January 2018 IF/EF chat - all welcome


Not willing to risk angering the gods of fortune, I broke my 6 day fast and ate black eyed peas yesterday. Then promptly started a new, open ended fast.

My goal is to be at 25% body fat by Easter. I want to do it losing less than 30 lbs. Sometime in the next few weeks I’ll get another DEXA.

(Ivete C) #25

36 hours and going well so far :ok_hand:t2:

(KCKO, KCFO) #26

I also had my black eyed peas, had fasted for 36 hrs. over the weekend before NYDay. I refeed on NYD, and then started another fast which i was going to break this morning, but didn’t really feel like eating anything, so I will just roll with this fast until I think I want something to eat.

All the best with the weight loss before Easter.

(Jeffie Lynn Mc Kay) #27

Is there any detriment to doing a fast early on? Will it postpone adaptation at all?


Okay, did not fast today because my lovely wife called and wanted me to take her out. Who can say no to that?

Will do a warrior fast tomorrow and friday.

I’m thinking about some 3 and 5 day fasts during Lent (i.e., late Feb. and all of March). I haven’t gone beyond 36 hrs so far.

(KCKO, KCFO) #29

It is just so much easier to fast if you are already fat adapted. Just eat keto for a 2-3 of weeks, then think about fasting. If you were never a big fan of breakfast you can start with IFing 14/10 and work your way up to longer fasts.

I broke what was going to be a 36 hr. fast at hr. 40 instead. Just felt good fasting til then. I’m still sitting my lower goal weight. I think I am pretty happy here.

November IF/EF chat, all welcome!

Today’s warrior fast is a carry-over from lunch yesterday, so by the time I make it to the evening meal it will be about 30 hrs. Feeling fantastic.

(Crippie) #31

Had a rushed morning and did not get to pack my normal salami and cheese lunch.

Considering just going into a fast, I had my BPC this morning but that’s it.

It has been a long while since I did any fasting(Probably last one was Septemberish). Had a long few months the California fires led right into the holidays and I didn’t feel like fasting. Then I had a crappy carb filled few days of holidays and knew hunger would be hard to avoid.

I don’t know what it is, but it just feels like a day to start a fast, not planned or anything. Just feels right, so I think i will. No idea how long for or anything. I could be singing another tune in an hour or so, but I think i will go for it. Will see how long it lasts and how I feel after such a crappy few months, and carby week at the end of the year.

(KCKO, KCFO) #32

I say go for it Crippie. You and your family have been through a lot. If your stress level is reduced enough, you should be good to go now.

(Jeffie Lynn Mc Kay) #33


(Marie Dantoni) #34

Starting to fast again after dinner. I’m loading up on avocados, and olive oil and butter to get primed. Hope to make it 72 hours. Anybody else going till Sunday ?

(Ivete C) #35

I am :+1:t2:

(Marie Dantoni) #36


(Donna ) #37

I’m at 48 hours right now, going until Saturday afternoon, probably end up around 90 hours when we will go out to eat.

(Christina Hansen) #38

I started last night and am planning on going til at least Sunday, possibly Monday or Tuesday. I’m off work due to snow and cold until at least Monday. When I’m working, I really just want to go eat afterwards, so I have a hard time doing an extended fast then (I IF everyday with about a 20:4 window).

(Donna ) #39

I’m sitting at 50 1/2 hours and my husband just called.


HIM: Hi, honey. I’m on my way home…

Me: (very rushed and cutting him off) Don’t talk to me about food! I’m fasting!!!

HIM: Haha. Okay. See you soon.

Backstory: he usually calls on his way home from work and offers to pick me up some takeout. He usually stops and eats at a restaurant, since he’s low carb he treats himself to good, fatty LC proteins at local restaurant that is LC friendly. Sometimes, I suddenly break and blurt out “Bring me something!” and sometimes I remain strong. I didn’t want to chance it today. LOL

I want to make it to Saturday. I just hit a new low of 164 lbs and I want to make this new low stick by losing a little more.

I’m 0.2 lbs away from -30 lbs loss since Oct 2. Yay, me! :slight_smile:


Happy New Year all!

I managed to stay keto all the way through the holidays and I am astounded! The thing is, I also kept eating with IF of about 18-20 hours every day since December 21st…

…I ate keto food only, but I ATE a lot and have gained about 4 lbs since. I can probably eat more fat than anyone! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Meanwhile, I just started a much needed EF. Will call it good at about 70 hours when I break this fast having dinner at a friend’s home tomorrow night.

I’m so excited to be rounding the bend and not having had even one bite of sugary carb- laden treats…wow…Now if I can calm down a bit on the overindulgences in keto food!!!

(Pamela) #41

Like some of you … I went off the rails for the holiday. So I’m on day 3 of my water fast. I hope to reach 5 days. This fast isn’t as smooth as my previous fasts. I have the keto flue which I never expeniced before… but I have my salt and will tough it out.


I haven’t ate all year! No one thinks that’s as cool or funny around my house. Lol. I’m at 99:32 and I’ve beat my longest of 99 hours!! Yippee!! I hope to make it to 120 hours to see if I get that 5 day euphoria that I’ve read about. Maybe I’ll be so high that I can go longer? Fasting is addictive!!!

(Ivete C) #43

I’m on day 3 of water and black coffee fast, feeling good and looking forward to complete a 5 day fast.