JUNE 2018 IF/EF chat - all welcome

(Shayne) #222

Nope. No such luck. But, I ran out of one of my meds over the weekend and I’ve been without until yesterday and I did notice a big drag from losing that - it was Tuesday, I think that was the worst. Maybe the next one will be better!

(Jane) #223

70 hours in with 2 more to go. Hunger all gone so I could go longer, but breaking my fast with my husband so all is good.

Hubby has lost 6 lbs already and he didn’t need to lose any. I told him to load up when he feasts so hopefully he will gain it back. He wants to figure out a way to get to autophagy w/o losing any weight long term. Temporary is ok.

I wish I had that problem!!! :rofl:


24hrs, & I feel good- done a lot in the garden today but not tired… Still do like my coffee as a crutch though!

(Shayne) #225

91 hours in and the hunger is getting more persistent… I know Brenda talks about it coming in waves, but it’s getting to be like labor… the waves are getting closer together right now. I better get off my butt and get some coffee or bouillon pretty soon.

(Shayne) #226

I got the coffee… decaf this time… with salt. I’m ok.

(william Lamothe) #227

I just finished my first month of Keto…loving it, with 2 weeks I was IF, not because I wanted to, but because my hunger was gone. By week 3 I was 1 meal every 24hrs and today I am 48 hours into an EF that I never dreamed possible!!! Gonna end it when I feel like I need to eat again.

I do have a fasting question…I noticed my Blood Ketone jumped up to 4.4 mmol…i am typically at 1.4-2.0 in my IF routine. Is this normal?

(Shayne) #228

Ended just past 96 hours. I was just done.

Back to ADF next week.

(Ron) #229

Nice job, that’s my goal on this one. 48 in and going strong.:+1:

(Robert C) #230

Same happened to me - big jump the first few times.

I think it is because the first few fasts are jolting your system and it is over compensating.

Once you work the “fasting muscle” the second day blah feeling issues are gone and so are these spikes (at least that is what happened to me).

(Jane) #231

I agree. I stepped on the evil bitch (scale) and didn’t lose an ounce after a 72-hr fast after my husband lost 6 lbs he didn’t need to lose (autophagy goal). But my jeans are looser so I’ll take that as a win for my efforts

(Allie) #232

My ketones always jump up when I’m fasting

(Shayne) #233

I didn’t lose anything till the fourth day of this fast.

I just checked my Fitbit app for my weight log, and the scale says I lost 1% body fat. I’ve been hovering around 51.5% all year and this morning it said 49.9%!

(Steve) #234

Kicking off a water EF after 3 days of feasting (2 days at 3100+, another at over 4000 calories!) That Megan Ramos “switching it up” episode inspired me to give it a whirl! :slight_smile:

Hoping a good long EF will also help heal a hernia that I’ve managed to inflict on myself recently (it’s less inflamed as I’m avoiding movements which agitate it). Even though the doctors say it’s not possible to heal a hernia without surgery, I’m going to try to prove them wrong. :slight_smile: (seen a few blogs where people have said that they have!!) :slight_smile:

Last EF I did was 6+ days - we’ll see how long I can extend this one!!!


Is it an inguinal hernia or a herniated disc? I’m only a vet but I know with herniated discs, while the injury itself can’t be “fixed” without surgery, often the main source of pain and mobility problems is the resulting inflammation, which I totally believe you can help resolve with a non-inflammatory diet (my own shoulder injury being my personal example). The same could be true of inguinal hernias, I’m not sure. Either way, best of luck to you, Steve, let us know how it feels in a few days!

(Lisa F) #236

Lol…I always know I’m in a long fast when the cat’s wet food starts to look not too terrible…then I catch a whiff of it and the moment passes!

(Steve) #237

Thanks Callisto! :slight_smile: It’s an inguinal hernia (I think) - it’s abdominal - just to the left and under my navel. From what I’ve been told, the fascia won’t heal on its own. It has to be mended with surgery. (and I can’t even get a surgical consult until October - or September at the earliest getting on the cancellation list).
So, I figured a couple weeks of fasting might just make a difference. :slight_smile:

I’ll definitely report back on progress!! :slight_smile:

(Allie) #238

Well my day got off to a really awful start and I’ve had an extra fatty coffee to try and help me feel better… not ideal but could be worse.

(Allie) #239

My day :sob:

(Jane) #240


(Lisa F) #241

So Keto Rash…is not just for newbies!! I’ve been doing quite a bit of fasting for the last two months. And poof I now have Keto Rash on my chest…which is making my already sadly diminished breasts even prettier! I’ve been Keto for nearly three years and never had the rash when I first started. I gather fasting can cause deep enough ketosis.

So that’s fun. I’m using acv topically (so now I also smell like salad!), have upped my intake and having some berries per Megan Ramos’ advice on the Obeisity Code podcast.

So am really just whining but also wondering if anyone else has had fasting related Keto Rash? Should I quit fasting for a bit or maybe dial it back? Thoughts?