Keto challenge

(Tricia) #101

If you’re not “feeling” it, stop. You can always do it again on your own.

(Ashley) #102

The thick cut I get is one pound so would be the same, tastes better too because it holds a lot more of the fat in while cooking. The thickness makes it easier to eat for me, feels more like I’m actually eating something as apposed to thin not much weight to it bacon.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #103

Gotcha! Guess I was being blond, myself, lol! :joy:

(LeeAnn Brooks) #104

We stared talking about pounds, but somewhere along the way someone asked how many slices of bacon that would be.

So I can understand the confusion.

(Ashley) #105

Ahh, I actually got confused too, now understood. Yeah slices are different depending on thickness! Yum bacon. 3 days left of bacon!!!

(Ashley) #106

216.5 from my weigh in at 221. 4.5 lbs down since Friday! Which means I now am at my lightest since starting keto! Boo ya 4 week stall. Get out of here!

(Ashley) #108

Is it bad that I have in my head all the ways I’m going to break my bacon week lol? I’m dying for cheese right now.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #109

It’s my only hesitation to doing the bacon experiment. I’m afraid I will grow sick of bacon and not want it again for months.

Anyway, I’m going to do the Zorn fast. I just wrapped up my final meal today so the clock starts now.

Maybe I’ll jump into the bacon experiment when I finsh the fast.

(Ashley) #110

I’m not sick of it but I do want something different. It’s that amazing sausage pizza that was posted. Now I want cheese.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #111

I know. That looked incredible.

I haven’t had time to do much cooking with my son’s ball schedule, but as soon as his tournaments are done, that’s top of my list.

(Ashley) #112

Mine too it looks amazing!

(Ashley) #113

Last day of the bacon challenge for me, officially on Friday at noon I’ll have my first non bacon meal since that will be 7 days exactly. I’ll have one last weigh in tonight to total out what I’ve lost completely. It’ll be a very late weigh in with work! It’s been fun seeing the weight come off so easy. If I had to guess I’m probably around 5.5 or 6lbs down total. I didn’t weigh yesterday since I didn’t have work. I’ll know for sure later today.

(Stephanie Sablich) #114

It has been so fun to read through this thread! I’m inspired- stopping at Aldi on my way home from work and planning to start my 7-day bacon journey on Monday of next week. IF is a way of life for me (even when not on keto) but I’d like to get back to EF. Maybe this will help the transition :slight_smile:

(Ashley) #115

This has helped me go from 2MAD to OMAD. I definetly think it could help. I didn’t eat yesterday until 9pm which means I didn’t eat for 33 hours. Didn’t even phase me. I honestly forgot about it until I felt hungry because I was busy doing yard work and stuff.

(Ashley) #116

I also see your another Michigander like @Anniegirl9 and I. I Live about 40 minutes from Ann Arbor!

(Stephanie Sablich) #117

Oh cool! That 40 minutes from Ann Arbor is a wide circle though :slight_smile: I just moved and now live 40 minutes south of Ann Arbor, but I work in Detroit.

Basically, too much driving. Thank goodness for car bacon :wink:

(Ashley) #118

I live towards Jackson if that helps! It’s west of Ann Arbor!

(LeeAnn Brooks) #119

And I’m in the Kalamazoo area. About 30 minutes northwest of K-zoo.

(Kaiden) #120

What about Canadian bacon? I found a package in a coconut wrap tastes pretty good.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #121

I consider Canadian bacon more like ham.
Not really sure how others perceive it, but I wouldn’t place it in with bacon category myself. Pork belly is closer to bacon. It’s basically really fat bacon imo.