January 2025 Intermittent/Extended Fasting - all welcome

(KCKO, KCFO 🥥) #1

I’m starting the new year off with 2MAD fasting this month.

Hope others will join in, in the past these threads have been popular and many find success with
the additional support a thread can provide.

Wishing everyone a successful, happy, and keto NEW YEAR


Happy New Year, everyone!

I continue doing IF (usually. it didn’t happen today. once in a blue moon, I get hungry super early) with a focus on lunch skipping. It went much easier lately, I had many such days despite me going wild in December… So it’s pretty much natural to me now, yay! I try to wait at least until sunset with my first (and potentially last, that’s the goal) meal, only strong hunger, need for fuel or strong temptation can stop me. They are my valid reasons for eating. I get hungry just fine lately, not too strongly, not too early so it should work well. Yesterday was OMAD, hopefully many other such days will happen in 2025. I have nothing against 2MAD with 2 smaller meals (or one normal, one tiny) but it’s safer and more realistic to have a decent sized meal and reach satiation for nearly a day. But it depends, sometimes I need more meals due to too easy satiation on carnivore (I don’t always have that but sometimes I do. maybe it’s more frequent on longer term carnivore, I don’t know). As it’s January and I went back to carnivore(-ish). Never did longer term (I mean, more than 1-2 days… :upside_down_face:) carnivore OMAD, the two tends to be in conflict most of the time but I can imagine it to happen. As time passes, I change. As usual, I want to do OMAD without risking overeating so I don’t just eat as much fatty food as I can. But maybe such experimental days will happen too.
Oh and I really want frequent fat fast days again (they are inevitably OMAD days as the food is very little). I like those, they are very useful.

So, it’s dinner(s) only IF for now but if I happen to feel fine at dinnertime, maybe the elusive EF will come too. Hopefully sooner than later. I do need a bigger last meal for EF, I know that since ages and with many OMAD days, I will have a way bigger chance for EF due to that - and I will get used to not eating in most hours, it should help with the mental part. Even though eating every day and skipping a day are vastly different…

Good luck, me! I will need it but I really am optimistic now with more reason for it than before.

I am curious what kind of fasting others are up to!

(KM) #3

I’m pretty much TMAD every day - big coffee with collagen and cream around 8 am, and meat, about half the time with low carb veggies, around 6. Occasionally I’ll throw down some pork rinds or nuts or cheese midway through. I’d like to shorten the eating window but it’s just not practical, and this seems to be working.


I really like how IF feels, I’ve done it quite naturally in the past. Sometimes it leads to OMAD (It was called Warrior Diet back in the day).

Sheesh,I feel old,saying that.

But I can not do IF yet, being at a new start. I have almost no hunger and IF would easily make me eat too little. I need to fix my metabolism first.

I’ll join later for sure! Have fun IF:ing!

(Jane) #5

I will starting an EF after lunch next Tuesday so will join you guys then.

(Robin) #6

Happy new year, Janie! Good to see your face!


How strict are you guys when it comes to IF?

Do you drink coffee in the morning? Add fat to coffee,I guess no? I often have my last meal (yogurt with pumpkin seeds) around 9 PM. I may drink a cup of coffee 9 AM but only eat around 3 PM.

Like I have mentioned here, I´m rarely hungry so I don´t NEED breakfast. Or even that 3 PM lunch but I know from experience that I need my calories to get thinner… eating it all in the evening is lots of food. I don´t want to cut calories,at least not yet being only five weeks in.

My IF is sort of happening by itself. Good for insulin!

I have too much extra time on my hands now,enjoying being lazy so I keep spamming this nice discussion board.


Well it just happened that I had two cups of coffee during the day. 22 hour IF just like that, I then had my breakfast and dinner at once at 7 PM.

This is not enough food,maybe 1000 kcal so I will add yougurt and nuts. I’m satisfied though. But I can eat more and enjoy.

(Robin) #9

Very nice. And smart to add more calories.


As strict as I am able to… I prefer proper fasting windows (tea doesn’t count) but with my stupid coffee addiction it’s not always viable. I don’t put plain fat into my coffee but a few drops of cream or something typically happens. I try to do my best to quit coffee at this point (at least not drinking any before my first meal) but I do what I can, sometimes I am more successful than other times. (I will hide my coffee again… I don’t even enjoy it anymore, why do I drink it?)

