July 2018 IF / EF chat ALL WELCOME

(Allie) #3

Probably a combination of the heat wave and lack of sleep, sounds sensible to sit it out today.

I’m generally fine on day one, not too bad on day two, then struggle on day three before (if I’m lucky) feeling better on day four. If I don’t reach the feeling better on day four then there isn’t generally a day five.

I’ve just decided, having finished my 100 squats a day for the whole of June, that July will be a yoga every day challenge - even if for only ten mins.


Thank you, Allie! I tend to be very gung-ho on things but then if I push past some internal edge, I stop for a long time (I’m now coming back to fasting after a full year or not doing it), and I just want to get it to be a simple, regular habit. I love the Zorn fasts but they often line up with difficult work stretches or awkward family times, so I’m planning to carve out 3-5 days/month of EF and then OMAD a few times/week.

I love the idea of a monthly exercise challenge! have fun :slight_smile:

(back and doublin' down) #5

Hello July!

Day 4 has turned out to be my hardest. I sail through the others. Strongly considering that electrolytes are out of wack by then for sure. Will mix up keto-aid before the next EF. These next few weeks are going to be more IF focused due to holiday, travel and now a day working at an emergency shelter offering mental health triage due to a devastating forest fire in our area. Working with a team away from home is going to take some flexibility in the realm of food. Expecting to jump into an EF when I return from vacation just to reset myself and resolve any vacation ‘off the range’ eating.

Thanks Allie @Shortstuff or getting the thread started. This is really my favorite thread! I checked out ‘squat challenge’ on YouTube. Maybe I’ll start considering that sort of stuff after another 30 lbs or so. I do love Yoga! Try to work in just the stretching part every day, and more when I have time or an available group. @Madeleine glad you have a supportive person in your life, and one that will help you stay in touch with what your body is saying. Fast safely :slight_smile:

(Allie) #6

@Paendora I haven’t seen it on You Tube so don’t know what they involve on there. The one I did was just me and a couple of others on Instagram keeping each other accountable. We all did it in our own ways, the only consistency between us was that we pushed through and did it without fail every day so pushed ourselves harder than we wanted to. Honestly, some days I could’ve cried and today I’m very pleased not to be squatting, but going forward I will still be doing body weight squats every time I go into the work toilets as that’s a habit with holding on to :grinning:

The yoga challenge will push me as it’s somethinh I’ve kept on trying to incorporate into my routine but keep ending up with excuses, but in reality, ten minutes is nothing out of my day so I have no excuses now.


Thanks for getting up the new thread Allie.

Good luck with the yoga challenge. I am planning on doing this workout daily for the month of July. I have played around with it for a month, very intermittently, but want to make it a daily thing. You repeat it 3x per day, but it is only a 4 min. workout.

(Beth) #8

Yay! New thread and great ideas to start the month. I’m going to do the yoga challenge and throw in a few of the four minute workouts too, thanks @collaroygal, @Shortstuff!
My other goal is to EF/IF to goal this month. I’m close.
Happy fasting! Ya’ll rock!

Today is my first planned IF... mini-blog

@KCKeto - good luck with reaching your goal this month! Also like the exercise ideas/ monthly challenges!
@Shortstuff - thanks for the squats idea, think I’ll give it a go! Day 1 down…
OMAD for me this week, trying out some new recipes for my son…

(Central Florida Bob ) #10

It’s a new month. Since Sunday is the first fasting day of the week for my ADF experiment, I’m fasting until tomorrow around brunch/lunch/whatever you call it.

It even works out that the 4th is a “feast” day. If the weather is looking good, I’ll have to throw something in the smoker.

(Justin Jordan) #11

This month I’m trying to do one 48 a week. I may do more than that, but this is the minimum.

(Allan L) #12

There is a heatwave still in the UK, its Monday, that means its fasting time. My goal is 60+ hours! Last meal was @ 4.30pm Sunday.


Fasting is the glue of a low carb lifestyle; an absolutely amazing tool to own for a healthier life style; so glad I discovered it!

My plans; are probably 2 or 3 24hr fasts per week (lunch to lunch) for the next couple of weeks then an EF in the third or fourth week of probably 4 days minimum.

