June 2019 - IF/EF Chat Thread (All Welcome)

(Jane) #157

15 hours in and tummy rumbling a bit since it is lunch time. No food smells since I am working from my hotel room this morning so easy to ignore.

BG: 82
BK: 1.4
GKI: 3.25
Boz: 59

Much better numbers than my starting point. Happy fasting!


I was up a bit on the scale yesterday morning for a net gain after my last fast. Overall, still a downward trend though. I try to focus on that. But I find these occasional net gains so demoralizing. It’s not that I just lost a tiny bit, but that all the effort of a fast was for nothing. It’s a struggle sometimes.

I’m down this morning though and I’m going along at close to 40 hours. I’m feeling a bit hungry, which is unusual for me, but it’s definitely something I can ignore and keep going. Planning on going until lunch time tomorrow. Then eating Wednesday and Thursday. I have a big dinner out on Thursday to a really nice restaurant and I may go off plan (haven’t decided). I’m planning on getting right back in the game with another fast on Friday and Saturday.

(Susan) #159

i read there is something like 10 lbs of waste in your digestive system at one time and fasting empties that out so you regain it right after eating. Perhaps this is an old wives tale?


Not really… I believe I’ve actually read where it can be anywhere from 5 lbs. to 20 lbs., depending on your Age, Weight, Height, etc. … But it’s usually more than most would expect in any case. … So yes, I also remind folks that when you re-feed after a Fast, that you have to keep in account along with fluid weight, you will also have to figure on some meal weight returning as well. But this is normal as to re-filling the tank so to speak, and one shouldn’t get too hung up on the numbers since the type of meals being consumed can play a big role in this. (i.e., heavier meals, higher impact on weight regain) But I would never suggest that someone go lighter on purpose, to keep said numbers lower either. :slight_smile:

Glad to hear everyone is rolling along nicely! … Coming up on 44.5 hrs. here myself & feeling fine. :+1:

(Tamela Robinette) #161

Ok I’ve had my 2 meals today and have started a new fast. Will attempt to make it 42 hours. I really struggle with that 2nd meal, I’m just so full already. Hope everyone is cruising through their fasts!!

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #162

Okay decided to break at 45hrs. See the post I linked to.

Got a little adrenaline rush after getting two good news in less than an hour. And boom my hunger was back.

I’m gladly breaking my fast for celebrating with my ladies tonight.

BG 71 (YEA)
BHB 1.6
GKI 2.5
Boz 44

Pretty happy with those numbers especially the BG level of 71 mg/dL.

I’ll be skipping next week as I’m on holiday. Of course I will do some IF 18/6 days but with tons of relatives around we will likely be having social breakfasts.

Want to Avoid Refeed Gains
(Paul H) #163

Well I have some work to do… Broke fast at 47 hours.

BG 107…kinda high
BK .9
GKI 6.6

Dang was hoping for better just drinking water n black coffee. But I went 47 hours!

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #164

How long have you been keto and how long have you been fat adapted? How long have you been doing fasts >24 hrs?

Do you have a history of high (>100) bg fasting or in the morning? I have had the dawn effect and my BG used to be 120 to 130 in the morning but during the day when eating very low carb has been 95 or so. I’ve been strict keto for 11+ months and fat adapted maybe 7 months. Even that, it has taken me most of the last 11 months to get my BG down. That is because I’m insulin resistant. I started doing IF 18/6 and time restricted feeding since October and it took extended fasting once a week since January to break through my insulin resistance. Today 45 hrs fasted and my BG was 71 mg/dL. It is possible but it takes time. Be patient.

