(Daniel Winter) #169

No more headaches at all, used to get occasional migrane, nothing since consistent keto eating :slight_smile:

(Olivia) #170

Here’s a really specific and weird improvement that I noticed yesterday:
Do you no that feeling when you walk into a room and have forgotten what you wanted to pick up? I used to get that quite frequently. The object I wanted to fetch sometimes never came back to me or at least it took a couple of turns around the apartment to recall why I needed to go to that room. Now, it almost never happens and on the rare occasions that it does, it takes me 5 s to remember again.
I don’t think it’s directly related to ketones but rather some kind of long-term neurological healing from all the healthy fats.

Has anybody also noticed this phenomenon?

(Jeanne Wagner) #171

Yes it happened to me ALL THE TIME. Like, I don’t know when it didn’t happen. Now I am getting that short term memory back a little bit at a time. It sill happens, but not as much, and like you I can usually remember in a few minutes or after I stop thinking about it. I’m not sure of the reason but I’m happy it’s happening.

(Liz ) #172

Yes absolutely! I was losing word recall at a rapid pace before I went Keto and I was SO RELIEVED when I started to see improvement. But I wasn’t low fat before so I do credit ketones, in my personal case.

(KaizenKate) #173

Yes, my short term memory, brain cloud, word recall and word order (I called it dyslexic speaking) and depression were first to go. Off all meds for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, ADHD, Type 2 Diabetes, acid reflux and ADHD. My triglycerides are super low now too.

Still need to lose 100 pounds, sleep apnea and snoring.

I can control daily Blood Glucose with OMAD and 48 hour Fast once a week, getting consistent 5.7-6.7 blood glucose numbers on glucometer but 3 month A1C is still 8.1 and Total cholesterol at 6.6 ouch!

Doctor threatened a return to Metformin and statin if A1C and LDL don’t drop in next quarterly blood test.

Maybe I’m fat adapted and need to reduce dietary fat via coconut oil and bacon so my body will start burning body fat?? Any ideas anyone?

(KCKO, KCFO) #174

There is discussion about skin tag experiences here:

(KCKO, KCFO) #175

For information on the cholesterol issue, check out @DaveKeto postings both here and his website

How long have you been doing keto?
If the A1C hasn’t dropped enough. Metformin might be needed to help you for a while. As you progress you can get it cut back until you don’t need it. Many here have done just that.


Constant hunger, hanger mood issues, FLATULENCE, I’m also convinced my hair is falling out less

(KaizenKate) #177

Thanks collaroygal :slight_smile: I’ll check out the link for cholesterol. I’ll see if metformin helps me get A1C down more while I work on losing more weight.

(Julie ) #178

Been on Keto for 8 weeks and some of the items noticed to date as improvements.
mood, greatly improved, friends comment that I look happier.
basic hormone - 52 F
lower resting heart rate
not as tired after long walks with group ( do half marathons)
while I know a lot of people list energy I would say it is leveled out for me which is nice I have to much ADHD.
sleep better
no acid issues- was having them some of the time
focus seems to be better
skin looks better
While I have earned the gray’s that I hide, would not mind them going away.

Of course the weight loss is great too 12 lbs thus far .

(Pinar Ertekin) #179

I find that too but didn’t link to keto since I read your comment! :grinning:

(Jenn Monaghan) #180

I just randomly found out this week that I used to have Hidradenitis suppurativa too.

It started when I was a teen, increasing frequency and severity as I aged into my 30’s. I was always just told it was cysts that were caused from my fat rubbing together.

I have been keto for 13 months now and all the outbreaks got less and less as I went. I haven’t seen a single cyst now for months! And there are spots that look like pock scars where some of the larger ones used to break out. It’s totally gone!

I also did a couple 48 or 72 hour fasts around the time they cleared up totally.

(Jeanette Villanueva) #181

Isn’t Keto awesome! Thanks for sharing!

(KCKO, KCFO) #182

Cured my carbage addiction. Best result ever. Cause that takes care of current and future issues.

(Jane) #183

7 months keto here - 59 years old

  • age spots flaking off and disappearing.
  • Rosacea on face much better
  • cellulite disappearing
  • blue spider veins fading from my legs
  • never hungry anymore and skip meals easily
  • no more shakes from blood sugar crashes
  • Hubble says I look younger :smiley:
  • down 27 lbs and feel great!
  • skin much softer and chronic chapped lips gone (I credit the Kerrygold in my coffee)


  • sinus headache gone
  • joint pain much better
  • skin tags shrinking
  • last eye exam his eyes improved and got a weaker prescription

I know a lot of skin improvements but that is the easiest to observe and a direct reflection of my inner body health. I hope and assume there is just as much healing going on inside my body I can’t see. Was never diabetic so nothing dramatic like some of you guys. Now I never will be!!!


After 12 months

70 pound gone
Diabetes 2 gone
High blood pressure gone
Heartburn gone
Back/leg pain gone
Dry cracked feet gone
Double chin gone
Spider veins reduced
Skin tags have shrunk
Energy has gone up
Mood has improved
On my 3rd wedding ring as others dropped off
My feet shrank and shoes don’t fit
Bath towel wraps completely around me
I fit in the bathtub without my butt touching both sides, and causing a tidal wave when I move!
Sex life has improved (Hubby also doing KETO)

(Jane) #185


  • Replaced all my jeans twice now. Size 14 to 10.
  • Boobs sagging more. Lost fat in them but main thing I don’t have the “fat shelf” underneath to prop them up! :rofl:

(Shayne) #186

I am salt n pepper gray with the back lower part of my head being still light brown. I was noticing the other day that some of my roots are coming in that same color even with silver starting at about an inch and a half out.

(charlie3) #187

I’m about 4 months into keto, lifting, cardio, walking and less frequent eating (from 35 to 12 times per week). It’s not obvious that any of these are soley responsible for any changes. One confounder is I’m 69 but I doubt that is a big influence on progress or lack of. I think 75% of the beefits of all the fringe diets is what they have in common, getting rid of processed food in favor of real food. Honorable mention goes to the internet and youtube. I’ve learned A LOT in a short time listening to the lead proponants of all the diet options.

On the plus side so far.

Noticably calmer all the time.
Big boost in self esteem
face looks younger
20 pound weight reduction from the edge of overweight to noticably lean 144 lbs.
Waist size from 34" to 31"
acceptable physic with a long way to go
Blood pressure trending down while it bounces between elevated and normal
A sore left hip (30 years) improves on 30 miles a week of walking
Long time sore shoulder getting stronger and complaining less

There is one important problem. My energy for lifting is noticably limited. I suspect my body is happy to use fatty acids for aerobic work but not so happy to replenish glycogen for more intense work. In cardio sessions my quads are on fiire for the first 20 minutes, even with easy breathing, then the session gets steadily easier. I suspect the backwards change happens when the muscles finally start using fatty acids. Perhaps this logic is wrong so please correct me if you know better.

For now I am lean and fit. That’s an unusual combinations, these days, in someone my age. It’s fun but I want to be leaner and fitter.

(KCKO, KCFO) #188

Wow, keep us posted on this development. I refuse to do grey, I look awful with light hair period. I was a copperhead and color to stay that way. Would be nice if my hair came in that color again.