Keto diet & stalled

(alan) #1

I have been on a Keto diet of my own making which includes 0-5 carbs per day. I am 70 years old and mildly active, (mostly walking everyday) I have several different situations. The positives are the following: As soon as I started the diet my gout went completely away. Second my blood sugar has been completely normal. Here are the problems: 1) I have no gallbladder, 2) I have put on weight (about 15+ lbs) over the last year (mostly in the tummy area) 3) My extremities both hands and feet get cold.In addition I had a stent put in 2012 with no further problems of any kind as I am always watching the thinness of my blood.
The cold problem is the worst because I have to watch the heating bill so I have to keep the place without a real heating system. (tried to use portable heaters but they only ruined electric wiring) The good news is that I am very healthy but even if I am not able to take off the weight I would like to be warm again. Never went into ketosis but it solved other problems. Thanks
ADDED: I take NO medications of any kind whatsoever.

(mole person) #2

It seems very unlikely that you are not in ketosis eating only 0-5 grams of carbs per day. A lot of people when they start don’t recognize all the sources of carbohydrates. Could you perhaps tell us what you eat and drink in a day? It would help us to help you better.

(alan) #3

I tried eating a ‘fat bomb’ last night and it actually warmed me up. Maybe I need to do that to get into ketosis. Because I have no gallbladder I take digestive supplements. As for my daily eating routine it is extremely boring. So as long I can keep my hands and feet warm I am not really concerned about the weight. That is for another day.


Hello,brother! Are you still here?

Feeling cold… maybe just eating too little,especially fat? Or it could be that like me, you have CV problems because you have a stent? I have a stent and cold hands hit me quickly in winter. I take it as normal now. My body concentrates on more important parts than fingers when in cold. A bit distracting,yes.

My gout is gone in keto,too. It is common to get rid of gout in very low carb keto. My gout was pure hell a few years ago. It hit both of my achilles tendons at the same time, I could not walk for one summer… not to mention drive a car or ride motorbikes…

I have not needed my gallbladder for anything, why do you need supplements?