Keto for women - differences?

(Kel Ta) #41

the idea that insulin is high in the morning and lower in the evening so less likely to spike insulin if carbs are eaten later in the day


May i ask you how long it took before you started to see the weight come off? I’m a month in, 50 yo and in menopause. Been tracking macronutrients pretty closely and following all the proper guidelines and after the first quick 5-6 lbs the first week, i havent lost anything. I also work out 3-5 times a week, but nothing crazy…a little cardio, a little weights. I feel great. But I’d really like t drop some weight…mostly for my severely arthritic knees.


For me it took two months before losing weight - so keep going!


Thank you!!! I sort of gave myself a 3 month time frame to stick to it very closely and if I didn’t see anything after that…BAIL! But honestly …the lifestyle suits me and my cravings. I never was one for sugar or processed carbs…maybe that’s why its taking me so long… Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.Dalai Lama

(Michele TP) #45

Same here. Strict keto for a month (including a 4 day fast) and havent dropped a pound nor noticed any improvement in blood glucose. I dialed it back and have eliminated dairy and nuts. Also doing two 36h fasts a week–three if I can manage it. Lets give it a month see what happens. Keto may just not be for me.


I started 1/2/18 with 5%carb, 25%protein and 70% fat - but wasn’t hitting my fat at all. I lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks, then only 3 the 3rd week. I was stalled for about 3-4 weeks. So I tried an intermittent fast and also lowered my protein to 20% and increased the fat. Now the scale is starting to creep down, but very slowly, total of 18 pounds down- with about 3 inches lost on my belly and 1 pant’s size. Keep going, try tweaking your macros a little.

(Judy ) #47

Hi NewImprovedMe. I have about 13lbs to go and wondered how it worked for you? I know this post was a yr ago…

(Diane) #48

My favorite quote of the week!

(Jacquelyn Graham) #50

I didn’t worry about the scale as much as how I felt and how my clothes fit in the beginning. Keep in mind, it’s not just losing fat, there’s a lot of internal healing that has to go on in the beginning, so you will have times where you won’t see much change scale-wise, but there will be changes happening health-wise. Keep up with eating a healthy balance of fat/protein/carbs and you will see changes happening over time. It took a lot of time to put the weight on, it’s going to take time for it all to come off and your body to heal, too. I’ve been doing this for five years or so now, lost about 100 lbs and have kept it off. It’s worth it and it works.