I'd rather ask for advice than keep doing this wrong thanks!

(In Rochester NY USA, lovin life) #1

I have 2 questions, 1. do you think this meal plan sounds ok for keto and 2. which meal would be better to take magnesium with since it’s a water soluble vitamin?

My first meal is eggs 155 cal
Bacon 240 cal
Chedaar 240 cal
Macadamias 335 cal
970 cal

second meal (3 or 4 hours later)
spinach 24
tomato 90
celery 12
olive oil 115

third (about an hour later)
macdamias 350
cheddar 330
ham 220
for about 2100 total calories.

I recently upped the protein to about 110 grams cause I seem to be losing muscle mass and my net carbs are only around 25, ketones were bouncing around between 1.5 and 3 first thing in the am and now around the 1.2 and 2.5 mark since upping the protein.

I was thinking to take the magnesium with the less fatty meal cause it’s water soluble but the spinach is full of oxalates, I add lemon juice to the spinach meal but I still don’t know when would be the best time for mag. Thanks, Dan

I usually don’t feel like eating this much food but I but I don’t want to lose any more weight. I fast from about 7pm till 10 am and I’m on my fifth week of less than 30 grams of carbs.

(Chris) #2

You’re probably still too low on protein. And oil is only fat, there’s not really any vitamin content in EVOO. What are the micronutrients in macadamia nuts?

Adding more meat however you can would work wonders to solve the above.

(In Rochester NY USA, lovin life) #3


(Chris) #4

It was fine!

Which serving measurement were you using? I’m on the same site and from what it seems like, you’re getting 98ish grams of carbs a day from the nuts alone. That’s quite a bit.

(In Rochester NY USA, lovin life) #5

I usually eat between 3 and 4 ounces of the macs, should be very low in carbs, around 15 grams, net even less

(Chris) #6

Shit, I thought the numbers were grams, not calories. Ignore that statement :laughing:

(In Rochester NY USA, lovin life) #7

maybe I’ll try more protein, I eat the exact same thing each day (i know boring) but figure the less variables the better and easier. yeah I haven’t been this ripped ever! lol

(Chris) #8

Correct mindset. Think of food as fuel rather than entertainment and all the novelty just deflates. It’s perfection.

(In Rochester NY USA, lovin life) #9

agree’d, I weigh out everything I eat (unless I’m out of course) so simple is a necessity or I’d spend the entire day trying to eat…