Just started. Need some advice, reassurance

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #41


Thin Lizzy Whiskey in the Jar -

(Jax Kovak) #42

Interesting - I might try the lemonade, but without any sweeteners I think. The pain is very low, practically on the top of my butt. I spoke to my doc about it and he seems to think that it could well be arthritis in a couple of little joints that are exactly where the pain is, which makes sense as I have arthritis in a couple of joints anyway, and crashed a few bikes at high speed when I was a kid.

:rofl: I think Ill give that particular idea a miss, and if I’m listening to Sympathy for the Devil I might well go with the Motorhead version!

Wow! Long time no hear!

(KM) #43

This isn’t going to be very helpful but I developed exactly the pain you’re speaking of, or at least exactly the location, while I was fasting. When I stopped fasting the pain went away.

My perception of my pain was that it was spinal vertebrae grinding on a nerve, some sort of slipped disc / deteriorated bone issue. I have absolutely no idea why fasting or diet would cause this, but that was how I perceived the pain.

I broke my coccyx three times as a child. I don’t know if this has anything to do with anything. But I would not be surprised if I had done some permanent damage to the vertebrae slightly higher up, similar to your arthritis theory.