It gets easier



It definitely gets easier as time passes. I eat keto due to being a diabetic, not for weight loss. I know what one piece of candy or cake can do to my blood sugar. People (family included) think I must be miserable or have super human willpower not to be tempted or want any of the foods offered at get togethers. I’ll eat my safe foods and bring my own items. I honestly do not want the food they are eating.

(Linda Evans) #22

@tdseest. Now, I can walk through the sugar aisles at convenient stores and truck stops (We call them the Valley of the Shadow of Death)

This made me laugh out loud! Great way to think of the sugar aisles! Thank you

(What The Fast?!) #23

Do you have that recipe??

(Marie Dantoni) #24

These look like the kind of things you would share at the office just to get them out of your house.