This is my last, desperate attempt to make Keto work for me.
25 years ago I lost 70 lbs on the low-carb diet and hit 3+ lbs weight loss each week.
Now I’m older, have less muscle, I’ve gained it all back. I’ve tried low carb a half a dozen times along the way and it simply stopped working.
Keto doesn’t seem to be working either. I lost a quick 7 or 8 lbs of water weight and ever since, my weight has been maintaining… or slightly gaining.
I have been eating a lot of dairy, mostly cheese - as side dishes or snacks. I’ve read that too much protein can cause the body to process it into sugar? What???
Typical day:
2 cups of coffee with about 2g carbs each in sugar free creamer (HWC not an option personally)
Breakfast: 6 cracker-sized slices of cheddar or colby
Lunch: Frozen Atkins meal, usually about 6g “net” carbs
Dinner: Steak with brussel sprouts./butter OR a taco or fajita salad, cheese on the side
Late night snack: Pork Rinds and for a sweet tooth an Atkins bar
Ok yes I could cut a few carbs off of that but I don’t see it causing weight gain.
I keep reading things like too much protein is bad, or, calorie free sweeteners are bad, or, dairy is bad, etc. But when I lost all that weight originally I was killing diet sodas like a mad man and even cheating with croutons in my salads and eating whatever I wanted 1 day per week. I can’t see how, since I’m being pretty strict about this, that the diet would just stop working entirely.
One difference now as opposed to then is Splenda instead of Equal.
Here are a few issues I have and I’m looking for a way to sustain this diet and still have a decent quality of life.
I need convenient foods that are available at the local grocery store.
I don’t want to spend half my life cooking - so things like pre-packaged cheese sticks and pork rinds are necessary though I’m open to suggestions for other stuff.
Sorry I’m rambling. I’m so frustrated. I can succeed on a 1200 calorie diet but the problem is I get hungry at 10pm when I’ve already hit the calorie limit. So I switched to Keto, I’m giving this one last shot, so that I can eat some guilt-free food when I get cravings.
Thanks for any recommendations and advice.