It´s crazy how much easier it gets!


I want to share my “yessss!” Moment and also serve as Motivation for othes. By the way, Long time listener of the Podcast, first time Scrolling the Forums and posting!

I´ve been experimenting with intermittent fasting for a few months now, same as trying to stick to keto Long term. I have tried keto so many times in the past but due to misinformation I would always end up failing and couldn´t understand how I could stick to it. Reading more on it and listening to the Podcast has helped tremendously. I am now at about 1 month and a half without “cheating”, and without any cravings, which for me is saying a LOT. (Ive lost Count on how many times Ive hit the 2 week mark just to cave and go back to carbs right after.)

Anyway, I started by skipping breakfast and not bringing lunch to work. This would give me a 16hour fast. Sometimes it was so hard I had to break it at 14 hours. Slowly, I started being able to get to 18 hours, then sometimes 20 hours… Well, for about a month now, I´ve been doing 23 hours, which means I have one meal a day, at lunch, at work. I would much rather have dinner because I find it much easier, but lunch is almost a socially obligatory Thing at work, so then I get home and cook my meal for the next day, without snacking on it. I have also successfully done prolonged fasts of 36 and up to 40 hours during Weekends, with feasting days before and after. I love how easy this is. Every time I decide on going for a prolonged fast it´s like I´m in competition with myself to to longer than last time. And it makes my daily Routine so much easier since I can not only have a big fulfilling meal, but also save time on preparing and eating other meals!

Guys, it gets easier. Stick to it! I notice how being further into keto (as in, the longer you´ve been in ketosis) has a huge Impact on it as well. KCKO!

(Jess) #2

Great job!
Just completed my first 36 hour fast and have to say it is mainly a state of mind.
Stay positive, drink water, tea and coffee and it’s no problem!


Thanks for the inspiration. I’ve been doing alternate day 24 hour fasts for six weeks now, but I’m still SKEERED of doing more than 24 hours. I signed up to do the ZornFast this month, though, so you’re giving me the courage to dive right in.

I think for me, I’m very, very attached to the ritual of dinner, of relaxing and cooking at the end of a long day, having a glass of wine… I love that and probably always will.

What do you do in the evenings if you don’t have dinner??

(Jess) #4

You can do more than 24 hours! Break down that wall in your head that makes you think you can’t!

I totally understand dinner being a ritual, I struggle with that a little especially because my bf and I always make/eat dinner together and he’s not a faster.

I found that when don’t cook/eat I have so much more time to do WHATEVER I want! Take a relaxing bath, catch up on shows, go for a walk, read a book, go to the gym, clean/organize something, catch up on things you’ve been putting off, etc etc.
Also, because dinner can be so social, sometimes I’ll sit at the table with my bf while he eats and I’ll drink a tea or something. I only recommend this if you think that watching someone else eat won’t make it harder for you.

Ultimately I think it’s just important to set a goal (30, 36, 40 hours whatever) and say IM DOING THIS! So much of it is in our minds and our attitudes. I promise you it’s no harder than doing 24 hours!


I do whatever else Needs doing :slight_smile: to be fair I never felt that attachment to the ritual of dinner, not even when I lived with my Family, we often skipped it… Lunch was always a bigger deal… Still, I would much much rather prefer eating dinner as my only meal because I find it easier to fall asleep after eating. But because lunch is a big deal at work, I cant anymore. However, what I often at dinner time is get creative andcook my meal for the next day. Sometimes I do meal prep though, and then by dinner time… I dont know, I do whatever else I want :slight_smile:


I either distract myself with web surfing or if my fast has been longer than 36 hrs. I sit with a Le Croix water and Himalayan salt and socialize with DH while he eats.

Oddly I seem to be able to cook things myself while fasting but if he cooks and I just smell the food that is when I “feel hungry”. I remove myself at those times.

Yes, it does get much easier as you fast more and more.

(What The Fast?!) #7
