Just started zero carb, tell me your story :)

(Anne) #41

I am no longer ZC. I was eating lots of ribeye, then adding ghee to it. I thought if I increased fat to keto macros then the hunger would subside. (Zero carb doc Pail Mabry limits protein and increases fat). That was very unsuccessful for me. I kept trying to reconcile the pro-fat, anti-CICO with ZC. Now I am following the Ketogains boot camp macros that are calorie restricted and carb restricted, protein higher and fat lower than eat-all-the-fat keto macros. I am hopeful but not far enough along to know if this is right for me. Good luck! Don’t go too far in the wrong direction! Run from any guru who tells you that “your body is healing”, that was a red flag.

(Brittany) #42

Thank you so much