I really want to get drunk

(Oscar) #44

Just before I started this fad diet, I was drinking 3-4 beers or several shots of hard liquor a night. I cut out the beer and replaced with “zero-carb” (?) vodka/gin while “tapering” off to somewhere close to no alcohol.

So if you are in ketosis, what happens when you add several shots of (zero carb?) hard liquid on party night ? If such will take you out of ketosis, how long before you “recover” and get back to ketosis ?


(Steve Ennis) #45

I didn’t read all the replies so this may have been mentioned, but you should try cans of Vodka and Sparkling water. They sell them in Canada, The brands I’m aware of are “Nude” and “Nutrl”. Zero carbs, no sugar. Not nearly as satisfying as beer, but it’s a solid substitute.

I don’t measure my ketone levels, so I can’t say if it kicks you out for certain? But it doesn’t make me bloated like beer does.

(Michelle) #46

You’re in KY? Bourbon! I used to drink a bottle of wine any given night. My husband makes our wine. It is delicious. I gave it up cold turkey in May when I went Keto. Too many carbs. Now I drink bourbon. On ice. But I can only have two shots or I’m drunk :dizzy_face:

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #47

Depends on the state of your liver and your metabolism. A fast metabolism with a healthy liver, might be two hours. Slow and cirrhosis, might be half a day or more.

(Jennie Greene) #48

Thanks @alexelcu . And to everyone else who suggested wine. I cant drink red wine because of the tannins in it. I get the worst headache of my life…even when I was not doing keto and a seasoned drinker. I dont think wine is for me

(Jennie Greene) #49

Thanks @mememe ! Good to know I’m not alone. I will definitely check out that other post!

(Jennie Greene) #50

Thank you for the concern, to those who have recommended I seek counseling or have alcoholism. It runs in my family and I know what it is. Some may say I am one and others may say I am just a girl who likes to drink. I am not going to argue either way. I am just starting the facts and asking how it will affect my current success. I dont know if I will do it or not but I could…and I could not do it again for 3 more months. I’ll be sure to keep y’all posted:)


Hi Jennie, I hope you don’t find this reply as being judgmental, condescending, etc. … But reading you post, I have to be honest and say, there’s really only one person who can answer this, and that would be yourself. Personally, I think if you went back and re-read your initial post, you would probably already know the answer.

You first mention some of the issues you have had and possibly are still dealing with, followed by the success and accomplishments you have seen since. (And as others have mentioned, success you should indeed be proud of) - But I think it’s the actual question you asked itself, that might be somewhat misleading to some? … You didn’t ask ‘Could I go out and enjoy some drinks, or Do some social drinking?’ You asked “Can I get wasted?” So some might misconstrue this statement as possibly being indicative of a previous problem? - So though there have been many great suggestions about ways you could go about this, more sensibly. (i.e., lower carb, etc.) To be honest, if the end-game is to simply ‘get wasted’, does it really matter what vise is used to accomplish this task?

I think the better questions you may want to ask yourself are; ‘Would it be worth it to you, regardless of the outcome?’ and/or ‘What is your real need to get to this state in the first place?’ … For the record, I’m in no way a therapist, counselor, etc. but my personal opinion after reading your post would simply be; That first off, if this were truly indeed a necessity on your part, you wouldn’t have posted the question in the first place, but simply went out and did it. - But what I really got from reading of all the post above (Which I did) is that there were a lot responses by folks who just want to make sure you truly understand the possible consequences that an act of this nature could bring. Meaning a domino effect of sorts, leading to an even bigger or possibly repetitive issues later.

So in the end, no one can say for sure just what might come from performing an action such as this. Maybe not even yourself? … Most can only speculate, and possibly provide the best guidance/advice they can. But my guess is that the advice already provided, at least some of it, probably comes from personal experience. (Whether directly or indirectly) but was provided with the best of intentions.

(Carpe salata!) #52

I like what digital Dave said. A lot of us have come from a place of impending health doom and have been able to step back from the brink. When we see someone taking a turn to the wrong direction it hits close to the heart. All those responses are wanting you to be the best Jennie - for yourself, your kids and all.

So my personal tale…
I joined a wine club to get some good cheap(er) wines. They are great - all kinds of varieties to choose from and a fun online community in the club. I was getting up to a bottle a night with no hangover because they are good quality. Also, I heard that red wine was the keto drink - perfect - all boxes ticked.

Until DW said do you know binge drinking is 5 standard drinks? (of course I knew that, but thought that was some wowser standard.) I checked and the bottle was >8 standard drinks … and 8>5 . It was making sense. Then I realised I was better off with 1/2 bottle … or just one glass. And I was more fun to be with in the evening after dinner :wink:

So, if a beer is 1.5 standard drinks (depending on %) that’s up to 27 standard drinks in one night. I was wondering if you were exaggerating. Maybe, maybe not. But it looks like anywhere up there has got to be ‘not good’.

Make your own choices. Enjoy life the best way you can. Keep in touch :smiley:

Edit to add: 25lbs , disciplined on keto , 2 months , That is a remarkable turnaround! I think you have a lot of experiences to share with the forum … looking forward to your posts.

(Bunny) #53

The hops in beer does not look like such a bad guy!

This is a nice thesis by Twila Henley in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science at the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition in Colorado on sweet wort (original definition) and polyphenolic flavanoid component (Xanhohumol) of hopped beer!



