I need HELP

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #1

A little background first: When I was young (7 or 8 years old) I was force fed cheese. At the time, I didn’t want to eat and I ended up throwing up in my plate. Then I was forced to eat that. Ever since that day, I can’t stand the smell and taste of cheese.

Now, how can I start to like cheese? I feel like I’m missing out on some really good fats.

(Allie) #2

What about starting with a small amount of a really mild cheese to keep flavour to a minimum?

I’m sorry you suffered that :sparkling_heart:

(Ken) #3

Sounds like my similar experience with Jack Daniels. (Except mine was self inflicted) You can live without cheese. I live without Jack Daniels.

(Chris W) #4

Given the word cheese is a broad term, do you know what kind it was.

Cheese is much like wine there are thousands of flavors, scents and consistency’s. I used to be force fed eggs, brussel sprouts and steak. I have no problem with them now once I learned to appreciate them.


cream cheese would be a good place to start, & mascarapone. Then maybe some mozzarella. There are so many different flavours in cheese as others have said; dutch cheeses like edam & emmenthal are a bit nutty, you could try a mild cheddar next, don’t know if you can get red Leicester but that’s mild too- but it’s also personal taste; I love all cheese except blue cheeses, some people like cheese as it is but don’t like the cooked flavour… it might take a bit of time (& money!) in trying different sorts… good luck!

(Darlene Horsley) #6

Maybe try a cheese sauce? A different kind of cheese? A mozzarella, provolone or string cheese to start and test the waters.
I’m so sorry you had to endure that so maybe no cheese at all if it makes you relive that memory!

(Darlene Horsley) #7

Also, I know “Real men don’t eat quiche.” but that’s an option too. Plenty of crustless quiche recipes online.

(Brian) #8

Wow, so sorry about your childhood experience. :frowning: That’s awful.

Maybe small amounts of melted cheese? Maybe sprinkling a little over some chicken with some marinara sauce, sort of a chicken parm?

Darlene’s idea of a quiche is excellent. And if you use a white cheese, a cheese sauce might kinda resemble a “dressing”, more like a variety of ranch but not quite. (?)

(Jean Taylor) #9

Love tge white cheese sauce idea. I agree with the other types of cheese thing there are tons of kinds of cheese and the smells and flavors can be hugely different. Not only could you look for more mild cheeses and soft cheeses, but some strong cheeses are way different than what you typically think of as cheese flavor. Feta is super strong and kind of tart I guess (best I can explain it but i dont think of it as a normal cheese flavor) it has a totally different texture that I would associate with typical cheese too. Im not sure how it is on keto i havent actually used it since we started but it should be fine in small amounts just trying to start getting in to eating cheese. Would you say the look taste or texture is worse for you? Maybe people can suggest some things to try based on that.

(Ken) #10

The term “A Clockwork Cheese” just happened to pop into my head. Talk about successful aversion therapy.

(Angelica Lopez) #11

Sorry to ask, but do you remember the kind of cheese? Some people are mostly familiar with American and Cheddar cheeses, which have the same looks, aromas, and textures. I suggest you take a trip to the store, or a cheese store would be best, and try something different, maybe a dry Italian cheese or a British cheddar aged at least a couple of years. The longer it’s aged, the less it tastes or smells like your typical cheese. A few good ones you should look out for are Vintage Van Gogh, Aged Havarti, Swiss Raclette, Midnight Moon, Pecorino Romano, Picante Provolone etc. It’s important to note, that cheeses made with sheep’s milk will taste different than cow’s milk cheeses, and in my opinion, better.


You are, I would say it’s simple. Just eat it. Your not CHOOSING to eat it which changes everything. It’s like working on your day off, most people hate working period, but if you CHOOSE to work an extra day for say, money for a toy, it’s a totally different thing. If you can get over the old forced thing and keep your mind on your choice to want it, that may be the difference.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #13

You don’t have to have cheese on Keto. I started a meal plan by Leanne Vogal that is dairy free. I didn’t know when I started it and was disappointed once I found out, cuz I love dairy, but honestly it can be done. I’m on my 4th week of the meal plan, and though I’m not fat-adapted yet, I’ve been in ketosis since the very first week.

Anyway, I know exactly what you mean. I did the same thing on my grandmas pumpkin cookies when I was a kid, though I wasn’t forced to eat them or the after product (so sorry to hear that experience of yours). But I once loved pumpkin, and afterwards, I couldn’t even smell it without my gag reflexes kicking in. It wasn’t until a year ago that I gave it another try and ended up liking it again. But it sounds like there is a psychological connection for you that may be as strong (if not stronger) than simply the memory of a kid who over indulged. If facing cheese brings up issues for you, maybe it’s best to find some dairy free Keto recipies.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #14

I should note that even though Leanne Vogal proves it can be done, I wouldn’t suggest her plan for beginners. I’m completing it because I’m complulsive about something once I commit to it, but she has some very complicated recipies and uses very expensive, hard to find ingredients.

Still, I know there are dairy free Keto options out there.

(Troy) #15

So sorry to hear that

Not that I eat cheese

But,to slowly introduce

Try a simple cheese flavor test?
Like those cheese crisp or parmesan snacks
Then ur getting the flavor and not the texture ( it may help ) …
Just a thought

(Rob) #16

Do you avoid cheese in all forms e.g. pizza?
I guess so, but might a Carlshead or similar pizza be a route back in? The base doesn’t taste cheesy (to me or many) but it might to you? Toppings, you could step into slowly?