I don't understand how to Keto

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #21

W. C. Fields, in “My Little Chickadee”: “I always keep a bottle of whiskey handy, in case of snake bite. I also carry a large snake. . . .”

@Geesee People have largely filled you in, but here are a couple of other data that you might have missed: First, macro percentages are always percentages of total calories, not of total weight. Since a gram of fat contains 9 calories and a gram of protein 4, this means that an equal amount of fat and protein is actually about 61% fat and 39% protein, in terms of calories. So it’s easier to get enough fat than you may have been thinking.

But the real point is this: insulin is the fat-storage hormone of the human body, par excellence. To metabolize any excess fat that may be hanging around, and for general all-round metabolic health, the body needs to minimize insulin secretion, and the only way to do that effectively is to eat an absolute minimum of carbohydrate. So staying under the 20 g/day limit that we advise will lower your insulin, put you into nutritional ketosis, and eventually will lead to your becoming fat-adapted.

But where are you going to get all the calories you need once you stop eating carbohydrate? Why, from fat, of course, since fat is the least insulinogenic of the three macronutrients (protein is essential, so you can’t cut it out; just eat a reasonable amount). Fat is not magic, it’s just the safest source of calories. It is also very tasty and will help fill you up. So when you’re hungry, eat something fatty, such as buttered cheese, and try to get a bit more fat at your next meal.

(Raj Seth) #22

I am quoting someone (on this forum), but I forget whom…
Keto diet in one sentence:
Replace all your carbs with fat.


I tell people that I eat like a diabetic with Celiac Disease who’s deathly afraid of needles. No sugar, starches, or grains. The rest will work itself out.

(Consensus is Politics) #24

Was it he that coined, “…I’d rather have this bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.”

(Consensus is Politics) #25

I’m pretty sure I’ve said that. Seeing as that’s what I did! :cowboy_hat_face:

(Roy D Rushing Jr ) #26

Don’t overcomplicate it at first. Take in less than 20 grams of carbs per day. Find enough low or no carb food so that you can do that without going hungry, and worry about getting enough fat later. If you get hungry, eat, but eat only things that will fit into your carb allowance. This WOE isn’t about being hungry or starving yourself into fitness. The only difference is you’ll be eating something like cheese, bacon, or macadamia nuts instead of bread when you’re hungry.

(Raj Seth) #27

Found it
Sorry @Robert_Johnson it was @larry :+1::grinning:

(Consensus is Politics) #28

Ok. Maybe I haven’t said it here, yet :thinking:. But it is how I usually start when someone I meet asks me how to do it. That really is the basics to keto. Replace carbs with fat. It won’t harm you. You will be going in the right direction. You can improve on the rest of it as you learn.

(David Brown) #29

to get my fats i just drink udo’s oil and coconut oil straight up. its not as bad as you think

(Wendy) #31

But one thing to also remember is butter and other healthy fats make the vitamins more available. So I don’t think they are empty at all.