Humor :-)

(John) #201

Sumo wrestlers only.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #202

I will publicly humiliate men who do this on the subway.



(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #204

:clap:t4: amen!

(Running from stupidity) #205

My wife thought it was a great idea to change, because it chopped about 65 letters off her surname. #Netherlandsrepresent


But if your last name was Cox or Boner it might have been different.

(Running from stupidity) #207

What about if it was Cox-Boner? Even better, right?

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #208

The first time I got married I did change my last name. But I was 19 and didn’t really have my own “identity” at the time. The second time I didn’t change it. And thankfully I didn’t cause we divorced :joy:

(Running from stupidity) #209

Young Ones:

MIKE: I’ll bet you are. So there’s always tonight. What’d you say your name was?

HELEN: Promise you won’t laugh? [Mike nods] It’s Helen. [Vyvyan laughs, but Mike stops him] Sounds like the kind of name someone would give to someone who looks as if they’d been to Hell and back, isn’t it? [Vyvyan is really confused] It’s terribly embarrassing. Still, at least my surname isn’t Back. It’d be awful, wouldn’t it? Helen Back.


My surname is Mucous.

(Jane) #210

Yeah, but my maiden name is still another man’s name - my Dad’s. How is that an improvement?

My own names that are truly mine are my first and middle names.

(Running from stupidity) #211

Did you change them from ones you had earlier in your life, Regina-style?

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #212

This is true. I guess I just see them as the names I was born with, which I don’t ever wanna change again :blush:

(Jane) #213

No. But my last name has been through the wringer!!!

(Running from stupidity) #214


(Carl Keller) #215


(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #216

I just remembered this picture I took a few years ago… I knew cookies were trouble🤨

(Doug) #217

(Ken) #218

At my University, there was actually a student named Fonda Dicks. I’ll bet she was happy to take the last name of her husband.


It’s a shame she married that German guy, Lukas Koch.


My second dog was pretty tired out after her weekly training class yesterday. Back home I wasn’t sure which of these dogs I needed to walk because they were all non-responsive.