Impatient - Not Losing Weight


I am hoping someone can help with my keto journey. I’m on my 7th week of the keto diet. I currently eat about 82% of fat, 15% of protein, and 3% carbs.

I am 47 years old, 5’7”, and workout about 5-6 times a week (combo of strength training and cardio) and started at about 130 lbs. I would like to lose about 5 lbs. I wanted to start keto to help with my sleep, stress/anxiety, better mood, and gut. I do have to say the diet has helped with my gut (not as much bloating and gas).

During my 3rd week, I did lose about 3 pounds, but slowly I am gaining weight and feel like I am gaining even more weight. I don’t even want to weigh myself because I know I’m probably above 130 lbs.

I noticed there isn’t much muscle definition like I had before.

I’m also testing my ketones with a blood monitor and results fluctuate between .3 and .5.

I’ve listened to your podcasts about hormones and know I do have some stress/anxiety, I do not sleep well. I did hear your podcast about DHEA so I am now taking 50 mg. I’m also taking some other supplements to help with my stress/anxiety. I started taking these supplements for about a week.

Is there anything else I should be doing or do I just need to be patient? Please help, thank you!

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #2

Why so low on protein, out of curiosity?

(George) #3

Protein is a little low. At 5’7 and 130, I don’t imagine you really have all that much to lose, so you’re not going to see drastic weight loss that occurs in heavier folks when they start keto.

I don’t know how lean/muscular you are, but my wife’s nephew, who has a very lean, athletic build tried doing keto for a few weeks but quickly jumped ship when he started noticing his muscle definition fade.

I don’t know if this is a common thing for lean/muscular people that ditch carbs and go keto.

Try intermittent fasting, eliminating dairy and nuts, eliminating all artificial sweeteners, etc.

(Jeff Gilbertson) #4

You want to weigh #125, so eat 125 grams of protein.

You want to lose 5#, so eat less grams of fat than protein (maybe 110g).

This is still a ketogenic diet … 66% fat and 34% protein.

Once you reach goal weight, eat the same fat grams as protein grams.

Reducing your protein to 15% is not a good idea, especially if you’re trying to gain muscle (or muscle definition).


I used several keto calculators and this was the percentage I was given. I will up my protein and see what happens. Thank you!


Thank you so much for your advice, really appreciate it. I’ll up my protein and see what happens.


Thank you for your feedback! Will give your tips a try and see what happens. Thank you!

(Full Metal KETO AF) #8

This is because on a carb diet you retain water in your muscles. I’ll bet he didn’t feel weaker.

You do realize that exercise is more likely to make you gain weight than loose it, right? Lifting causes gain in muscle bulk and bone weight. Cardio stimulates cortisol which stimulates insulin release which stops weight loss. Exercise also ramps up your appetite more than the calories burnt during the workout so exercise isn’t effective for weight loss. You only have five lbs to loose, how did you arrive at this number? You’re doing body recomposition and body fat % is a much more useful goal than an actual weight. I am assuming you want to loose fat, not weight.


(Alec) #9

My opinion is drop all thinking about weight loss and use keto as a pure health promotion regime. You are already at a good weight: you should let your body decide what weight it wants to be. Keep carbs really low for health, and then eat real foods to satiety. That’s it. KCKO.


Percentages are next to worthless. There are no essential carbs, so they could be 0%. Since we can’t measure how much body fat is being used to satisfy fat needs, the percent of ingested fat we need cannot be (easily) determined. Protein needs will depend on the amount of lean mass that needs to be maintained. It doesn’t change proportionally with an increase or decrease in TDEE.

In terms of macros, I define keto as “Minimal carbs. Adequate protein. Fats as needed (for satiety).” But, in the end, ketosis is driven by carb restriction and weight loss is driven by caloric restriction. The advantage of ketosis for weight loss for many is that carbs and insulin are no longer driving hunger and inhibiting satiety.