I am mean!

(Jessica ) #1

Tomorrow will be one week of eating the Keto way. I have done great at staying on point, eating what I am supposed to. I’ve had sugar cravings because of my major sweet tooth, but I have done well at eating fat and salt to help with this.

Today though…I NEED sugar. I haven’t eaten it, but I need it. I tried eating my keto friendly chocolate covered bacon like I did earlier this week and it didn’t cut it. I’m being mean to my family and my kids. I don’t like what these withdrawals are doing to me. I just put myself in timeout. I feel like a crazy person! I wanted to make a keto dessert, but don’t have almond flour or swerve. Just stevia. Help! I feel like I’m losing it. This has been the hardest day so far.

(Brian Moody) #2

I wish there were easy advice. The best I can offer is to get through one craving, one minute at a time. Don’t think about how you can’t do this for the next week, month, year, etc. Just think about beating that sugar craving for the next few minutes. They will pass and eventually go away completely!

(Andy Hanson) #3

You can do it! It will pass. Think of what your friends and family will gain by having you healthy in the long run.

(Beth) #4

So it’s an emotional need? If so, then remind yourself why you’re doing it, and give yourself a break from your family – lock yourself in the proverbial closet in a time out, or whatever – but in some way that it will make you happy and feel good and “feed that need” – if you can figure that out! If you really have sugar cravings, maybe you need more straight up fat? My first week I ate so much cheese and olives. Every time I “needed” something, I reached for cheese or olives. Good luck!!

(Will Madams) #5

it will pass. stick it out trust me it will be worth it

(Scott Shillady) #6

I just always remember bacon is so much better than diabetes


@brenda makes keto sweets with stevia. There are other sweets with no almond flour too. I made a nice semifreddo which is basically eggs, cream and sweetener.

(Jessica ) #8

I ended up mixing some cream cheese, HWC, unsweetened cocoa and stevia together. Stuck it in the freezer for a little bit and it was great! I still stayed within my macros too. It was good, but I didn’t finish it because it was rich and I got full. Thank you for the support.

And yes, it definitely is an emotional response. Hoping that stops in the next couple of weeks.

(Amanda Burton) #9

We do similar chocolate treats. Also, keto cheesecake fluff (if you google it, we replace the torani sugar-free syrup in the recipe with flavored Stevia or stevia + cocoa powder or vanilla extract). Also, my husband whips up a dark chocolate mousse (maybe from 2ketodudes?) that is stevia, cocoa powder, sour cream and heavy whipping cream. In a pinch I’ve thrown a small spoonful each of cocoa powder and sour cream in my 1/2 cup magic bullet jar, then filled to the “max” line with heavy whipping cream, adding stevia to taste. Not as good as my husband’s version, but still yummy!!!


Do you have a jar of pickles on hand? Try drinking a shot of the juice. Don’t know why, but it quells sugar cravings.

(Nicole Anne Parlee) #11

I felt like this too when about this time frame into Keto! I was a rollercoaster of emotions all in one hour, including the anger… I agree, one minute at a time and what you ate sounds perfect and filling for your craving. Some days you want it more and some days not at all. You’re doing great! :slight_smile:


I had a terrible sweet tooth. I gave up candy 16 years ago after my father mentioned that he had high blood sugar. (Seems so absurd now, but at that time I actually did online searches for “does eating too much sugar cause diabetes?” Since I hadn’t been overweight, I hadn’t read diet books…Dr. Atkins had spelled it all out back in 1972, etc)

The way I gave up candy was by replacing with mixed nuts. I now know that they are high in carbs and protein when eaten in large quantities, but was unaware of all that back then.

Just wanted to say that if I was able to kick my sweet tooth, anyone can! And I did it cold turkey, as they say. :slight_smile:

(Jacquie) #13

I did something similar. Sugar was my nemesis. Nothing was ever too sweet, especially if it was sweet and creamy. Never ate nuts until I ditched the sugar. Macadamias work well though they can be somewhat calorie dense. :slight_smile:


I cringe when I think back to how much sugar I was consuming back then. I would eat about half a pound of twizzlers (licorice) or some other crap every night.
Plus, when I was vegetarian (ethical) I was really just junk-food-atarian. Great for the animals; bad for me. I ate pizza with no cheese, iceberg lettuce, french fries, and other starches. Knew nothing about nutrition (pre-internet for me…1992 on)

I only listened to Jimmy Moore because there weren’t many podcasts in 2006 when I received my first iPod and I was into fitness, then nutrition. It was his interview in the Spring of 2008 with a marathon runner who was “fat fueled” that inspired me to give up vegetarianism (and by then I had local ranchers to get pastured meat).

(Doug) #15

No doubt, Debbie. Back in the dim and distant past when Pepsi came in 16 ounce glass bottles, one local store had a wicked sale - 8 for 89 cents. I literally backed the truck up. All those gallons…

And before Hallowe’en, 30 regular-sized Reese’s peanut butter cups for $1.69. I got 6 or 7 packs, so around 200 in total. 2 or 3 days later they were gone.


Yes, the sweet/sugar craving is a devil to be sure, but this is the WAY OUT!
I struggle as well and have not been in the best macros/keto for more than a month, probably less when I think of it and so I know I’m not truly fat adapted yet.
I find there are days that all I can think of is how and what to make for a keto dessert.
For me, fasting helps quell this craving in a very big way and also to keep me from overeating in general as I become more in tune with my hunger vs emotional stuff.
We’re rooting you on!

(Arlene) #17

200 Reese’s peanut butter cups in 2-3 days seems extreme to us now, yet when we were junk food junkies it was routine, Halloween and Easter were my favorite seasons because of the sales on candy. That said, I didn’t need a sale to eat bags of chocolate every week. I ate plenty of ice cream too. I am one of those people who gets started on candy and just keeps going till the package is empty or I am sick.
It’s great to be in control of my choices now.


At this early stage of keto transition, I have to admit this all sounds absolutely delicious! Hahaha! Lord, help me focus on bacon, butter, brie and olives!

(Kevin) #19

Roger that! Hallowe’en trick-or-treating officially ran from 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. when I was a kid. Little kids went out earlier, older ones after dark. Well, many did it that way. My brothers and I would jump the gun and be out around 5:45 p.m. and go until 11 p.m. or later, just getting all we could. Large paper shopping bags filled to the top, 25, 30 lbs. of candy, put it in your room, go running out with another empty bag…

(Arlene) #20

Wow, you’ve got me beat. We never got to go out twice, and we certainly didn’t get to fill up any full-size grocery bags. I used to visit the neighbor kids a lot. My neighbor’s kids would eat just a piece or two each day. Their Halloween candy would last months. I wondered how they could eat just one or two candies like that. Seemed like torture to me. My Halloween candy lasted a day or two, at best.