I've been sick and gained some weight

(Moriah ) #1

I had finally lost several pounds from a several month stall. Then I’ve been sick for the past 8 days, I still have a cough. During the time I’ve been sick (run down, cold symptoms, low energy) I had been eating 3 meals a day (5-6 days) and trying to stay keto. I was not feeling good one day and ate cheese and wheat thins. Normally (when I’m healthy) I don’t eat breakfast, 1 tbls. heavy cream in coffee and eat some olives or nuts once during the day (when I’m hungry) and eat a meal after work, with the meal its an eating window of 3 hours or so since I have a snack after the meal usually. I have in the past (before keto) been doing 36 hour fasts EODAy and lost weight but then hit the stall. I’ve been keto since around the end of January because of the stall.
So since I’ve been sick I’m right back to one pound lower than the previous stall (about 2 1/2 lbs up). I drink tons of water and I check my wedding ring every day (a sure fire way to see if I have water weight) and I’ve been good with that. I’m sure its because I was eating 3 meals a day but for sure not overdoing it. Any suggestions on how to get back on track ? I’m so frustrated with this stall, its like a set point and my body keeps trying to maintain it.

(Sophie) #2

Have you ever tried eating just eggs and fat? I did an egg fast for 3 days and lost a couple of pounds. I stayed full and never got sick of eggs. I need to do this again actually.

(Moriah ) #3

hmmmm, so how did you do it exactly? 3 meals ? did you watch your protein ? what did you eat for fat? That sounds better than 36 hour fasts. When I’m keto those fasts are absolutely murder.

(Sophie) #4

You can look for egg fast in search. It’s roughly about 6-7eggs a day + mayo or butter or an ounce of cheese.
I did 2 eggs scrambled in butter for breakfast and 2 hard boiled with mayo for lunch (egg salad) then 3 as an omelet cooked in butter with some cheese for dinner. Seriously, I was stuffed the first day and it carried over. I think the rest of the time I was 2 meals a day.

(Candy Lind) #5

Egg fast topic with protocol info

Egg Fast Recipes


Some nice recipes here but it did not work for me

Some of the recipes are quite tasty and it avoids that feeling of I never want to look at another egg again. I tried it for 5 or 7 days, I do not quite remember