I'm really disappointed with myself today

(Sara Lamberto) #1

Not as a person, just with my absent-minded choices. I was making a low-carb cheesecake (low carb for a dessert, not necessarily low carb in general) to take to a family gathering. And of course there was some filling left in the food pricessor. I had a little luck…yum…had some more licks. Then while stuffing my kids’ Easter eggs I just popped a handful of jelly beans in my mouth. What the heck? I didn’t even realize I did it until it was too late. Have I totally screwed myself? I’ve only been doing keto for about 3 weeks. Does this mean I’m starting over on my progress to fat-adaptation?

(Bacon for the Win) #2

stop beating yourself up. It means whatever it means and you just need to keto on.


HEY! stop beating yourself up. You deserve better.

This is not a time to feel bad. This is a time to reflect and understand what went wrong.

So, think about WHY you did what you did. This is important…because, I can guarantee that you will confront similar situations again…and again…and again…and again. So, if you can figure out the ROOT CAUSE, and determine BEST DECISION TO TAKE NEXT TIME…then you will be ok.

Don’t beat yourself up…take this as an opportunity to improve.

(Nathan Hall) #4

You have not totally screwed yourself, nor have you started over. You likely kicked yourself out of ketosis for a few hours. I second what NelleG and Fiorella said. Keep calm, keto on. Beating yourself up only tempts you to throw in the towel.

Remember, “progress not perfection”. - Megan Ramos of IDM

(Bacon for the Win) #5

this. I bet you ate a lot less candy than last year.

(Sascha Heid) #6

Imagine a child that is learning to walk.
For us it is easy, but that’s actually a pretty hard thing to learn.
Now It falls down, how does it react?
Does it feel beat down and disappointed?
Maybe for a second.
But then it smiles, gets up and tries again.

Get up, smile, and go!

(chris) #7

I stopped drinking sodas over a year ago. I was drinking 2 to 6 Mountain Dews a day and about a week after I stopped I bought a soda at wendy’s and was drinking it when I realized what I had done. I ended up saying that it was not going to kill me to have one drink and I only had that one drink not 5 refills. Over the last year I have had a handfull of sodas for various reasons. It gets easier over time

(Siobhan) #8

A handful of jellybeans is nothing to freak out over - it’s understandable being upset but you didn’t do it on purpose.
Just Keep Calm and Keto On.
And I definitely want to echo what @NelleG said! I bet you ate a whole lot less candy than last year!

(Mike W.) #9

It might kick you out of ketosis but it won’t affect fat adaptation.

(Jaidann) #10

You’re good! Just recognize it for what it is. A mis-step. You’ll be fine if you keto on :smile:

(Barbara Greenwood) #11

I’ve been keto for 8 months, and decided at the start of this year I was going completely sugar free. Yesterday I had a Danish pastry and a couple of chunks of dark toblerone. Today I had a couple of chunks of dark Toblerone and a piece of milk chocolate Easter egg.

The milk chocolate in particular was sickly sweet, and simultaneously compulsive. It made me regret breaking my sugar-free commitment, and resolve not to again, because… I didn’t enjoy it. If I gonna break my t, at least let it be for something worthwhile.

But, boy, when I think about how much chocolate I ate last Easter, there is no comparison. Massive progress!

Keep calm and keto on.

(Jason Barden) #12

I guarantee that you’re not the only person to slip a little today! Don’t beat yourself up. Just get back into it again.

(Christopher Bingel) #13

Just to echo what everyone has said, there is a reason that Keep Calm and Keto On is the mantra around here. I’ve fallen off the wagon hard a few times, sometimes for months at a shot. It’s never ever ever the end of the world.

There’s a YouTuber and podcaster @CGPGrey who once said something that really resonated with me. Paraphrasing: “The key to being successful at dieting is being able to get back on the diet. There are always going to be cheats and accidents and failures of willpower. You’ll never have perfect willpower, you just need to be able to get right back on the wagon when you fall off.”

So don’t worry about what already happened, and don’t worry about what might happen as a result of what happened. There’s nothing you can do about it. All you can change are the decisions you make right now. So make the best ones you can!

(Keto in Katy) #14

You should say three Hail Kerrygolds and throw a pinch of bacon grease over your shoulder for good luck.

(Stephanie Hanson) #15

I was in a participant in a research study about the attitudes of obese people. The study found that the key to long term success is the ability for a person to shed black and white thinking and move forward decisively from slips.

You’re doing great. KCKO

(Sara Lamberto) #16

A TON less candy than last year. Thanks for mentioning that!

(Bacon for the Win) #17

see? Progress! good work, you got this!

(Richard Morris) #18

Great advice.

A couple of jelly beans won’t set Sara back three weeks. Maybe a day.

It’s situations like this for which the saying “Keep calm & Keto on” was invented.

(Mary 🌹 ) #19

Maybe not

(Becky Searls) #20

Also! Don’t underestimate the value of feeling this disappointment. I agree with others that you shouldn’t beat yourself up…

But I have found when I fall off the wagon it’s useful to really lean into how I feel and explore it deeply, knowing I never want to feel that way again.

Kind of treat yourself like a curious, compulsive adolescent who needs to learn her boundaries and you’ll be kinder and more forgiving to yourself plus hopefully approach this with a growth mindset :slight_smile: