Karim's Extended Fast Tracker - come along for the ride

(PJ) #502

Remind me how many grams of Leucine you’re supplementing with?

(Doug) #503

It is complicated, Karim. If we need to burn some proteins for energy - and I’m thinking that you’re lean enough for this to be the case when fasting - then it makes sense.

I’d say we often overestimate the steadiness of autophagy. When we consider the grand swings in insulin and glucagon over a multi-day fast, there are overall, persistent trends, but in the liver and several other types of cells, autophagosomes are getting created and whacked constantly - they have a half-life of around 8 minutes. There is a high turnover rate, and almost always a fairly low volume of present autophagosomes, even when we’d say that autophagy is really cranked up. So the system can be rapidly responsive to significant changes in the things that control the rate of autophagy.

(Karim Wassef) #504

I started with 0.8g in the last week of phase 1

During this first week of the phase 2 fast, I would use 4g after lifting, sauna and UV

So it is a very small dose compared to my lean mass, but I think it starts to strip multiple times that much protein to support the anabolic reaction with mToR… and that catabolic action of ripping up more protein happens while fasted and in a high AMPK state.

I’m intentionally smashing two diametrically opposite hormonal states with a trigger… and it seems to be working. But let’s see how the results come back first.

(PJ) #505

Well I’ll have to wait until the water resolves (ref my kidneys) but if body has the fast last long enough maybe I’ll try it. Otherwise I’ll try it on a shorter fast, just to see what happens. Need to be more active (kidney issues nearly immobilized me for a bit). Worth a try!

(PJ) #506

What’s leucine taste like? I ask because glycine for instance is really sweet. I once put it in a morning protein shake and it got much better, as it had cocoa in it that was never quite sweet enough. I’m wondering how easy it would be to just add it to foods without major taste effects.

(Karim Wassef) #507

I take capsules. Can’t taste it.


How long have you been on this fast now?

(Karim Wassef) #509

Phase 1 was 19 days continuously followed by 9 days of feeding (with one fast day in the middle)

Phase 2 is made up of " 5 fast days : 2 feed days " week cycles for 4 weeks.

Today was day 5 of the first week so I just broke my fast for this week. I’ll eat this weekend and fast starting Sunday night again. :smiley:

(PJ) #510

i will not be envious that he gets to eat i will not be envious that he gets to eat i…

(Karim Wassef) #511

If it’s any consolation, I did consider extending this cycle to two weeks… but I need the data on cyclic fasting… I ate … for science…

(PJ) #512

Dedicating your body to the greater glorious good of mankind.
Well that ranks I guess. :grin:

(Karim Wassef) #513

Ok… phase 2… cycle week 1… fasted 5 days and today is feeding day 1…

I ate last night so this morning will have the effect of that one time refeed… I also saw a rapid change in glucose and ketones.

Just before eating, I was at 52G and 6.2K = 0.47GKI

After eating, I went to 79G and 3.8K = 1.15GKI

That’s a 2.5x increase in GKI from one meal. Pretty dynamic response from eating nuts, seeds, veggies and avocados… ok, it was a lot of food. But I wanted the protein and the tahini had a lot of lime that I know is full of carbs… and I did do it a bit with the onions… love me some onions.

Anyway- I wanted to get above 1 quickly so I could get out of autophagy and I succeeded at that.

More results in a bit

(Karim Wassef) #514

Weight went up from 172 to 178.4 (6.4lbs), then dropped with “food flux” down to 177… so a 5lb gain in water retention + refeed effect (glycogen, muscle, fat) and 1.4lb of flow through from last night’s meal alone.

I was very thirsty and 5lb is around 2.5 quarts … so that does line up.

(Karim Wassef) #515

Since everyone posts their extra-Keto activities on their threads with Don’s woodworking and Dena’s gaming :slight_smile:, I thought I’d share something interesting about me for a change

Anyone know what this is?

(Karim Wassef) #516

So 0.78GKI… barely got over 1 and back under

(Windmill Tilter) #517

An avatar? :yum:

(PJ) #518

Is that a big aquarium with a mirror-back? Really gorgeous colors!!

edited because I can’t spell

(Karim Wassef) #519

Its a coral reef

I do reef gardening. That’s section is just about 2’ x 2’ out of the full 8’

That tank was 380gallons. I had a YouTube channel with videos since I designed, engineered and built it from scratch…

70 followers actually… :slight_smile:

Anyway … that’s my “weird”

(Karim Wassef) #520

So here’s the weight progress:

and here’s the glucose, ketone, and GKI for this fast (phases 1 and 2)

and here’s my GKI in the long term - comparing different historic fasts:

Thinking of doing my first fast beginning tonight... questions
(Windmill Tilter) #521

That’s very cool! have never heard of anybody doing that before. How long does it take for them to grow to that size?