(Paul H) #165

I have been doing Keto for 4 months with my only focus on BG as I am T2D went from 9.5 to 6.9. Just starting to think about weight loss and have only really done OMAD with this fast just something that was easy and I rolled with it. I do not know much about my BG fasting it definitely goes down throughout the day and I am happy if it goes below 100. For my second day I was surprised it rose to 144 at lunch. I really don’t know how fat adapted I am… I felt great during this whole fast… really good. Is it just a sign I am not fat adapted or fatty liver or I dunno? This was the first Mojo Ketone test strip I used as I just opened the package… I will be trying this again after a couple days from my understanding… Very happy how I felt…

(Carol) #166

June Fasters are amazing this month. Every post seems so positive and I’m drinking it up since I can’t join in for a bit.

I decided to put a positive spin on these non-fasting days by thinking I’m shaking my metabolism up. I can’t remember the last time I ate every day for 10 days straight. lol I can’t wait to feel that nice, light feeling one gets with fasting. Next week!

(Jane) #167

A little over 24 hours in and no hunger. I’ll be headed to bed soon for my 8 hours of “free” fasting :wink:

BG: 80
BK: 3.0
GKI: 1.48
Boz: 27


This isn’t a bad thing at all… It helps even more with changing things up, and it’s actually good to throw in a couple weeks of just eating sometimes and simply enjoy those meals. :slight_smile: I know I do so.

Also I’m at 52 hrs. presently, and heading to bed here shortly, once these last two Mini-Cheese Cakes get finish cooking and then cool. Actually 10pm now, and usually just getting in bed, but running a little late tonight. Made one full sized & the Wife has been waiting for me to make her Mini’s. One was just plain Chocolate the other has Orange Flavoring.

(Jane) #169

My plan this week is to fast 70 hours and break Thu night at dinner. From my ratios I should be in a decent autophagic (is that a word?) state after 24 hours so that will give me around 46 hours of autophagy this week.

(Jane) #170

Love the new AV!!!

(Carol) #171

Yes, I think this is the best plan at the moment. So whether it’s OMAD or TMAD, I’ve given up to relaxing and enjoying. :slight_smile:


Thanks… It’s just an image I did back in 2014. Actually I did it just to use it for an AV for another site and thought to change things up tonight. :slight_smile: It’s called ‘Horns’, and I’ll post the full image on my thread, so as to not stomp all over our Fasting thread with these fine Folks. :wink:

:+1: … Correct indeed. :slight_smile: You can always kick back into Fasting whenever you’re ready. But I also look forward to taking those breaks and just enjoying the Feasting for a while too. :slight_smile:

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #173

calling it quits after 41h. stupid headaches really… but I will have a bit of an extrem end of the week so that’s okay.
2 days festival Music followed by a day of pride parades and whatnot. I will be dead by sunday XD Looking forward to TMAD because it makes my life easier and cheaper…

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #174

I’ll allow it (LOL) but I’m not the grammer police. You number are amazing.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #175



It is very likely that you have significant insulin resistance (IR) given your A1c.

IR people respond to food, the sight of food, smells very differently than people that are not metabolically deranged. There are studies that show this.

For example, artificial sweeteners can stimulate an insulin response. Then your body may produce more blood glucose to avoid the big swings. A vicious cycle.

Staying strict keto, doing fasting and losing weight should all have a positive impact on your IR. But it takes a lot of time. Ignore the people that have fantastic fast recovery from such derangements. You are on your own journey. It may have taken years to get here. It may take some significant time to straighten out your situation.

You might want to get some baseline BG readings. Ketones may not matter so much yet as long as you are in ketosis.

Measure your BG within 15 minutes of waking up. This to see how much you have the dawn effect.

Take your BG before a keto meal and then post meal (last bite) 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes.

Maybe some specific time of day. Noon or so.

Then when you do extended fasting end of each day. Like 6 pm.

Don’t go to crazy with readings, unless the monitoring is fun for you. But get a baseline and then redo this again maybe in 6 or 8 weeks.

Above all, be patient, keep calm and keto on.


Just getting in to work, and just passing 61 hrs. … Hope everyone is getting along as well. :slight_smile:

FYI - I usually just keep my Fasting app set time to 120 hrs., being it’s my self imposed limit. But it’s not the time I shoot for each Fast, I just don’t change it for each one.