I did 2.5 days last month for my first EF and it was such an amazing experience and I feel really kicked me into some pure keto goodness vibes when I broke with some tasty fats (I felt like a million bucks the day after)! :slight_smile:

BTW; I’m feeling like a 25 year old most days, and I’m late 30s, and only 2 months into LC, Keto, Fasting, (hardly any intentional exercise). Sure my gut health is much better; and this is what’s helping raise the good feelings.


hi, all!
I ended my fast earlier than planned (was hoping for 5 days, broke it the morning of day 4, so 80 hour or so). I was feeling heavy and slow yesterday and getting lots of dizziness every time I stood up.

Despite not feeling 100%, the fasting time is relatively easy for me, and it’s today that I need to be careful. This morning as I broke the fast I felt a weird combination of hungry and full and very mildly queasy. I think I tend to overeat in this state, and then things get weird for a while - and I don’t want that to happen! I want to be able to slip out of fasting as easily as I slip into it, and make it an easy part of my life. My plan today: 3 full meals but being careful not to eat outside of them, and tracking my carbs to be sure I don’t go over.


So great!!

(Laura Morales) #16

Hello Forum,

I’ve been Keto for about 10 months but haven’t lost much weight. Benefits are off the charts though and that is one reason why I keep at it. I have been doing IF & EF for the last two months and have seen some weight loss but most importantly, cravings have left me alone, for the most part. My period is back on track, and I’m doing this. I’ve been keeping a excel spreadsheet since February in the hopes that I can see what has helped me and what I should stick to. July is the month I have been prepping to go on my longest EF. I’ve done 120 hours but I know and feel I can do longer. One thing I notice after 72 hours is…I don’t want to go back to eating. Why do I do it? Peer & Family pressure. I have devised a plan: Tell family I ate at work and tell coworkers I’ll be eating at home. If anyone wants to join me in JULY-NO-EAT-ATHON, please, welcome.
I’m starting at 196.8 lbs.
I also wanted to add that I’m trying to workout during this fast by doing 10K steps and gym time for the whole month. Now, I don’t do a lot in gym, I lift for 15 minutes and do an hour on the elliptical or treadmill. I also walk for my 15 minute breaks at work. I’ve not been at the gym but a handful of times since February so this is a bigger challenge for me than staying on Keto Track. Wish me luck fellow warriors.

(Laura Morales) #17

I agree with you @AndySat - I die most times when I start at a fast. The first 48 hours are the hardest but then it’s like you don’t think about it. My daughter says I’m most active when I fast and stressing out over food is one trigger for me so it’s nice to not have to do that. I’m 47 and 4’11" so I have age and height to challenge me but I am now weighing less than when I was 21. This blows my mind.


That’s awesome!

In the first 48 hours I often remind myself people get sick and naturally fast as they recover, or people in other parts of the world, culture or just in poor areas of the world probably go days without eating properly. In fact that’s one of the emotional connections I feel you can have when you reach challenging points; it makes you realise people are going hungry just like this and it’s not through choice!

2.5 days seems like hardly any time now, if I can manage 4/5 days on my next EF I’m hopeful for even more change in my perspective and my body.

(Allie) #19

Right decision made, as of tomorrow I’m fasting until the weekend so that’ll be four days. I’ve been struggling the last few weeks, still doing IF but not been able to do any decent length fasts since I dabbled with zero carb… now this crazy hot weather that us UK people are just not accustomed to or set up to handle (no air con here) has been making me hungry for some reason so I really have to give myself a kick to get back on track.

(Laura Morales) #20

Oohh… @Shortstuff - I had to say that, I only noticed weight loss when I did LOW carbs, like less than 12g. My macros were done using the Ketogains calculator on Reddit and it showed my fat grams at 86g compared to another sub showing it at 104g. So now lower fat and carb intake is finally working for me. Slow yes, but it’s working. Now I wanted to get back into motion and help myself so intermittent fasting has been tough but totally worth it.


Checking for the end of my first post-EF day since I’m working on smoothing out my transitions out of the fasting days. I had three solid meals, and I’m still a bit off - still some of that weird full/hungry sensation - but I didn’t eat everything in sight and I kept it to meal times and carbs at 18g, so I’m going to call it a success :slight_smile: and just hope that it keeps getting better every time. I plan to eat normally most of this week but may try another 3-day fast Fri- Sunday.

(Allie) #22

@Metalflowa what you need to keep in mind with ketogains macros is that they’re intended for people who regularly lift weights so need more protein. I do regularly lift weights, but the protein they advise for me is way too high and kicked me out of ketosis. If it work for you, all good as some people do well on higher protein, just something you should be aware of :heart: