Question: how do y’all want us to handle OPINIONS (especially those without scientific backing) being posted to come across as FACTS? I have tried to ignore them, but, honestly, in the last few months I have seen more and more of this. I admit I’m really aggravated by this. It’s beginning to be a bit too “Facebook-y” because there’s so much of it going on now.
I admit, also, that I was “raised,” so to speak, on the concept of message boards over at the Straight Dope. Have been part of that community, first as a lurker, since 1995. For anyone not familiar with that mb, they set the standard across the internet for mb behavior, for shouting “cite???” whenever someone posts a questionable fact, for setting up clear and understandable rules (like “don’t be a jerk”) and set the gold standard for moderation/administration. They tend to be fact-focused and kinda science-y in their more fact-focused fora, too, just like here. So I guess I come here with similar expectations.
I felt comfortable enough with one poster today to request a cite for what he was saying without fearing he would holler about it (after all, aren’t we science-focused here? I could be wrong. He might holler. I hope not. I don’t think I was rude.) But I haven’t seen a response from him yet, so I don’t know what’s going to happen.
I remember @Capnbob starting a thread a few months ago about people posting the same question over and over without searching first. I totally and completely agree with him, including down to the frustration with it.
I believe that the members of a mb establish the culture. I don’t want this mb to turn into Facebook 2.0, where “I heard that…” or “I read somewhere…” or, God help us, “They say that…”. I WANT to be able to ask for cites no matter who posts. I WANT to be able to say “did you search the forum before you posted?” And I WANT to be able to say “don’t ask us to do your homework for you” to those who come in and start asking questions and demanding things before they have done the first resource-reading. And I WANT to be able to do these things without being accused of attacking (I would NEVER attack anyone!) or junior-modding (modding is y’all’s role.) Guess my frustration is a little obvious. I don’t think the mods and admins want to see multiple flags a day because of opinions-as-facts or things like that. I know they are volunteers and their time is valuable!
I really like the science and the focus on real information that I see here (even though I don’t see it as much anymore.) But with some of the things that have been happening lately, I have to admit I really don’t post much anymore, and sometimes I don’t even come here for days at a time. It’s sad.
I guess I’m really hoping for some guidance from Richard and @carl (I didn’t @ Richard because of his family situation.). I know that it’s your mb, guys, that y’all started it and it belongs to you, and that you could just tell me not to let the door hit me in the butt on my way out, but I’m hoping you won’t do that.
At first I loved it here. I just want to be able to continue to love it here.
Thanks so much for reading this and considering my concerns.