Keto Complaint Department

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #201

Well, best let that one go. People have WLS for a myriad of reasons and it’s very personal. They can, however, benefit from a ketogenic diet too. Hopefully your sister goes low carb and he joins her.

(Mike Glasbrener) #202

Yes he had it before I knew about it. A very bad idea but what’s done is done. He really has no discipline and even had some pizza last night! Frustrating. I have hope for my sister… she’s a smart cookie. We live 2500 miles apart so we don’t get together much. But I’ll make an effort to nudge her along. My brother and his “common law” wife (gf of 10+yrs) listened to no availe. It’s the last conversation there till medical problems arise. :frowning:

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #203

Yesterday I had to pull out my drivers license to prove my age. Again.

This is getting hella annoying.

(Andrew Anderson) #204

My arms felt funny when I was walking today. I just realized they are not rubbing on my sides anymore! Keto killed my fat friction.

(KetoCowboy) #205

The hella annoyance with my driver’s license is nobody believes it’s really me–since the guy in that picture has an extra chin.

Foiled again by keto.

(Dustin Cade) #206

I’m really tired of putting on a sweatshirt at work because i’m freezing…

(Dany Bolduc) #207

AMEN to that !!!
It’s even worse on my fasting days.

(Cathrine Helle) #208

People at work are commenting on how great I look and that I shouldn’t hide in these big clothes any longer. Why can’t they just leave me alone :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(Fran) #209

I was travelling this weekend and got hungry so I tried to eat a protein bar that i bought for the kids. It was DISGUSTING! Keto has ruined my ability to eat fake food. I have to eat real food with actual nutrition that tastes good.

(Sheri Knauer) #210

Dammit! I have no shorts for summer because all my old ones fall down to my ankles when I walk!

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #211

I meet people daily who are curious about the ketogenic diet. It’s amazing how often the subject can come up.
“Your skin looks great” KETO
“Aren’t you going to eat?” not hungry. KETO
“What do you eat before swimming/lifting?” Nothing. Fat adapted. KETO
“Are you on any medication?” None. KETO
“You look GREAT!” KETO
“You’ve lost so much weight!” KETO
“How’d you do it?” KETO
“You are very strong!” KETO
“How are you able to fast for days?” KETO



(Sheri Knauer) #212

awwww shoot! my stupid electricity bill is going down because i am able to turn the thermostat up on the warmer days instead of having to crank it down.

(KCKO, KCFO) #213

Had the same problem. I had to go buy new ones, size 6s. This KETO stuff gets expensive. So annoying.

(Sheri Knauer) #214

Awwwww crap! Since starting keto, my ass Fat has gone way down. Now I’m sitting here at my kids swim team practice on metal bleachers wishing I had a pillow to sit on. These things are hard on the butt after sitting for a while.

(Andrea E.) #215

I keep arriving late for work because I no longer have the desire to drive aggressively. DAMN YOU KETO! YOU’RE GOING TO GET ME FIRED!

(Christopher Avery) #216

Geez, I’ve never gone through a jar of full fat mayonnaise so fast.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #217

The other day I ate an entire recipe of hollandaise. It contained 4 egg yolks and AN ENTIRE STICK OF BUTTER


(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #218

If that weren’t freaky enough, look at this.

That’s 610 pounds. And I lifted it 10 x’s. Just before that I did a progression of reps from 270 to 590 totaling 75.

(Jeanette Villanueva) #219

Og my goodness. I noticed myself doing the same thing! How horrible LOL

(Cathrine Helle) #220

Wow, this is hugely impressive :heart_eyes:

Now you’ve made me want to hit the gym again to get strong. The horror!