  1. Matured Hop Bittering Components Induce Thermogenesis in Brown Adipose Tissue via Sympathetic Nerve Activity
  1. Hop Extract, a Bittering Component Used in Beer, Helps Reduce Visceral Obesity in Healthy Overweight Adults.
  1. Iso-α-acids, Bitter Components of Beer, Prevent Inflammation and Cognitive Decline Induced in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease.
  1. “… Hops is rich in flavanoids, Xanthohumol (XN) being one of the most abundant. [R] Its polyhenol antioxidant activity is higher than [ green tea’s polyphenols (at the same concentrations). [R] …” …More
  1. How to Talk About Wort Like a Brewer

(Jeanne Wagner) #54

Beer will definitely throw you out of ketosis and keep you out for quite a while - days. That much beer, I would hazard you will have quite the build up of energy in your liver to keep you out of ketosis for even longer. Perhaps if you water fasted after your binge you could get back into ketosis rather quickly. It’s all relative. How big is your liver? A bigger liver stores more energy. We don’t know how big our livers are, but we do know that extended carb consumption over decades will build it up… make it into a fatty liver. Which now we understand that fatty livers can be caused by food not just alcohol. Do you know for a fact that you have been in ketosis and stayed in it all this time? You’ve lost weight but you don’t have to actually be in nutritional ketosis to lose weight. You may not be fully fat adapted yet, if you’re having cravings no matter what kind they are.

(September) #55

No judgement here. I do have 2 science factoids that may help you on your journey. Both may help move you out of the all-or-nothing mindset.

One is that, yes, a glass of wine or 2 is okay, but having lots (maybe more than 5) can lead to hypoglycemia. I suspect this is part of the reason people on keto get drunk so easily. Low blood sugar puts you on the roller coaster you just got off of, so getting wasted means fighting off the benefits of keto. If you aren’t interested in quitting altogether, maybe you can negotiate with yourself to keep it to 4 or under.

Another thought is from listen8ng to Robert Lustig. Look him up on YouTube if you haven’t. He talks about fructose being so much worse than sugar. He describes how fructose is metabolized in the liver using the same pathways as alcohol. His conclusion is that fructose is just as bad as alcohol. You could turn that around and say, “alcohol is just as bad as fructose.” Obviously, they are not equivalent (I think fructose is worse), and alcohol can have a place in a keto way of life. It’s just that in excess, it can lead back down the road you chose to turn off of.

Good luck!

Seem to be stuck

Drink michalob Ultra, 95 calories, 2.6 carbs, and very smooth. You can also drink absolut vodka with mineral water and a squeeze of lime, no carbs.

(taunya ruffin) #57

i fell your pain. try vodka and water with Stevia and lemon.

(Laura S) #58

Hi Jennie -

I felt like you were writing about me! I once drank mass quantities of beer like you - 12 to 18 in one session - one or more times a week. Over time, it took that much get to that point of release or relaxation or a pleasant buzz. Holy TOLERANCE, Sudsman!

Wasted is a term my friends and I used as a bragging point back in my earliest drinking years. That term has new meaning for me now: I wasted time, I wasted experiences, I wasted relationships, I wasted money, I wasted my health and I wasted potential. Most of all, I wasted years of my life that I can never get back. Now that I no longer want or need to drink and have done a lot of healing, I am finally living up to my potential and even going beyond. I truly wish I could’ve started living like this when I was in my 20s.

Here’s what I came to understand about the irrefutable science of what happens when we put the drug alcohol in our body:

Every Drink damages Every Body Every Time

No one can defy this physiological law. It’s that absolute. The list of damage is long from the top of our heads to the tips of our toes and the effects are cumulative.

What you’re feeling is natural. That urge or desire to get wasted comes from the part of your brain that got rewired to want and expect and associate feelings of pleasure with drinking alcohol. So beyond working to keep that toxin OUT, we also have to do some of our own re-wiring under the hood. One technique that really helped me was urge-surfing. Here’s a quickie link I found that explains how to do this:


Imagine how good you will feel when you surf that urge right out of your mind and stick the shore landing!

The damage alcohol causes takes time to heal and it’s a process. Going KETO is a tremendous help in that process. It’s a big jump start back to incredibly healthy living and you’re already on the road.

Here’s to your growing empowerment!


(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #59

So, how’d it go?

(Debi) #60

I went on vacation about 10 weeks into keto and had a low carb ( read here tasted terrible) couple of drinks. I definitely went out of ketosis ( but did pop back in, in about 3 days) and found it takes WAY LESS to get a happy buzz. My advice is pic a single occasion to enjoy letting your hair down and plan to only have a few, cos WOWZA the alcohol will hit you HARD!! You want a good mix of happy, not the hangover to end the world :stuck_out_tongue:

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #61

@Jennie_Greene You still out there. Lotta folks would like to know what you decided and how it worked out for you.

(Jennie Greene) #62

Sorry for the delay. Been dealing with a sick toddler and a fiance who lost his job. Yay me. But the end verdict is… drum roll please…

I did NOT drink. Or I haven’t yet. However you spin it. I’m not saying that I will never drink but I am so scared of stalling my progress that I haven’t. I really, from the bottom of my recovering liver, appreciate all of your kind words and support. :slight_smile:

(Jane) #63

Good for you!!!

And sorry you are dealing with do much crap… hope things are looking up soon.