If You Fall, Get Back Up

(Steven Robbins) #1

Keto is easy for some and difficult for others.

If you have a bad day and go way over on your carbs, do not punish yourself by staying down.

Don’t give in to the “I’m not good enough to stick with it” crap. That is self sabotage and it doesn’t serve you in any way - it only keeps you stuck or in reverse.

Fight for what you came for and don’t quit over your mistakes!

If you are discouraged, be bold enough to say so and humble enough to ask for help. This is the most actively supportive bunch of Keto heads I’ve met and if you’re not engaging with the people here you are seriously missing out. :slight_smile:

Messing up isn’t failing, but giving up is.


(I want abs... olutely all the bacon) #2

Beautiful words of encouragement

(Scott Telfer) #3

So true. Get back on the horse. Or eat the horse and fry it in duck fat to do so :slight_smile:


Horse is too lean. Get on the horse and eat the pig.

(Scott Shillady) #5

Sous vide i believe would be great for this, and then finish in bacon nectar