I used up all my likes!

(Larry Lustig) #8

No one is more responsible for the market shortage of organ meats (including hearts) than you!

Putting myself out there
(I like to post memes!) #9

This timing on the likes reset is odd, I can’t figure it out. Earlier today it said I was out of likes and needed to wait 7 minutes before I could give another. So I wait 7 minutes and then it said I needed to wait 22 hours!

What’s the timing on the reset?

(Keto Krazy) #10

I understand it, but I don’t like it! It made me leave the forum last night when I ran out, and now I am apparently still out! :cry:

There are other threads that I would like to read, but I don’t want to always respond, especially if I can just “like” the responses I agree with. I hope you will reconsider the limits. :pray:

(Jane Reed) #11

I have to agree with Carl’s rational. If you like a hundred things, not one of them is a standout.

(Keto Krazy) #12

Perhaps you are correct, next time I will be much more selective when I am going through the transformation posts and liking pictures. :frowning2:


I just got a message that I’ve almost used up all my likes for the day and I’m currently Trust Level 2.

On one hand, our trust level is tied to our activity, but on the other hand, we’re being restricted from interacting.

I’ll soon be at the point later day since it’s still early for me that I’ll run out of likes and not be able to encourage someone who posting something great.

For example, I eventually decided to like this post, but I had to think twice about it for fear of not having the ability to like something else later.

(AnnaLeeThal) #14

I appreciate the use of the well valued like :heart:


Surely the amount of likes you can give should be relative to the number of posts you read. I notice there is a read-counter so it should be possible.

(eat more) #16

this finally happened…i always feel like i am a liking fool and the only difference today is i am actually on a PC versus a tablet…and now i am panicking…“oh no! what if i run out? i can’t make the heart red and show my support of that comment!” LOL


Happened to me again!

Sorry to all those people out there whose posts I like but I can’t share the love :heart:.


(eat more) #18

i liked it but i don’t like that you ran out of likes!



Sorry, I like your post, but I can’t click the heart because I’m still in “Like Jail”. :laughing:

(eat more) #20

sorry i can’t spring you…there is no bail amount on being “too” supportive and positive :blush:


Hmmm… I know I’m a newbie, but if anyone’s tallying, I don’t like not being able to like a lot. Don’t quite agree that too many likes diminishes their meaning. This ol’ world’s mean enough as it is… :wink:

(Jessica) #22

It is! Positivity won’t hurt no one.

And if there has to be a limit, then why couldn’t old used up likes expire, so you can spread new likes to more recent posts.
Imagine the forum in one year: heartless place.

(eat more) #23

nah…the more time you’re here and the more you contribute (trust level) the bigger like allowance you get…we can sprinkle that shit everywhere…and there will be more of us and we’ll be one big healthy positive heart :smiley: :heart:


At the very least, it would be nice if @discourse at least showed the number of likes used and available in the profile Summary.

(eat more) #25

i think we are just overachievers :blush:

(eat more) #26

i think i just used up most of my likes in the “what did you eat today?” thread :joy:


According to @Brenda, I’m a “serial liker”, but actually I’m a “cereal killer”, even though I’m almost out of likes again today. :cry:

I really hate this dialog box!

destroyed! :smiling_imp: