Keto challenge

(Tricia) #1

I’m not sure if anyone is interested, but Dan Quibell-The Bacon Experiment guy is having a Free 7 day keto weight loss challenge.
I’m not sure if I’m going to do it yet. Let me know what you all think!

I'll Say One Thing for CICO
(LeeAnn Brooks) #2

I was just reading about this guy and his experiment. I don’t think I could go a whole 30 days on nothing but bacon. I like variety too much. But I was wondering what a week would do.
I also don’t think I could consume 2 pounds a day. Maybe a little over a pound.

I couldn’t find anywhere about what he drank. I wonder if it was only water or if he did coffee or tea. I’m assuming if he did others it was not BP, but would plain tea be allowable???


I tried a bacon fast. By day 2, diarrhea forced me out of it. I was eating a little over a pound a day. Might not have been the bacon that caused the problem, but I haven’t had diarrhea since starting keto 6 months ago, so the timing is suspicious.

And yes, I actually eat bacon all the time!

(Tricia) #4

The challenge isn’t just bacon. He has a food list and menu with 2 or 3 different options per meal to choose from. There’s no dairy, although I saw you could have 1 1/2 tablespoons of half & half and almond milk. Now, I LOVE LOVE my coffee! I dont think I’d like half & half and almond milk.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #5

Do you think pork belly would count under bacon? He said he ate both regular bacon and back bacon during his experiment. I could probably do it longer if I could switch up regular bacon and pork belly.:yum:

(LeeAnn Brooks) #6

Sorry, I commented before I read your reply. I’m still interested in the bacon challenge. I’m thinking I may have to do a mini version of it.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #7

How many strips is a pound? Also, as I have noted, an all meat diet does not work with my system at all! I need the veggies.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #8

In an interview I read, he said 2 pounds was roughly 30 pieces, so 1 pound would be 15. But he also used thick cut bacon and back bacon, which is much wider than typical bacon.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #9

I go through around ten for breakfast. So - I’m guessing I could do the 30!!! Though I know my system would not tolerate just that. But it sounds like a yummy challenge.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #10

I could easily do that much in regular bacon. But thick cut or back bacon would be almost double the bulk of typical bacon.

(Ashley) #11

I may have to try this for science, and because it’s bacon.

(Tricia) #12

It looks like a good challenge…could be fun! I just dont want to give up my hwc in my coffee!

(Teresa (turtle)) #13

I just signed up…not sure if I will follow through with it in its entirety though. :bacon:

(Ashley) #14

Ah I can’t even join that because apparently you have to have FB and I don’t. Oh well I’m going to give it a go tomorrow anyways :slight_smile: anybody know what it’s recommended amounts? I can’t read anything about the challenge unless signed up

(Tricia) #15

I’d post the grocery list and menu, but I can’t figure out how to do it.

(Ashley) #16

That’s fine, I was referring to the bacon only challenge, can’t seem to find out exactly how much bacon a day. Although eat til full will tell me anyways. Thank you though :slight_smile:

(LeeAnn Brooks) #17

If you’re following his original one, it’s two pounds of bacon a day.

(Ashley) #18

Oh boy that’s alot of bacon lol!


I understand the advantage/appeal of doing the keto bacon challenge if you were coming from a SAD. I’d be curious to see what happens to people who are already keto adapted for a while and what sort of weight loss the challenge produces for somebody who doesn’t have a lot of carb-related water weight to lose.

(Ashley) #20

I have been keto since March 23rd. Definetly fat adapted. I weigh myself almost daily due to my work having a doctors scale that’s leveled and set correctly. I plan on buying some bacon. Probably going to give it a go this weekend. Have a bit of meat to get through first so I’m thinking I’ll start Saturday or Sunday! Unless I decide to just freeze it and start sooner! I’ll let you guys know how it goes. Been at the same weight a bit now so it’ll be interesting.