favorite topics to discuss, but I don’t bring it up in social situations out of politeness. I don’t want to be a self-indulgent bore. But, if someone else brings it up, cool!


@RobC - exactly! It is kind of rich to be lectured about diet by a person who is (1) more obese than myself, or (2) has never struggled with weight.

(less is more, more or less) #66

FB, ugh. FB has means by which they harvest intellectual energy from their users to power their servers. Consequently, we’re left with responding with raw vituperative responses. I’m being facetous, but, yeah, I’m on FB, and I purposely avoid such things for this very reason.

I’ve run into dear friends, who applaud my weight-loss but then admonish me when I tell them how, similar to your story.

For people I respect, I say; “Let’s compare our blood panels. I’ve had my drawn and they’re fantastic. I check them regularly.” This dramatically changes the nature of the discussion.

Maybe we should walk around with buttons; “Ask to see my blood panels.” Nah. Too weird. :wink:

(E.O.) #67

What? Okay–let’s start with the obvious–anyone saying this is a fad diet doesn’t know anyone old enough to know better? Seriously? When where these people born? Did they ever study history? Do they not know anyone born in the last century? Do they not realize this is a more traditional diet from the history of this country. Even in the most dodgy of history stories, history haters know the Pilgrims came over carrying BUTTER. Not other foods, BUTTER.

(Kaiden) #68

Yeah, I forgot that. I’ve heard that Jimmy Moore was a guest on David Duke’s podcast, and Jimmy used the 'I live under a rock" excuse when he was called out on it.

My hypothesis, and this is only a wild guess, is that David Duke purchased the book “Pure, White, and Deadly” based on its title alone, decided to read it anyway. I could be (like 99% chance) wrong, but that’s my best guess.

(Kaiden) #69

For pretty much the same reason NASA does keto. It’s a fairy dense energy source, allowing one to pack more food in less space/weight.

(Aimee Moisa) #70

Yeah, my grandmother just can’t get it through her skull that bread has carbs. “Just dont eat sweets,” she says, as she eats her doughnut then tests her blood glucose.


How funny! I totally made up the DD reference not knowing the history. I figured it was less offensive than “Hitler ate Keto and wrote MK in 3 days”

(Perpetua) #72

Then how do you explain my weight loss results?

(Doug) #73

I like it. :slightly_smiling_face:

People’s results and the passage of time will blunt a lot of the “fad diet” stuff. I cannot see ketogenic eating being a “temporary” thing, and wider and longer-term acceptance is ahead.

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #74

Hitler was a well know plant based dieter.

No kidding.


OMG!!! That is too perfect! By eating what Hitler ate, vegans promote genocide. I always knew they were a bunch o’ racist bigots.

(Kaiden) #76

Poor guy. It would be funny if it wasn’t that Jimmy Moore takes so much crap from everyone and their uncle.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #77

Wow! Even I have heard of David Duke (is he really a physician?), and it’s hard to imagine that Jimmy Moore hadn’t. Of course no one expects to run into the David Duke in a casual Internet contact, and obviously the nutritional information that attracted Mr. Moore’s interest was not on the KKK Web site, or I doubt he’d have pursued the matter.

By the way, is Duke still Imperial Grand Wizard?

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #78

I hope the Klan doesn’t officially endorse keto, or I might have to rethink the whole carb-avoidance, weight-loss, metabolic health, diabetes-reversal thing.

(Mark Walker) #79

Lately, popsci has been passing some keto hate on FB, and I just but my tongue and say “if you’re really interested to learn more, then is the place to go”. They can really find anything they need to know there, or linked from there.

(Cathy) #80

:joy:Your explanation is the only possible one!