I’m FURIOUS! Class Action Lawsuit? Attorneys, please weigh in


Been Keto for 5 months and love it. It will be my WOE for life, but I am pissed. Just started reading The Obesity Code. I have been obese since young adulthood and have raised an obese daughter all because of George McGovern? Seriously? A government committee, led by McGovern, randomly decided that carbs are good for me and fat is bad? Then almost every expert latched on and here I am. Damn I’m mad.

Mcgovern is long gone but his estate is still around. Doesn’t someone think we have a class action lawsuit here?

(Adam Kirby) #2

I know this would sound completely lunatic to most people but I think the likes of the ADA and AHA have more blood on their hands than any mass murderer in history.


You’re on to something. Maybe a class action suit against the ADA and AHA?

(Adam Kirby) #4

I think that’s part of the reason these organizations keep doubling down on their failed advice, they don’t want to consider the possibility that they’ve been criminally wrong for decades.

(Allie) #5

It’s not just America, whole world really.

(TJ Borden) #6

While I agree with the anger, it’s the thought of mass litigation that probably causes them to keep doubling down on what, by now, they have to know is flawed science.

(Melissa Marie) #7

It is proffitable… there are more industries than just these with the same problem. Lobbyists throw money at politicians and the problems just get more complex and illusive. And then law suits come and the tax payer gets to pay them.

(Bunny) #8

V…need a general concensus among peers in what is deemed ‘the respectable medical community’ or equivalent e.g. AMA i.e. insurance coders etc.

…other strategy routes; have enough compiled data (peer-reviewed jour. etc.) so that it could not even withstand utmost professional scrutiny or counter argument by the opposing side etc.

Any such case, up for judicial review would have historical, national even international implications!

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #9


You have no case. It’s not just George McGovern. It’s Earl Butz, it’s numerous USDA nutrition service directors, it’s a cast of thousands. Lobbyists, scientists, hucksters and folks peddling more extreme low fat that actually works a different juju than carb restriction.

Further, sovereign immunity. Unless you can prove malfeasance or corruption, which you would never be able to prove, no sane judge would certify your class.

(Bunny) #10

Maybe ‘individual capacity?’ Just a thought!

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #11

Yeah. Nope.


(Sophie) #12

I always thought it was much like the cult classic, “Little Big Man” with Dustin Hoffman. There was never the “reversal of a Custer Decision”, ever. That’s our government, no matter how many people have to die, there won’t be a reversal of a Custer Decision.


I don’t think you can sue anyone for what diet you choose to follow. They still promote low fat / high carb diets to this day and here we are doing the opposite.

(KCKO, KCFO) #14

We decide what our meals are composed of, the government only issued some guidelines. If you are too busy or lazy or whatever to not do research on your own.

That is on you. Not a politician. Besides if an estate should be attacked for a class action settlement it should be Keyes’ that takes the hit. He knowingly lied. He was friends with important people in AHA, the government, etc. He profited from it hugely.

Justpeachy, Little Big Man is one of the most underrated movies ever. I loved it and have watched it several other times since it first came out.

(Sophie) #15

One of my All Time Favs! :heart_eyes:

(Roy D) #16

All I can say is that if you’re this mad after reading The Obesity Code, I’m glad you have not read The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholz. :worried:


The AMA also needs to be included in your lawsuit vision, as medical school standards only involve around 6 hours of nutrition training, and of that, the HCLF kind. It’s wreaked havoc on children’s health, parturient women, and… everybody else.

It’s a public health disaster zone that’s being maintained by conventional, profit-motivated professionals and very heavy marketing by industrial foods & pharmaceuticals to all medical schools and the new corporatized clinics, etc.

(Ken) #18

Besides the potential liability of the USDA, the ADA, the AHA for pushing literally decades of nutritional quackery, consider how many lawsuits have been won as far as cancer causation. It’s arguable that the Carb based diet was actually the real cause, since it suppressed immune systems so as to allow cancers to flourish.

That’s why the medical mainstream will maintain it’s very subjective and ambiguous position on cancer and diabetes causation.


McGovern personally no.

I would start with the AHA and the ADA since they get paid to endorse foods are heart healthy but science has shown they are not healthy yet they continue to endorse the un heart healthy and disadvantage the public

(Richard Morris) #20

I agree with all the anger … all of it. Yes it would be so satisfying for all the bastards to be properly tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail.

But I think the way forward is to move past anger to reconciliation.

This is something I spoke with Tim Noakes about. South Africa only managed to move past apartheid to majority rule by forgiving the sins of those who perpetrated the injustice. The had a Truth and Reconciliation process where the guilty were given government protected indemnity provided they admitted their culpability and asked forgiveness. We need this.

We need a legal shield legislated by governments around the world to give the peak bodies a short window within which to accept they were wrong and change. If they choose not to take up that opportunity within the window offered then they are open to litigation as the weight of evidence bears down upon them.

Everything would change over night. The alternative is we have to wait for multiple generations to make small changes in the right direction and then die, leaving the next generation to make the next small change etc.