(grace elizabeth) #222

She is beautiful…what a pretty smile!

(Empress of the Unexpected) #223

It just hit me - in the 13 weeks I have been on keto, not one episode of sleep paralysis. (Knock on wood) My formerly exhausted husband confirmed this fact. Really restful sleep. Pre-keto, I would have at least two episodes a month.

(Aimee Moisa) #224

OMG I hate sleep paralysis. I get it when I take too much tylenol or sleep on my back.

(Tonya ) #225

Hi Aimee,

What happens when you have sleep paralysis?



(Aimee Moisa) #226

You’re half awake and you cant move and you cant wake up the rest of the way.

In normal sleep we naturally become sort of paralyzed. Our bodies stop reacting to movement signals from our brains. That way if we dream we are running we dont sleep run into the street. There are at least two ways this process can be broken. One, you sleep walk when your body doesnt become paralyzed when you fall asleep. And the other is when you are waking up and the paralysis doesnt go away. I have done both. Sleep walk when I was a kid. Have sleep paralysis when I take too much tylenol.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #227

Yup, the back thing. Pre-keto I had this horrible habit of waking up around three and drinking a lot of milk and crackers. Then it felt SOOO good to fall asleep on my back. Recipe for disaster. Have you seen that famous old painting showing a young lady having a sleep paralysis issue?

(Empress of the Unexpected) #228

The horse looks like: "WTF? And she is asking for trouble.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #229

I slept walked too. And not just as a kid, but thank goodness as an adult only in times of extreme stress. Once my husband found me in the closet trying to get the vacuum out. Another time I announced we had to go fishing.

(Aimee Moisa) #230

Oh God no, that would be a nightmare for me!

(Aimee Moisa) #231

My coolest thing is having had full, conherent sounding conversations with my husband in the middle of the night when he came home late from work after I was already asleep, and not remembering that we even talked at all. LOL

(TJ Borden) #232

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: you blurred WTF??

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #233

Yeah, what the heck is that about? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

(Empress of the Unexpected) #234

Sure, WTFN? [Some users blur “Damn!.!”

(Empress of the Unexpected) #235

I don’t have that luxury when awake! My husband doesn’t speak English and my Spanish is sketchy at best!

(Empress of the Unexpected) #236

@PaulL @Baytowvin WTF? Are you guys the class clowns??? You are giving me a complex: rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

(Tonya ) #237

Wow, that is strange. I am wondering if that is what happened to me? I was experiencing waking up in the middle of the night wanting to move my legs, but they wouldn’t move! It was like my brain was telling my legs to move and nothing happened. It was pretty scary! I talked to my doctor and they said I had restless leg syndrome. It sounds alot alike!

(Jane) #238

I posted this earlier in this thread… but I was looking at my legs tonight and the blue spider veins are almost gone!

Been there for years and getting worse. Didn’t start fading until I started fasting so I attribute to autophagy.


(mags) #239

Hi casey. I started keto seriously in early February and my knee pain in both knees was getting worse too. I realise now that I have probably been pain free for at least 6 weeks. It sort of creeps up on you. You will get there :grinning:

(Casey Crisler) #240

I hope so. But it’s arthritis and I’m not sure even keto can fix that.

(mags) #241

I assumed mine was arthritis too. Had it for years but it would come and go. And now it’s gone :grinning:. I still have stiffness in my knees if I’ve been sitting for a long time but no pain