I’m FURIOUS! Class Action Lawsuit? Attorneys, please weigh in

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #82

I think the studies are early and wrapped up in a lot of same nonsense that infects pretty much anything that touches food.

From my second link:

For example a diet high in saturated fat is linked with Alzheimer’s risk, but that may be because junk food is typically high in saturated fat. Would we still see the link in whole foods naturally high in saturated fat, like meat or dairy?
Additionally, specific nutrients (such as antioxidants or omega-3 fats) may not reduce Alzheimer’s risk when consumed individually. That is, nutrients may need to be eaten as part of whole foods to have an effect, known as food synergy.

As we know Sat Fat is frequently code for a person’s crap diet, it could be that Apoe4 users would process sat fat fine if they cut the sugar, flour, corn, and junky transfats from their diets. I suspect I have an Apoe4, as there’s Alz on both sides of my family, and a strong line on my dad’s side. But there’s also a lot of diabetes on that side, which is an independent risk for Alz. If you see a lot of diabetes, you have to wonder if, evolutionarily speaking, there was an advantage that has since been corrupted by high carb diets. Like maybe you make more beta-amyloid with sat fat and Apoe4, but without the carbs, you can clear that crap out of your brain by delivering the proper antioxidants and other cleaning apparatus. Or maybe you get better with regular deep, Gamma sleep and our dumb modern world screws that up for you.

(Bob M) #83

I think that statement is most likely incorrect for many junk foods. Many junk foods are high in PUFAs, not saturated fat. For instance, if you enter 4 ounces here:


There are only 2.8 grams of saturated fat and 26.5 grams of total fat. If you go here:


You can see that PUFAs make up the vast majority of the fat, and that’s all Omega 6.

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #84

Cherry pick. Burgers at fast food are high sat fat, come with fries and a bun and a sugar coke. And the fries are fried in oxidized seed oils. Best of both worlds. Sat fat in the burger providing the correlation, and really low grade carbs and PUFAs providing the damage.

(Bob M) #85

I never ate burgers, so I wouldn’t know.

Let’s just talk about terminology. What is junk food? What’s your definition of it? Doesn’t that “burger” come with fries, which are – guess what – fried in high PUFA oils? Maybe doused in high PUFA mayo? Maybe that burger is fried in high PUFA oils?

Then, let’s talk about what’s in beef. Here’s link to 80/20 beef:



OMG!!! Burger are actually higher in MONO unsaturated fat than they are SATURATED fat. Who knew?

This is the problem. Saturated fat = EVIL, so people go looking for “high” saturated fat “junk food” (whatever that is) and find it in places it does not exist.

It’s like denigrating lard, which is high in monounsaturated fat of the EXACT same type as in olive oil. Yet no one talks of this, only the EVIL saturated fat.

So, please get your facts straight before you accuse me of cherry picking.

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #86

Bob, simmer down. Nearly everything I wrote agrees with your point. It’s a mechanism for the establishment to blame sat fat when the culprits are low grade dietary carbs, cheap PUFAs, and trans fats (though trans fats less so now than a decade ago).

I think we’re largely in agreement about the real culprits, if not entirely so.

(Jeanne Wagner) #89

Yes amen hallelujah!!!