Kerrygold - Salted vs Unsalted

(Brian) #41

Don’t much care if it sounds like folding. It’s not a battle worth fighting.

No idea what the “#bloodyUN” thingie is. ??


(Running from stupidity) #42


(Brian) #43

Ok, that’s clearer. Thanks!

(Troy) #44

Ok Folks …
I’m doing “butter” now!!
Recovery good
Electrolytes good
Taste Good

Back to life, back to reality :heart_eyes:

The heck w all you unsalted people🤣

(Sophie) #45

I’m definitely in the Salted group and I use it with abandon! I only buy the unsalted occasionally when I want to make double cream in my cream maker. The salted just doesn’t seem work as well. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

(TJ Borden) #46

Can you elaborate on this double cream you speak of?

(Sophie) #47

Sure! @Rosemarie posted a thread that got me started… But be forewarned…it’s a rabbit hole… :wink:

(Ray Reimann) #48

Definitely salted.

(Allie) #49

Wasn’t when I looked but that was last year.


Update: I just tried salted for the first time… Oh my goodness!!! I could just take a bite right out of it! :heart_eyes:

(Troy) #51

Welcome aboard!
The Salt and Light are now upon thee😁

(TJ Borden) #52

:joy::joy::joy::joy: I just picked up a pack of salted kerrygold at Costco. I’ll see if I’m ready to jump sides too

(Troy) #53

Can’t beat Costco (4) pack pricing …$9.99
Some still just have the (3) pack
Either way, a great deal

Definitely share your taste comparison
Unsalted - Margerine, left on the counter for days, greasy oily taste
Salted - darn good!

No Bias :rofl:


(TJ Borden) #54

What the shit??? Mine was a 3-pack. I got hosed.

(Troy) #55

It’s all good still


Hah! That’s what my mom said about cooking meat and fish and smothering them in sauces! The sauces were to cover up the rancid meat/fish!