Keto Complaint Department

(Marianne) #1618

Wow; my props! I hope the day will come when I can say that.

(BuckRimfire) #1619

Are battle shorts the same thing as cargo pants?

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #1620

No! They are the Vl’Hurg’s standard military uniform! Although mine were grey and they are traditionally black and bejeweled.

(BuckRimfire) #1622

It’s been far to long since I read Hitchhiker’s Guide!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #1623

Know where your towel is at all times!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #1625

So you’re just going to have to cope with health, huh? I feel your pain! :grin:

(Failed) #1626

How annoying! I have spareribs in the sous vide, nearly ready to be seared and eaten, then hubby takes me to the meat market and we get thick sliced pork belly and these beauties:

Now I want all of them for supper, but on keto I’m not hungry enough to eat 'em all, dammit!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #1627

Now that is one hell of a problem! I don’t know how you’re going to cope. I’d be at my wits’ end! :grin::grin::grin::grin:

And here I’ve been complaining, because I’m not hungry enough to eat bacon, most mornings . . . :cry:

(Failed) #1628

All is well, I sliced the ribeyes diagonally so that lovely fat was evenly divided, hubby sealed 'em up and stuck them in the freezer for me. Eating one is just 90 mins away at any time. Love sous vide.

Tomorrow I’m going to bake up some of the thick sliced pork belly just the way I do the thick sliced bacon. 350° For about 30 mins.


You lose weight, change your WoL, old clothes don’t fit you properly, you decide to throw them away because they remind of the old days, you decide to hit it all with “out with the old,” summer ends and fall rain starts, you realize you threw away all the fall/winter shoes, walk to work in the rain (because I sit on my butt all day) and you curse yourself as you hit the closest store for some emergency socks…

(Marianne) #1630

A unicorn! :unicorn: Lucky you!

Fabulous; I believe it. I feel so much healthier since doing keto.

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #1631

It struck me this morning that 2.5 weeks in to keto my husband hasn’t broken wind around me for days and days and days.


This is unsettling. Who is this man, and where’s my husband? The man I was accustomed to being married to was powered by farts. This new keto husband isn’t.


(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #1632

That is a clear case of body snatching. I’d report it to the authorities.

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #1633


(K-9 Handler/Trainer, PSD/EP Specialist, Veteran) #1634

Now it takes effort. Ya gotta squeeze him!

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #1635

Literally - because twenty pounds of body weight are also missing in action!

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #1636

BRILLIANT! :point_right::dash::point_left:

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #1637

My glucose monitor is telling me I’m flatlining. Gee thanks, keto…

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #1638

LOL! Just remember keto is unsustainable, and it will kill us! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #1639

This is how I choose to die.