In search of low carb chia pudding


The atkins shakes are fine for me, even been a pretty major staple of Keto for me for years due to the various stuff they bring with it (potassium is a big one, protein and fat, etc).

“Real food” is great and all, but we’re not all that gung ho about it, and not everything that isn’t “real food” (it’s actually all real, I swear I’m not just imagining this stuff) is going to kill you or even make your health worse than it already is (perhaps not get you to ‘optimal health’, which is a high bar, but the jury is still out on that as well)

(Brenna) #22

I’t tried it with coconut milk. Its clumpy and I’m really getting sick and tired of the overwhelming taste of coconut.


I’m with you on that, I could never stand the taste of coconut in anything. The only coconut thing that works for me is coconut oil, and not the extra virgin stuff.

The atkins shake idea should work. Those don’t have any coconut stuff in them usually.

Unsweetened cashew milk may push it a bit, but if you can stand that it might do the trick as well.

Could also try thickening something with some cream cheese to keep form and add a bit of flavor. You may end up with something a bit closer to a cheesecake or a cheesecake pudding though.

(Brenna) #24

I"m deathly allergic to almonds which makes keto really hard lol. So much almond flour and almond milk lol.

and then heavy cream goes bad sooooo quickly its insane.


Heavy Cream goes bad quickly?

I guess what I use is technically “Heavy Whipping Cream” which may be slightly less fat content than the “36%+ Fat Heavy Cream” (which isn’t available anywhere I can find), but it lasts for months.

I do use it a good bit though, so perhaps I go through it quicker than most. I also don’t buy more than a quart.

(Brenna) #26

Its heavy whipping cream. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong then. it starts smelling like i don’t know what and turns clumpy.


What’s the expiration date when you get it? Your store could have it on the shelf forever or in the back forever before getting to the shelf.

Are you keeping it sealed in the refrigerator, below 40 Degrees F (I ask because I believe some people don’t)?

I know the package on mine says to use within 7 days of opening it ‘for best taste’ or whatever, but I haven’t had any problems like that even a few weeks later (or even after the date posted, for that matter, though it doesn’t typically last that long).

(Brenna) #28

I don’t know. I’ll have to try it again and check the dates better. I usually like that or half and half in my tea.