So, new week, new life… Or something. I really want to change so many things!
So, OMAD day #1 (I really hope but it’s the first day, my determination is really high and I ate a lot on the weekend so I am quite satiated. Satisfied too, I had good stuff, nice meats)!!! I never had a very long OMAD period, I did once some 10 days but I very quickly had to use lots of carbs to keep it up… I categorically refuse that cheat now. Carby OMAD is SO easy to do… Carnivore is the hardest but I used to love challenges - and I love dense food and I am hopeful. I have learned so much about myself even in the last years, I did some successful training too… I expect some need for changing gears somewhere in the beginning as I need a very different attitude for OMAD and other IF styles. If I have more meals, I try to go for my most satiating, lean items to keep myself from overeating… But on OMAD, especially on carnivore, right away or eventually I need to go for the least satiating, fatty items to eat enough at once. Or it was so in the past. I always easily ate an OMAD sized meal in the past (at least before carnivore) but not on OMAD but on 2MAD or 3MAD. In extreme (and quite carby) cases, I managed 2 OMAD sized meals on the same day but it usually was just lunch.
But on OMAD? My mealsize rapidply diminished without much carbs and fell apart right away. I usually can’t get away with undereating for ONE day. A zero calories day doesn’t count, that’s special, my body understand that. Too low-cal day? Can’t happen. Maybe it’s about protein. I need my high protein every day - except if it’s super low. But no, I am sure I couldn’t just eat high protein with almost no fat and call it a day (not like it’s possible for me). The protein triggers my body’s “get enough food” mission so lack of energy just won’t do.
So it won’t be necessarily easy but I am ready to fight
The worst thing will be my conflicting feelings. I mean, I am trying to eat as little and as lean as possible for me since maybe 15 years. I fear if I stop this, I will just overeat like crazy (250g protein and fat, that feels nice. Had such days before especially in my more distant past. I got better at moderation since) and even if not (not eating until dinnertime should help a lot to avoid overeating), I undo my training and when I am not as determined or get hungry too early, then will I overeat…
I should just do it without worrying. I am bad with worrying anyway as it’s not hedonistic. But I still think too much about it sometimes.
Sorry guys, I may be more around here, I will come and write if it’s lunchtime and I want to avoid eating… It’s only 1pm now so I shouldn’t be on the forum (I try to limit my commenting to the time between 3pm and my dinner, few things can distract me as well as this forum and I may need it at that time, not every day but here and then. I almost always had lunch at 2-3pm, all my life, it was my most important meal and it was just so perfectly timed. I have changed, yes, I skipped lunch several times lately even without a big effort but it’s much harder on some days).