I use the spoiler tag (one can never know what is triggering for whom) and you put such a great looking meal photo here :smiley: It almost makes me hungry now at 11pm and I ate plenty today…


Thanks Shiny.

I´m not really IF:ing yet because I´m adding fat to my coffee. No more cream though,it just feels wrong because of that sugar… no matter how little.

It may be too early to IF for me after only five (?) weeks. I let myself adapt properly. Scale is not moving down much but it´s okay, even a pound per week will fit me in my smallest size of motorcycling leathers in spring. My waist has shrunk visibly already which I find strange. Usually belly goes last.

Coffee is strange. I don´t need or like it either but I still drink a few cups per day. I don´t really know why - I can easily live without but when I start drinking it,I will drink the next day too. Addictions are like that.

(Tracy) #12

Morning all, I’m trying to get back on the wagon after being sick over Christmas and then after Christmas indulgences. My normal routine is a main meal sometime between 1200 and 1500 and then maybe a snack, some yogurt or cheese or something to rid the taste of medication at about 1800 if needed. I don’t drink coffee, just peppermint tea or green tea, mostly in the morning. Today is my first day back on and hoping to have tea, take dog for a walk then meal at about 1300. At weekends I shake it up a bit from 24 hour fast to maybe two meals a day. Depends on what I’m doing. Need to kick start me back so IF today and see what tomorrow brings.


Oh, that’s strict! Thankfully quite unnecessarily for me (and I couldn’t do it anyway) but I still better keep cream to the minimum. Too much fat I can’t allow. And potentially triggering coffee consumption as if I needed that… And of course, it’s not for my otherwise fasting window at all.

A pound per week is a great pace, I never could do that. I lost about 300g a week when I went low-carb. Somewhat slowly but steadily… Too bad it had stopped. I would love to do it quicker but let’s be realistic, even 100g per month would be impressive from me at this point… I really should take it seriuously already but eating little and waiting until dinner is tricky and my fatness isn’t among my biggest problems. But losing fat could boost my very low confidence and maybe I would do something about the rest of my life.

Yes but it’s individual, not for each and everyone. Lucky, my belly is the fattiest part of me, by far and it was quite big even at 62kg… I am short but 62kg can’t be way above my normal weight!

The next day is nearly tabula rasa to me, thankfully. But it helps if I had no coffee in the previous day… Unless if I start to miss it… Sigh.
If I start drinking coffee, I probably will drink it until the night that day… Carbs were similar at some point. Or just food if I started early… There is a reason for me “no food or coffee until sunset” tentative rule, it helps a lot with my goals. I really should just fast for as long as it’s comfortable. And resist coffee. Food is necessary at some point, coffee isn’t.


I don’t know why but I’m considering coffee good for health. Maybe read wrong books,I forgot what exactly makes coffee a health product…

I can’t tolerate much coffee though. Too much makes me nervous and I shake physically, especially after a short sleep. No fun at all.


Coffee is definitely not good for me, I know that since ages, quitting still takes too much time…
It’s not health (though it surely doesn’t help that either, the way I drink coffee… at least I don’t consume too much caffeine as my coffees, while sometimes very numerous, are weak), it’s other things.

Coffee and tea caffeine doesn’t have a noticeable effect on me. I just liked the taste, now I don’t (well sometimes it’s nice when the additions and the ratios and my actual taste combine well). Good for procrastination. I can drink coffee for a loooong time, one after the another. It’s especially bad in the morning when I am in a super low level, low mood state. Never could do much in the morning, my brain needs some time to wake up and it’s not a mere hour or two. But it doesn’t mean I should waste it with coffee drinking. I don’t even have money to waste on coffee…

(Tracy) #16

Saturday to Sunday 22 hour fast broken at 1500 Sunday with Cauliflower cheese soup and Aubergine stuffed with mince. Ate again at 1900.
Planning on two meals today and tomorrow and then maybe a 24 hour fast Wednesday


