I'm out

(AnnaLeeThal) #1

I think I got bored or something. I also feel like I didn’t have a concrete “why” for doing ZC. I may revisit this again in the future as the concept really intrigues me.

(Erin Macfarland ) #2

It intrigues me too. I’m giving it a go for as long as I can tolerate it. I love veggies too much to give them up long term but as I’ve recently been experimenting with this I definitely notice an increase and stabilization of energy, lack of digestive issues, and increased satiety . We’ll see how long I make it! How long were you doing ZC before you gave it up?

(AnnaLeeThal) #3

Only about 10 days.

(Erin Macfarland ) #4

I’m screwed!! :joy:

(AnnaLeeThal) #5

Like I said, my movitation wasn’t there and I got bored. Under different circumstances or if I had a particular malady that I was trying to fix I may have continued.

(Erin Macfarland ) #6

I’m not really as hard core as the zero carbers tend to be. But I’m game to try anything! Very curious what it will do for my athletic performance

(Erin Macfarland ) #7

I’m about 5 days in and am really losing my motivation to keep on plugging away…

(AnnaLeeThal) #8

I’m planning to do the steak challenge when March rolls around.

One thing that my short time ZC did teach me is not to worry about veggie intake so much, and to look at my meat quality and fat content.

(Erin Macfarland ) #9

So you ate veggies? I’ve had none.,.what do you mean by watching fat content?

(Erin Macfarland ) #10

I’ve been dying for broccoli but have been terrified to eat it

(Erin Macfarland ) #11

I felt great initially then the past couple days lower energy and a kind of depressive fog. I don’t know if it’s worth pushing through. Plus the thought of eating only salted beef indefinitely makes me really, really depressed. But that’s what you find with the people doing this long term. I’m not sure I could handle it.

(AnnaLeeThal) #12

Yeah, I’ve had some salads, fried okra, avocados.
I aim for higher fat content meats. I was trying to do that anyway, but now I’m realizing how much fat I really need to function.

(Erin Macfarland ) #13

I guess i understood ZC as no plant foods at all. I have been eating only fatty meat. And butter. I can’t decide if I should ride it out

(AnnaLeeThal) #14

It is. I stopped though. So now I have had some veg.

(Erin Macfarland ) #15

Yeah I think it might be too much for me psychologically to keep feeling so restricted. But the ZC folks make you terrified to eat plants. I gotta remember everyone is different and has different needs. And if this is too much it’s not worth putting myself through that much stress

(Larry Lustig) #16

I’m fascinated by the carnivores but:

  1. I’m sure none of them would advise you to eliminate vegetables if doing so is making you feel lousy.

  2. It’s still a tiny corner of the ketoverse.

(melinda) #17

Honestly, I’m out too. I felt so restricted and grumpy, lol.

(Erin Macfarland ) #18

Larry… thank you :heart: so I’m not a bad person for wanting to eat broccoli…

(Erin Macfarland ) #19

I realized, I don’t think I can get the amount of fat I need without really ramping up the protein. Eating straight animal fat is nauseating. I had been using veggies as a good way to increase fat without the extra protein. They are bulky and create more of a feeling of fullness especially with plenty of fat added to them. So doing ZC at dinner meant a pretty large amount of fatty protein , but I’d still feel hungry after. A big pile of veggies cooked with butter along with a smaller amount of protein got a greater amount of fat without a ton of protein. And the satiety was higher. And I’d be less nauseous.

(L. Amber O'Hearn) #20

I sure wouldn’t. I have basically 2 messages I’m trying to get across as a carnivore.

  1. Vegetables are not necessary. All this promotion of the benefits of plants in the media and even much of the medical community is about as substantiated as the promotion of saturated fat being harmful. I.e. there is no evidence, and it’s almost certainly wrong. So if you don’t want to eat them, or if doing so seems to make you unhealthy, then I want people to understand that’s safe.

  2. Plants can be harmful. They all contain toxins, because that’s how they defend themselves from predators. I despise the special snowflake idea. We are all the same species and have the same basic nutritional needs. However, some people can tolerate more of different toxins than other people. It’s just something to be aware of.

Many people discover that ailments they assumed had nothing to do with diet unexpectedly go away when they remove most or all or certain plants from their diets. This could be a minor or a major issue. If this happens to you, then you get to make a choice about what you are willing to suffer. If it’s major, like an autoimmune disease, or a life threatening mood disorder, or cancer, then you’ll probably make the choice to stay ZC if doing so puts it in remission. Some people can’t keep a “normal” body fat level on keto, but can on ZC, and that’s not immediately life threatening, but can be important, too.

If someone is feeling great on regular keto with plants and ZC gives them no extra benefit or the benefit isn’t important to them, I don’t see why they would do it.