Keto Complaint Department

(Alec) #813

I keep wondering when this is all going to come crashing down! I have been on diets before that I am 100% committed to and seemed to work really well, but something always stopped me continuing. I don’t remember what the reasons were. Too hard? Too much struggle? Too complex? I got sick? Probably all of these.

But this feels different for some reason. Difficult to put my finger on it, but it’s different. Don’t know why.

No WOE before has been this satisfying. No WOE before has as much science backing it up. No WOE has been as successful over such a long period of time for me. And no WOE has made me feel as good as I do on keto. Pure and simple I feel full, happy, and I am losing weight.

I feel terrible for all the non-keto folks, and that makes me really sad :joy::joy:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #814

Whenever it all starts to get to you, and you start feeling really up, just remember that this way of eating is completely unsustainable and is going to KILL us! ROFLMAO! :grin: :grin: :grin:

(Alec) #815

Dammit, I knew the balloon was going to burst… kill us, eh? Well, that’s a bummer!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #816

Yeah, I figure keto will probably kill me while I’m skydiving at age 98 . . . . :grin:

(Raj Seth) #817

I do feel bad. When I see the general population of obese waddlers (as in the mirror a year ago) walking around with the giant pretzels, funnel cakes, ultra jumbo shakes etc in hand, I just feel so sad.
It’s genocide - at a scale that makes Hitler and Stalin seem like schoolyard bullies
Sad that we have SAD.
It’s hard to remember to celebrate my success when I see people killing them selves all around me. Yet I do. And I thank my lucky stars for having found 2KD and Keto

Ok. Enough EMO.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #818

@Rajseth Not to detract from your compassion, but I find that I don’t feel sad so much as angry. The standard dietary guidelines are a huge deception perpetrated on the peoples of the world. As Nina Teicholz points out, there is some excuse for the original proponents of the diet-heart hypothesis, even Ancel Keys, but today there is enough research that people who still support that hypothesis have NO EXCUSE! :frowning_face:

(Ron) #819

It is a lack of education. The new evidence is out there but if you aren’t guided to look for or at it, it will go unnoticed. Such is the majority of the populous. Two Keto Dudes and many others in the know are trying to spread the word and doing awesome but it is going to take time. As individuals we can do our part by whatever means we can too help. If there is interest we just need to be there to guide!:nerd_face:

(Raj Seth) #820

I pay forward where folks are receptive. As much as possible. I just helped a colleague experience lack of hunger for the first time in a year. One day of a heavy bacon breakfast - and he couldn’t eat lunch! The three days prior - he was hangry the whole day. Even right after eating. He’s lost 30 lbs in a year by being hungry 24/7/365. Not obese, but just slight bulge he was trying to rid. Prolly wrecked his metabolism. Moody and hangry all the time. Now he’s possibly doing Dan Quibells bacon experiment. Could be yet another Keto-vert :+1:

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #821

It is how humans were MADE to eat. I strongly believe this is our true diet, including the fasting.

(Alec) #822

What is the excuse of the dietary guideline committees and the dietitians? It is their job to know this stuff.

I think they do know, they are just embarrassed. It is amazing to me that people are dying because of these guidelines and the consequences of them, and all because some people are embarrassed. Amazing.

(Raj Seth) #823

IIRC “Mad as hell” 2KD podcast is along those lines
I used to be an angry young man - anger poisoned my life. So now, I reserve my anger

(Candy Lind) #824

Dang educational keto forums - I’m out of likes and it’s only 8:57 a.m.!!

(Trish) #825


(Trish) #826

Can you say conspiracy theory? Oops. Did I say that out loud?
Seriously though. We’re living longer than ever before and the government’s of the world can’t really afford for us to live too long. Just kill x percentage of the population off with diabetes, alzheimers, cancer, etc.

(Diane) #827

I’m no longer interested in 95% of the groceries at the store! I’m now in and out so quick, I have time to go home and clean! Dang Keto!!

(Alec) #828

You are so right. I used to love going up and down all those aisles wiht my trolley full of crap. Now all I get is 10 minutes in about 3 stations in the supermarket and i’m out.

I miss my grocery shopping… :joy::joy::joy::joy:

(LeeAnn Brooks) #829

Keto is causing marital discord in my house.

I got in a fork fight with my husband over his share of the rotisserie chicken skin. (I had already eaten mine before sitting down to the table).:yum:

(Alec) #830


Apparently I need to add something after this or it won’t post :thinking:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #831

Good point. You are very wise. :bacon:

(karen) #832

Oh, Keto, this is soo disappointing. Not only a diet of basically all foods I like, like steak and butter and bacon, but my absolute favorite foods, like smoked salmon and aged cheese and pate and chicharrón. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to be on this diet, I’m gonna go broke.