So, new week, new life… Or something. I really want to change so many things!
So, OMAD day #1 (I really hope but it’s the first day, my determination is really high and I ate a lot on the weekend so I am quite satiated. Satisfied too, I had good stuff, nice meats)!!! I never had a very long OMAD period, I did once some 10 days but I very quickly had to use lots of carbs to keep it up… I categorically refuse that cheat now. Carby OMAD is SO easy to do… Carnivore is the hardest but I used to love challenges - and I love dense food and I am hopeful. I have learned so much about myself even in the last years, I did some successful training too… I expect some need for changing gears somewhere in the beginning as I need a very different attitude for OMAD and other IF styles. If I have more meals, I try to go for my most satiating, lean items to keep myself from overeating… But on OMAD, especially on carnivore, right away or eventually I need to go for the least satiating, fatty items to eat enough at once. Or it was so in the past. I always easily ate an OMAD sized meal in the past (at least before carnivore) but not on OMAD but on 2MAD or 3MAD. In extreme (and quite carby) cases, I managed 2 OMAD sized meals on the same day but it usually was just lunch.
But on OMAD? My mealsize rapidply diminished without much carbs and fell apart right away. I usually can’t get away with undereating for ONE day. A zero calories day doesn’t count, that’s special, my body understand that. Too low-cal day? Can’t happen. Maybe it’s about protein. I need my high protein every day - except if it’s super low. But no, I am sure I couldn’t just eat high protein with almost no fat and call it a day (not like it’s possible for me). The protein triggers my body’s “get enough food” mission so lack of energy just won’t do.

So it won’t be necessarily easy but I am ready to fight :smiley: The worst thing will be my conflicting feelings. I mean, I am trying to eat as little and as lean as possible for me since maybe 15 years. I fear if I stop this, I will just overeat like crazy (250g protein and fat, that feels nice. Had such days before especially in my more distant past. I got better at moderation since) and even if not (not eating until dinnertime should help a lot to avoid overeating), I undo my training and when I am not as determined or get hungry too early, then will I overeat…

I should just do it without worrying. I am bad with worrying anyway as it’s not hedonistic. But I still think too much about it sometimes.

Sorry guys, I may be more around here, I will come and write if it’s lunchtime and I want to avoid eating… It’s only 1pm now so I shouldn’t be on the forum (I try to limit my commenting to the time between 3pm and my dinner, few things can distract me as well as this forum and I may need it at that time, not every day but here and then. I almost always had lunch at 2-3pm, all my life, it was my most important meal and it was just so perfectly timed. I have changed, yes, I skipped lunch several times lately even without a big effort but it’s much harder on some days).


Bonjour, Moi aussi je fais du jeune intermittent 16/8, je mange 2 repas, un tres petit et un plus grand le soir. Je ne prends pas de petit déjeuner,

Shinita moi aussi je prends beaucoup de cafe ,du cafe décaféine en poudre. Courage pour ton OMAD.

Bonne journee

(KM) #19

If I have a problem with caffeine or with coffee … I feel better when I’m caffeinated. That is, smarter, more alert, ready for action. I feel better when I’ve had a bit of alcohol. That is, more resilient, more amused with the world, generally cheerier. And when they wear off, I feel worse, and also convinced that neither artificial state is so great for my physical or mental health. They’re pretty minor stimulants and depressants in the amounts I indulge them, and I’d like to think both are good for me … but sadly, I don’t.


I got hungry at 15:15 but it’s 16:10 now and I am fine now. Yay! No food until sunset is done for today! I haven’t even touch coffee!

I don’t have that (an d chocolate never made me happier either), it’s a bit relaxing though.
Whenever I drink (enough to feel it, it only happened ages ago), I start to think about my life, see it lacking and decide to do much better in the future (I usually only drank a lot on demoscene parties and while I had some activity there, I never did as much as I could)… And then I don’t. And if I happen to do something involved languages (once I had a toothache, drank a ton of brandy as Mom only had that at home and looked at German language exam questions), I suddenly get much better! My SO says the same, whenever he wants to translate his fanfic, he drinks a bit.

17:34. I had a nice OMAD meal, ~40 minutes eating window, carnivore, vaguely the right amount (I made a plan and obviously didn’t eat like that but not too far away…?). I am satiated now.