Keto Condensed Milk! Danger, Danger! (another recipie PSA)

(Tom) #21

It’s a substance so great, it can only be used for good or evil. :smile:

(Mediterranean Magic! Show me yer...) #22

Mix with cocount shreds. Roll into sticky balls. Freeze. Coat with dark chocolate. Mmmm. Balls.

(Arlene) #23

Is there a reason you can’t just use the juice from a lime?

(Eric Bryant) #24

So Swerve has 4g of carbs, but they are all from Erythritol, so they don’t count and don’t cause any GI response…correct?

(Tom) #25

That’s the idea. I tolerate it well, but some people don’t. I’d definitely try it in something less than a full batch of this stuff to see how you do.

(Tom) #26

If they’re key limes, probably not. Apparently there’s some sort of flavor difference with regular limes.

(George Hernandez) #27

Dude! you have no idea!
This is the last thing i imagined i would find. im such a fool.

I shall have to take this to the test kitchen and begin to reconstruct and keto mod my flan recipe.

Thank you!!

(Tom) #28

Glad to spread the keto-crack goodness!


I want to hear about that flan…

(George Hernandez) #30

Not sure when i will be able to get to this but i will post when i do.
See here’s the thing. I have been in a struggle with this flan. I make the most killer flan ever. Hands down, i know it’s the best around. I worked on my recipe and technique for a long time. the smallest details add up to phenomenal results.

The problem comes from the fact that it is exactly the ingredients that i(we) need to avoid. I have stopped making it for awhile because it is such a trigger for me. I can’t get enough of this when its around. I usually make large batches as i have sold them to caterers and restaurants.

This will be an exciting and testing experiment that i am looking forward to.


I look forward to reading, whenever you’re ready… :slight_smile:

(Thao Le) #32

OMG thank you!!! I haven’t have Vietnamese Condensed coffee for a long time, this will be great!

(ryancrawcour) #33

this sounds delicious. stupid question … but what do I do with it once cooked (I mean other than eat it out of the pot with a spoon :grin:) … do you use it other recipes, in pies, tarts, cakes?

(George Hernandez) #34

Great idea! 2 pts for you.

(Tom) #35

I used it in a key lime pie recipe. Turned out pretty decent.

(Jennifer) #36

So I made the condensed milk so I could make her almond joy cookies.

And had enough to make a batch of fudge too. :flushed:

I’ll let you know how it turns out!

Review for the cookies - folks in the comments were saying that they spread out too much, so I added 2 tsp of coconut floor and they held together fine. Made them smallish - got 30 out of the batch. Not really sweet, maybe a bit dry (cut back to 1tsp coconut flour?) which allows you to taste the coconut, almonds, and chocolate. I like them.

Review for the fudge - if you like Lily’s chocolate, you will like this. It has a good fudgy consistency and tastes just like Lily’s dark chocolate. YUM!


I love magic cookie bars using keto condensed milk…


This was a great way to use up some cream that was about to go off (I had about 2.5 cups, so I reduced the butter and Swerve proportionally). Boiling it for so long kills off most of the bacteria and sort of resets the spoilage clock. I don’t know what I’m going to do with it, but I’m sure it won’t go to waste now.


Okay, I might have gone a little long on the boiling. My condensed milk set up into fudge upon cooling. This isn’t a problem (as you can see from the picture), but if I had known it was going to do that (it was mentioned on the website, but I still couldn’t imagine), I would have added flavorings and add-ins while it was still liquid. I could probably melt it, but I suspect it will be eaten before I get around to it. Next time, I could see adding cocoa butter (in place of regular butter), vanilla, and macadamia nuts. Or maybe toasted pecans and coconut.

On the other hand, let this be a warning: If you have recipe aspirations that require the end product to be liquid after refrigeration, don’t reduce it too much!

(ryancrawcour) #40

what did you use for the crust of your keto lime pie?